Experiment with regex homonyms in Latin words

Task: get information (number of occurrences found) on different regex combinations for searching CroALa (e. g. Amazonid.., Amazonid…, Amazonid…., Amazonid*).

Steps / algorithm

  1. Prepare a list of Latin words
  2. Stem the list
  3. Prepare stems for orthographical variation (PhiloLogic's crapser)
  4. Prepare a set of regexes for each stem
  5. Send variant regexes as queries to PhiloLogic
  6. Get results, turn them into a CSV file (search string, number of occurrences)
  7. Create a HTML table, each result in a separate row
z/croala-regex-homonyms.txt · Last modified: 02. 11. 2012. 01:26 by njovanov
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