Praise of a city (laudatio urbis) is a standard medieval and Renaissance theme; famous examples include the Laudatio Florentinae urbis (1403–4) by Leonardo Bruni and the Urbs Noriberga illustrata carmine heroico (1532) by Helius Eobanus Hessus. Variations on this theme may be found in at least fifty Latin texts about the Eastern Adriatic coast, from Trieste to Shkodër, written between 1268 and 1608. These texts were recently gathered in a digital collection Laudationes urbium Dalmaticarum, which is itself a part of a larger Croatiae auctores Latini collection (CroALa). One of the laudationes is a description of Split by Marko Marulić, a passage from his antiquarian text In epigrammata priscorum commentarius (1503–1510). Here we introduce the Laudationes urbium Dalmaticarum collection and then explore the relationship of Marulić's text to it. How is his description similar to other texts? How is it different?
Source: Adam, Robert (1728-1792) / Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia (1764), Plate XX. View of the peristylium of the palace.
“Pohvale gradova” (laudationes urbium) poseban su srednjovjekovni i renesansni žanr, ili barem tematski kompleks; kao najpoznatiji renesansni primjeri obično se navode Brunijev panegirik Laudatio Florentinae urbis (1403-4) i Urbs Noriberga illustrata carmine heroico Helija Eobana Hessa (1532). Elementi se kompleksa laudationes urbium mogu naći u barem pedesetak renesansnih latinskih tekstova vezanih uz istočnu obalu Jadrana, od Trsta do Skadra, nastalih između 1268. i 1600; ti su tekstovi odnedavno objedinjeni u digitalnoj zbirci Croatiae auctores Latini. Među njima se nalazi i poznati opis Splita iz Marulićeva antikvarnog spisa In epigrammata priscorum commentarius (1503–1510). Prikazat ćemo najprije samu zbirku pohvala istočnojadranskih gradova da bismo potom unutar nje odredili položaj Marulićeve pohvale: u čemu sliči drugima, u čemu se od njih razlikuje?
Flickr photo: Sebastià Giralt.
Hrvatski tekst, u verziji za usmeno izlaganje, nalazi se ovdje (PDF, 145 KB).
Prezentacija na hrvatskom nalazi se ovdje (PDF, 4,1 MB).
An English handout is available here (PDF, 98 KB).