March - Welcome
meeting, library, 2. floor,
12:00 – 13:30
12 March - „Diversity Icebreaker“ workshop, A-229, 11:00 – 13:30
18 March - visiting the Museum of Broken Relationships, 18:00 (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 17:40)
31 March – visiting the Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 11:55)
2 April – „Traditional Croatian products and brands“ workshop, A-229, 12:00 – 15:30, limited number of participants!
3 April – going to Hrelić (meeting point at „Stjepan Radić“ tram station at 10:00)
19 April – visiting “Lado”, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia, 10:30 – 12:00, meeting point outside the Croatian National Theatre, limited number of participants!
20.04. ART DECO,u 17:15h, Museum of modern art
7 May – a one-day trip to Krapina, visiting Krapina Neanderthal Museum
Final meeting: at the end of May, the date and place will be announced later
The final intercultural meeting will be realised in the context of the exhibition, which we will enrich with the documentation of our meetings, get-togethers, activities of incoming and outgoing students, as well as the project’s accomplishments during the summer semester of 2011. The date and place of the event will be announced later.
For further information sign up to our Facebook page, Međunarodni klub studenata FFZG-a, or contact us: internacionalniklub.ffzg@gmail.com.
Welcome meeting, 9 March, library, 2. floor, 12:00 – 13:30
At the Welcome meeting, the project’s organisers wished a successful summer semester, as well as an unforgettable stay in Zagreb to incoming exchange students. The meeting itself, however, focused on presenting the organisers of the project, tasks, objectives, and the work plan and activities of the International students club of FFZG for the summer semester of academic year 2010-2011.

„Diversity Icebreaker“ workshop, 12 March, A-229, 11:00 – 13 12 March, A-229, 11:00 – 13:30
The purpose and goal of this workshop is acquaintance with each other, as well as the reflection of one’s personality bearing in mind the individual differences of a person in a group or team.
With the help of a fast, simple and scientifically based personality test, we will open a turbulent discussion and make a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
Museum of Broken Relationships, 18 March (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 17:40)
The Museum of Broken Relationships grew from a traveling exhibition revolving around the concept of failed relationships and their ruins. The Museum's particularity lies in the fact that it offers a chance to overcome an emotional collapse through creation: by contributing to the Museum's collection.
Conceptualized in Croatia by Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić, the Museum has since toured internationally, amassing an amazing collection. Although often coloured by personal experience, local culture and history, the exhibits presented here form universal patterns offering us to discover them and feel the comfort they can bring. Hopefully they can also inspire our personal search for deeper insights and strengthen our belief in something more meaningful than random suffering.
Taken from:
We chose the Museum of Broken Relationships for the original idea of its content, actuality and overall ambience of the Upper Town, through which we will take a walk.
Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment, 31 March (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 11:55)
The Centre for Women’s Studies will guide us through the Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment. The entrance is free of charge, and we will enjoy in the apartment until 14:00, so you can return in time for your lectures and seminars if you won’t join us for ice cream at Vincek.
A few interesting facts about Marija Jurić Zagorka:
Marija Jurić Zagorka (Negovec near Vrbovec, 1873 – Zagreb, 1957) is the first professional Croatian female journalist and the most widely read Croatian female writer who started and edited Ženski list (Women’s magazine), the first Croatian magazine for women. She fought against social discrimination, Magyarisation and Germanisation, and for women’s rights. She wrote novels in which she entwines love stories with elements of national history. Some of her prose works have been dramatised and filmed.
A few interesting facts about Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment:
A 134 square metre apartment situated at 8 Dolac, in which the writer spent the last two decades of her life, represents an informational and documentational centre for studying Zagorka’s life and work, but also a polyvalent multimedial cultural space intended for studying women’s work in Croatia. The specific quality of the apartment is also a library with over 3,000 books and magazines dedicated to women topics and gender equality, as well as to fiction writing of home and foreign female authors.
Besides the mentioned, in the Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment a visitor can view a memorial room with artefacts from Zagorka’s time (restaured Zagorka’s furniture, writing desk and writing machine, sashes ...).
We decided to introduce culture lovers to this great personage of Croatian history in order to fulfil their wish for enrichment of their knowledge of Croatian culture, literature and heritage.

