A workshop of the Digital Humanities Leipzig research programme.
5. 8. 2013. Software to install:
Clone a repository using Mercurial (dse)
Problems with installing Gradle-1.6 on Windows XP (visible in Command Prompt):
Cloned another repository using Mercurial (dsetemplate)
Opened the TextInventory file using Oxygen (added the path to TextInventory in the Customize: Schema URL)
Created test files using Oxygen: Publilius Syrus.xml (this is a TextInventory) Izdanje5.xml (this is a TEI XML to contain text)
Edited conf.gradle file:
Started Gradle in Command Prompt:
Creating a test document (with the text of the edition): created a new file using Oxygen (document type: TEI P5 – all)
Started Gradle:
ran gradle ctsttl – passed all tests after fixing the error
2 files created as a result: cts.ttl izdanje5-00001.txt
sustav: Mac OS 10.6.8.
- instalacija:
problem u instalaciji – u sustavu nije postojao gcc (C compiler) niti se mogao instalirati
rješenje – nađena binary verzija Mercuriala na: http://mercurial.berkwood.com/
Kloniran repozitorij dse (Terminal, via Mercurial: hg clone https://bitbucket.org/neelsmith/dse)
- preuzete datoteke (via Mercurial):
dsetemplate (Terminal: hg clone https://bitbucket.org/neelsmith/dsetemplate)
- kreirane datoteke (Oxygen):
minorpoets.xml (TextInventory)
new> customize> Schema URL: dsetemplate/texts/editions/TextInventory.rng
mlp.xml (TEI) – kreirano naknadno
- gradle (instalacija)
- gradle (konfiguracija):
Terminal (u folderu dse): gradle tasks
- gradle (validacija):
Terminal: gradle checkti
problem: datoteka nije prošla validaciju, jer nije bio specificiran ctsnamespace
rješenje: dodano <ctsnamespace abbr=“latinLit” ns=“http://stoa.org/ctsns” /> kao prvi child node na root node <TextInventory>
- gradle (kreacija RDF)
Terminal: gradle ttl
problem – još nije bila kreirana datoteka mlp.xml na koju se poziva minorpoets.xml (TextInventory): <online docname=“mlp.xml”>
rješenje – datoteka je kreirana prema TEI p5.all templatu
nastale datoteke:
Report prepared by Željka Salopek.
Connecting image with text inventory
1. CTS working repository is croaladse
2. CTS RDF-serving repository (where the ttl files will be) is croaladsepub – cloned from dsetemplate
3. gradle.conf in the CTS RDF-serving repository must point to relevant places in the CTS working repository
4. gradle checkti
5. gradle ttl
Anamarija Žugić, Jan Šipoš, Jura Ozmec
Instalacija programa i alata za rad na tekstu:
u programu LibreOffice: Tools> Extension Manager>Add (odabrati željenu ekstenziju)
Rad na tekstu: