Važna nagrada za prof. dr. sc. Aleksandra Štulhofera

Poštovane i drage kolegice i kolege,

S ponosom i velikim zadovoljstvom javljamo da je naš kolega Aleksandar Štulhofer dobitnik ovogodišnje Alfred C. Kinsey Distinguished Researcher Award koju dodjeljuje the Kinsey Institute, vodeća znanstvena institucija u istraživanju ljudske seksualnosti.

Iz obrazloženja dodjele nagrade kolegi Štulhoferu: This award is in recognition of your outstanding leadership in the field and your innovative contributions to a deep multi-disciplinary understanding of sexology, especially your research on human sexuality including sexual satisfaction, relationship context of sexual experience, and developmental lifespan considerations of sexual behavior and experience. […] Thank you for your spectacular contributions to the field of sexology.

Kratka crtica o nagradi: The annual Alfred C. Kinsey Distinguished Researcher Award honors renowned scientists and academics who shape our understanding of human sexuality through their sex research. Dr. Kinsey’s pioneering research changed the way human sexuality is perceived and led to a greater acceptance of diversity in sexual expression. This award represents validation, gratitude, and support of the individuals who have the vision, determination, courage, and commitment to conduct sex research.

Odsjek za sociologiju