2 April Traditional Croatian Products & Brands Workshop, A-229, 12:00 – 15:30
If you would like to taste the genuine Croatian cuisine and help pick the best food, while learning about Croatian culture and meeting new people and having lots of fun, then come and visit our workshop!
19 April Visiting folklore dance ensemble "Lado", 10:30, in front of HNK (The National Theatre)
Are you interested in how Croatians used to dress in the past? Do you know why Istrian bi-vocal singing bears a mark of UNESCO world cultural heritage?
If you would like to dance a collective circle dance – the kolo – with “Lado” members and see 1 500 items of genuine Croatian tracht come and visit the “Lado”!
20.04. ART DECO,u 17:15h, Museum of modern art
The subject is the exhibition "ART DECO and the art between the two wars in Croatia" in Museum of Arts and Crafts . Art deco implies a change in the way of living which happened after the First world war. The culture of living that we have today developed on the bases of the innovation from that period. The exhibition comprises diverse areas of life, from magazines which followed celebrities of that era, contests for the miss, examples of fashion from that period, sports competition,
famous dance halls, Zagreb architecture, items of Croatian artists which received first prizes at international exhibitions and fun adverts to Charlie Chaplin's movie "The Great Dictator".
One day trip to the Neanderthal Museum in Krapina, 7 May
On 7 May we plan to visit Krapina. We are going to visit the new Neanderthal Museum and try to experience pre-History first-hand, then comes the original strudel pastry, and after that a visit to the Museum souvenir shop and enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the Zagorje region.
Basic trip info:
●Departing from Zagreb: 9:27h, Main Train Station- Arrival in Krapina: 11:00h (If you’re interested in the trip, please purchase return ticket a few days in advance!)
●Departing from Krapina: 18:00h-Arrival in Zagreb: 19:17h
The return ticket fee is around 70 kuna, (but if you have an ISIC or EURO 26 cards you get a 15% discount).
We will take care of Museum tickets (this concerns only international students).
In order that you experience the Museum at its best we will organise a guided tour of the Museum and the archaeological site.
All interested students please confirm your participation via Facebook event invitation that will be sent to you :http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_167023830008358&ap=1 or contact us via e-mail: internacionalniklub.ffzg@gmail.com
Keep in mind that the number of visitors is limited!!!
Additional info on the Museum →http://www.mhz.hr/krapina.html
The new Neanderthal Museum in Krapina is one of the most modern museums in the world. It is equipped with latest technology including numerous visual, olfactory and other sensations. It brings you close to the fascinating world of the Neanderthals and it places you in the middle of pre-History. The visitors can experience the presentation of cosmic evolution and feel the air of the primeval age first-hand.
At the very entrance you can hear animal screams and Neanderthal voices. As we roam in the wilderness in search of wild beasts we encounter a historical date: 23 August 1899 – the day when a local teacher, Mr. Rehorić, sent Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger the mysterious bones he had found there.
The Museum depicts the creation of the world, the development of the Earth and the first living organisms so the visitors can trace the development of the human kind from the first hominids to Neanderthals from Krapina. One of the biggest attractions – the icy passage – is set in the section of the Museum that presents the Neanderthals’ spirituality and rituals.
One particularly interesting exhibit is the body of a Neanderthal man in his sickbed that can be ‘examined’ by four visitors at the same time and there are information in three languages about the injuries he sustained including illustrations and x-rays.
The final section of the Museum deals with the rapid cultural and technological progress of the human kind and the inside tour of the museum ends with an image of an astronaut. After that there is a path that leads to the archaeological site where the visitors can continue their exploration in the open.
Visit to Hrelić, 3 April (gathering at 10:00h at "Stjepan Radić" bus stop)
-shopping & sausages!
Hrelić – the most popular shopping place in the City! City Center or Avenue Mall are just for hipsters Hrelić is where you go shopping! Second hand shop on a GRAND scale!
It’s a place where all sorts of people gather (grannies,
gypsies…) to sell a myriad of different goods –
picture is worth a thousand words!
And if you’ve got a lot of money, you can even buy a car for a bargain price – it’s the largest car sale in Europe!
You come with just a little cash and you get bags full of things you never even thought can be found. At Hrelić, nothing is impossible.
But that’s not all folks: the best thing there are pubs and grill houses where you can taste the greasy domestic cuisine and feel the domestic atmosphere! Sausages and beans, buns and burek together with cold lager – that’s the ritual after every successful shopping.
12 March - „Diversity Icebreaker“ workshop, A-229, 11:00 – 13:30
18 March - visiting the Museum of Broken Relationships, 18:00 (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 17:40)
31 March – visiting the Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 11:55)
2 April – „Traditional Croatian products and brands“ workshop, A-229, 12:00 – 15:30, limited number of participants!
3 April – going to Hrelić (meeting point at „Stjepan Radić“ tram station at 10:00)
19 April – visiting “Lado”, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia, 10:30 – 12:00, meeting point outside the Croatian National Theatre, limited number of participants!
20.04. ART DECO,u 17:15h, Museum of modern art
7 May – a one-day trip to Krapina, visiting Krapina Neanderthal Museum
Final meeting: at the end of May, the date and place will be announced later
The final intercultural meeting will be realised in the context of the exhibition, which we will enrich with the documentation of our meetings, get-togethers, activities of incoming and outgoing students, as well as the project’s accomplishments during the summer semester of 2011. The date and place of the event will be announced later.
For further information sign up to our Facebook page, Međunarodni klub studenata FFZG-a, or contact us: internacionalniklub.ffzg@gmail.com.

