Home         Department of English                   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences                                                                                                               Zagreb


Joining Instructions

 Programme (updated)


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UZRT 2012 Conference

Empirical Research in English Applied Linguistics


Registration Fee Payment Options


The registration fee covers your refreshments during breaks and the conference proceedings.


The fee is 250 HRK (or 35 euros) per conference participant or presenter. For joint presenters it is 500 HRK (or 70 euros).


You can make a bank transfer to the university account or pay the fee in cash in HRK on your arrival.


1. If you pay cash, you will be given a bill on the spot.  Do let us know in advance the exact name(s) (of your institution) you need stated in the bill.


2. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, here is the data you need:

Account number: 236000-1101311177

IBAN: HR1823600001101311177


In the text message please add: 2-320-2188  UZRT 2012. 

Please include your name, too (or names, if two speakers).



Please inform us of your choice by email (jdjigunovic@gmail.com and mmedved@ffzg.hr) by 31st May 2012.