A bash script wrapper, running the same perl script three times over a JSON file with lemmatizing service results. Three different types of results are extracted separately: unrecognized words (FORMA NON RECOGNITA), ambiguous lemmatizations (VERBUM AMBIGUUM) and unambiguously lemmatized forms.
Writes results to files, gives some reports.
#!/bin/bash # Jovanovic, 2013-01 # usage: ./jsonu3.sh ime.json # read arguments from command line, # reformat the JSON for processing, write JSON file perl persjson-fnr.pl $1.json \ | grep 'FORMA NON RECOGNITA' > $1-fnr.csv perl persjson-fnr.pl $1.json \ | grep 'VERBUM AMBIGUUM' > $1-ambig.csv perl persjson-fnr.pl $1.json \ | grep -v 'FORMA NON RECOGNITA\|VERBUM AMBIGUUM' > $1-lemma.csv wc -l $1-fnr.csv wc -l $1-ambig.csv wc -l $1-lemma.csv
Uses Perl script persjson-fnr.pl.