Welcome meeting, 9 March, library, 2. floor, 12:00 – 13:30
At the Welcome meeting, the project’s organisers wished a successful summer semester, as well as an unforgettable stay in Zagreb to incoming exchange students. The meeting itself, however, focused on presenting the organisers of the project, tasks, objectives, and the work plan and activities of the International students club of FFZG for the summer semester of academic year 2010-2011.

„Diversity Icebreaker“ workshop, 12 March, A-229, 11:00 – 13 12 March, A-229, 11:00 – 13:30
The purpose and goal of this workshop is acquaintance with each other, as well as the reflection of one’s personality bearing in mind the individual differences of a person in a group or team.
With the help of a fast, simple and scientifically based personality test, we will open a turbulent discussion and make a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
Museum of Broken Relationships, 18 March (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 17:40)
The Museum of Broken Relationships grew from a traveling exhibition revolving around the concept of failed relationships and their ruins. The Museum's particularity lies in the fact that it offers a chance to overcome an emotional collapse through creation: by contributing to the Museum's collection.
Conceptualized in Croatia by Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić, the Museum has since toured internationally, amassing an amazing collection. Although often coloured by personal experience, local culture and history, the exhibits presented here form universal patterns offering us to discover them and feel the comfort they can bring. Hopefully they can also inspire our personal search for deeper insights and strengthen our belief in something more meaningful than random suffering.
Taken from:
We chose the Museum of Broken Relationships for the original idea of its content, actuality and overall ambience of the Upper Town, through which we will take a walk.

Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment, 31 March (meeting point at Ban Jelačić Square by the clock at 11:55)
The Centre for Women’s Studies will guide us through the Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment. The entrance is free of charge, and we will enjoy in the apartment until 14:00, so you can return in time for your lectures and seminars if you won’t join us for ice cream at Vincek.
A few interesting facts about Marija Jurić Zagorka:

Marija Jurić Zagorka (Negovec near Vrbovec, 1873 – Zagreb, 1957) is the first professional Croatian female journalist and the most widely read Croatian female writer who started and edited Ženski list (Women’s magazine), the first Croatian magazine for women. She fought against social discrimination, Magyarisation and Germanisation, and for women’s rights. She wrote novels in which she entwines love stories with elements of national history. Some of her prose works have been dramatised and filmed.
A few interesting facts about Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment:
A 134 square metre apartment situated at 8 Dolac, in which the writer spent the last two decades of her life, represents an informational and documentational centre for studying Zagorka’s life and work, but also a polyvalent multimedial cultural space intended for studying women’s work in Croatia. The specific quality of the apartment is also a library with over 3,000 books and magazines dedicated to women topics and gender equality, as well as to fiction writing of home and foreign female authors.
Besides the mentioned, in the Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment a visitor can view a memorial room with artefacts from Zagorka’s time (restaured Zagorka’s furniture, writing desk and writing machine, sashes ...).
We decided to introduce culture lovers to this great personage of Croatian history in order to fulfil their wish for enrichment of their knowledge of Croatian culture, literature and heritage.

