Dr. sc. Zrinka Blažević                              << natrag    <<<  back



Kratak životopis / Short Biography

Stipendije, gostovanja / Scholarships, Fellowships

Bibliografija / Bibliography

Konferencije, predavanja / Conferences, Lectures

Nastavne aktivnosti / Teaching Activities

Ostale aktivnosti / Remaining Activities




Zrinka Blažević rođena je 25. ožujka 1972. godine u Zagrebu.


Godine 1991. upisuje povijest i latinski jezik s rimskom književnošću na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu gdje je diplomirala 1996. Iste godine upisuje poslijediplomski studij povijesti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, a magistarski rad pod naslovom "Croatia rediviva Pavla Rittera Vitezovića u suvremenom europskom kontekstu".


Magistarski rad "Ideološka koncepcija u djelima postkarlovačkog ciklusa Pavla Rittera Vitezovića (1652.-1713.)" obranila je 2001. godine.



Godine 2005. obranila je doktorsku disertaciju iz povijesti, također na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, na temu "Ilirski ideologem u 17. stoljeću: upotrebe, funkcije, značenja."


Od 1997. do 2001. godine zaposlena je kao mlađi asistent na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest na projektu "Hrvatska latinistička historiografija”, a od 2001. godine radi kao asistent na projektu Triplex Confinium pri Zavodu za hrvatsku povijest Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. 


Od 2001. godine, tajnica je Centra za komparativnohistorijske studije (sada Centar za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne studije) pri Zavodu za hrvatsku povijest.


Temeljno područje interesa Zrinke Blažević je intelektualna historija, osobito istraživanje ranonovovjekovnih historiografskih diskursa i nacionalnoideologijskih koncepata, teorija historije, kulturna historija, historijska antropologija, povijest rodova/spolova, ekohistorija i povijest religije. Bavi se i prevođenjem latinske poezije i historiografske proze na hrvatski jezik te je do sada objavila nekoliko knjiga prijevoda.





Zrinka Blažević was born on March 25, 1972 in Zagreb, Croatia.


From 1991 to 1996 she attended history and Latin language program at the Faculty of Philosophy (University of Zagreb) and graduated History on the topic "Croatia rediviva by Pavao Ritter Vitezović in the contemporary European context". In the same year she enrolled post-graduate studies in history at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.


In 2001 she won a master's degree in history on the topic "Ideological conception in the postkarlowitz cycle of writings of Pavao Ritter Vitezovic (1652.-1713.)".


In 2005 she won a PhD in history at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. The topic of the PhD thesis was "Illyrian ideologeme in the 17th century: uses, functions, meanings".


From 1997 to 2001 she worked as an assistant at the Croatian Institute for History in the project "Latin Historiography in Croatia". Now she is working as an assistant at the Institute of Croatian History (History Department, Faculty of Philosophy) on the project "Triplex Confinium", led by Prof. Drago Roksandić.


From 2001, she works as a secretary of the  Centre for Comparative Historical Studies (now Centre for Comparative Historical and Intercultural Studies) at the Institute for Croatian History


Her main field of interest is intellectual history, especially analysis of early modern historiographic discourses and ideological concepts, theory of history, cultural history, historical anthropology, gender history, eco-history, history of religion. She also translates Latin poetry and historiographic prose into Croatian.


Stipendije, Gostovanja / Scholarships, Fellowships



Knjige / Books

Prijevodi / Translations

Znanstveni radovi / Scientific Articles 

 Prikazi i ocjene / Reviews


 KOnferencije, predavanja / Conferences, Lectures

Nastavne aktivnosti / Teaching Activities


From the academic year 2000/2001 she has been working as a teaching assistant on the course “Early Modern World’s History” led by Prof. Dr. Drago Roksandić. From September 2004, she teaches the same mandatory course on her own. 

Ostale aktivnosti / Remaining Activities


Other Projects

·          from 1996 to 2001 member of the Scientific Project «Croatian Historiography in Latin» at the Croatian Institute for History

·          contributor of the Scientific Project «Basic Documents of the Croatian History»(led by Prof. Dr. Nikša Stančić) at the Institute of Croatian History

Member of the Croatian Association of Literary Translators

Member of the Association for Women's History "Clio"

Contributor of the Croatian Literary Encyclopedia (Leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleža") and Lexocon of Croatian Literature – Works (Školska knjiga)


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