2 April Traditional Croatian Products & Brands Workshop, A-229, 12:00 – 15:30
If you would like to taste the genuine Croatian cuisine and help pick the best food, while learning about Croatian culture and meeting new people and having lots of fun, then come and visit our workshop!
19 April Visiting folklore dance ensemble "Lado", 10:30, in front of HNK (The National Theatre)
Are you interested in how Croatians used to dress in the past? Do you know why Istrian bi-vocal singing bears a mark of UNESCO world cultural heritage?
If you would like to dance a collective circle dance – the kolo – with “Lado” members and see 1 500 items of genuine Croatian tracht come and visit the “Lado”!

20.04. ART DECO,u 17:15h, Museum of modern art

The subject is the exhibition "ART DECO and the art between the two wars in Croatia" in Museum of Arts and Crafts . Art deco implies a change in the way of living which happened after the First world war. The culture of living that we have today developed on the bases of the innovation from that period. The exhibition comprises diverse areas of life, from magazines which followed celebrities of that era, contests for the miss, examples of fashion from that period, sports competition,
famous dance halls, Zagreb architecture, items of Croatian artists which received first prizes at international exhibitions and fun adverts to Charlie Chaplin's movie "The Great Dictator".
One day trip to the Neanderthal Museum in Krapina, 7 May
On 7 May we plan to visit Krapina. We are going to visit the new Neanderthal Museum and try to experience pre-History first-hand, then comes the original strudel pastry, and after that a visit to the Museum souvenir shop and enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the Zagorje region.
Basic trip info:
●Departing from Zagreb: 9:27h, Main Train Station- Arrival in Krapina: 11:00h (If you’re interested in the trip, please purchase return ticket a few days in advance!)
●Departing from Krapina: 18:00h-Arrival in Zagreb: 19:17h
The return ticket fee is around 70 kuna, (but if you have an ISIC or EURO 26 cards you get a 15% discount).
We will take care of Museum tickets (this concerns only international students).
In order that you experience the Museum at its best we will organise a guided tour of the Museum and the archaeological site.
All interested students please confirm your participation via Facebook event invitation that will be sent to you :http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_167023830008358&ap=1 or contact us via e-mail: internacionalniklub.ffzg@gmail.com
Keep in mind that the number of visitors is limited!!!

Additional info on the Museum →http://www.mhz.hr/krapina.html
The new Neanderthal Museum in Krapina is one of the most modern museums in the world. It is equipped with latest technology including numerous visual, olfactory and other sensations. It brings you close to the fascinating world of the Neanderthals and it places you in the middle of pre-History. The visitors can experience the presentation of cosmic evolution and feel the air of the primeval age first-hand.
At the very entrance you can hear animal screams and Neanderthal voices. As we roam in the wilderness in search of wild beasts we encounter a historical date: 23 August 1899 – the day when a local teacher, Mr. Rehorić, sent Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger the mysterious bones he had found there.
The Museum depicts the creation of the world, the development of the Earth and the first living organisms so the visitors can trace the development of the human kind from the first hominids to Neanderthals from Krapina. One of the biggest attractions – the icy passage – is set in the section of the Museum that presents the Neanderthals’ spirituality and rituals.
One particularly interesting exhibit is the body of a Neanderthal man in his sickbed that can be ‘examined’ by four visitors at the same time and there are information in three languages about the injuries he sustained including illustrations and x-rays.
The final section of the Museum deals with the rapid cultural and technological progress of the human kind and the inside tour of the museum ends with an image of an astronaut. After that there is a path that leads to the archaeological site where the visitors can continue their exploration in the open.
Visit to Hrelić, 3 April (gathering at 10:00h at "Stjepan Radić" bus stop)
-shopping & sausages!
Hrelić – the most popular shopping place in the City! City Center or Avenue Mall are just for hipsters Hrelić is where you go shopping! Second hand shop on a GRAND scale!
It’s a place where all sorts of people gather (grannies,

And if you’ve got a lot of money, you can even buy a car for a bargain price – it’s the largest car sale in Europe!
You come with just a little cash and you get bags full of things you never even thought can be found. At Hrelić, nothing is impossible.
But that’s not all folks: the best thing there are pubs and grill houses where you can taste the greasy domestic cuisine and feel the domestic atmosphere! Sausages and beans, buns and burek together with cold lager – that’s the ritual after every successful shopping.