dr. sc. Budak, Neven, redovni profesor


Hrvatska verzija

Date and place of birth
- Zagreb/Croatia, May 3rd 1957

- studied history (Croatian history, history of the Southern Slavs, general history) at the University of Zagreb 1975-1979 and acquired the MA in Medieval history at the same university in 1983
- PhD thesis, defended in 1991 (The urbanization of the Varaždin county 1100-1600) at the same University


  • assistant at the Chair of Croatian history/University of Zagreb in 1980
  • since 1983 lecturing on Croatian medieval history
  • 1991 assistant professor at the same Chair
  • 1997 professor at the same Chair
  • July 17th, 2002 full professor at the same Chair (at www.unizg.hr there is the English version of the University Statute, with the description of the election procedure)
  • 1994-2002 also teaching at the Central European University in Budapest, Department of Medieval studies, first as visiting professor and since 1996 as assistant professor belonging to the resident faculty
  • 1996-1999 courses at the Southeast European Program of the same University
  • apart from Zagreb and Budapest, occasionally lecturing at universities of Ljubljana/Slovenia (postgraduate course), Münster (graduate course), Osijek/Croatia (graduate course) and Rijeka, Department of history in Pula/Croatia (graduate course)


  • from October 1994 to the end of September 1998 head of the Department of History at the University of Zagreb, as the only member of the Department who was elected twice to this office (reelected in 1996)
  • from 1994 to 2000 head of the Postgraduate program (Croatian history) at the Department of History
  • from October 1st 2000 to September 30th 2004 Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb
  • from 1999 President of the Croatian National Committeee for Historical Sciences
  • from 2003 Head of the Board of the Croatian Historical Museum


  • Croatian Historical Society
  • Croatian Archaeological Society
  • Croatian Association of History Teachers
  • Gesellschaft für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit (Vienna)
  • Commission Internationale pour l'histoire des villes
  • founder, and for four years (1992-1996) president of OTIVM, Historical society for everyday history
  • from 1995 member of the organization committee of the Mogersdorf conference, held annually in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary or Croatia
  • Center for Democracy and Law "Miko Tripalo"
  • editorial board of Croatian Studies Review (Sidney-Zagreb)
  • editorial board of Studia historica slovenica (Maribor/Slovenia)
  • editorial board of Hrvatski zemljopis (Samobor/Croatia)
  • editorial board of Podravina (Koprivnica/Croatia)
  • advisory board of Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft (Vienna)
  • advisory board of Österreichische Osthefte (Vienna)
  • advisory board of Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas (München)
  • advisory board of Doctrina (Siedlce/Poland)
  • 1998-2002 member of the editorial board of Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest (Proceedings of the Institute of Croatian History)
  • 1992-1998 chief editor of the OTIVM - Journal for everyday history (Zagreb)

Grants, Fellowships, Awards

  • 1986 Austrian Government grant, 6 months, Vienna
  • 1988 Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa Institut, 14 days, Vienna
  • 1988 Swedish Government grant, 14 days, Lund, Uppsala, Stockholm
  • 1991 Konstantin von Jireček grant, 1 month, Vienna
  • 1991 Mogersdorf grant, 1 month, Graz
  • 1993-1994 Alexander von Humboldt fellow, 12 months Münster, 2 months Bremen
  • 1996 Max Planck Institute grant, 1 month, Göttingen
  • 2005 Alexander von Humboldt fellow, 14 days, Herder Institute, Marburg
  • 2005 Medal of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Zagreb, for the text "La Croatie entre les Luxembourgs et les Habsbourgs (1400-1600)", in: La Renaissance en Croatie, Zagreb: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris i Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb 2004, 23-45

Single lectures

  • single lectures in Austria (Vienna, Graz, Eisenstadt), Germany (Bonn, Düsseldorf, Münster, Augsburg), Slovenia (Ljubljana), Poland (£odz), Japan (Tokio), and Canada (Montreal)


  • Jugoslavenski narodi i Istočno pitanje (Novi Sad 1978)
  • Dalmacija u vrijeme anžuvinske vlasti (Zadar 1980)
  • Znanstveni skup o otoku Rabu (Rab 1984)
  • Vojne krajine u jugoslavenskim zemljama u novom vijeku do Karlovačkog mira 1699. (Belgrade 1986)
  • Typen der Ethnogenese unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bayern (Zwettl 1986)
  • Deveti kongres povjesničara Jugoslavije (Priština 1987)
  • Biograd i uža regija u prošlosti (Biograd 1988)
  • Međunarodni kulturnopovijesni simpozij Mogersdorf (Osijek 1988)
  • Andreas Baumkirchner - Erben und Nachfolger (Schlaining 1989)
  • Arheološka istraživanja u Zagrebu i zagrebačkoj regiji (Zagreb 1989)
  • Etnogeneza Hrvata (Zagreb 1989)
  • Kosovska bitka 1389. (Zagreb 1989)
  • Sisak - više od 2000 godina postojanja (Sisak 1989)
  • Zvonimir - kralj hrvatski (Zagreb-Split 1989)
  • 2. St. Veiter Historikergespräche (St. Veit 1990)
  • Zagrebački Gradec 1242.-1850. (Zagreb 1992)
  • Rađanje hrvatskog kulturnog obzora (Zagreb 1992)
  • Privatisierung der Triebe? Sexualität in der Frühen Neuzeit (Vienna 1992)
  • Bürgertum in der Habsburgermonarchie (Salzburg 1992)
  • Proslava 1140. obljetnice Trpimirove darovnice (Kaštel Stari 1992)
  • Znanstveni skup o Josipu Matasoviću (Zagreb 1992)
  • Nazionalismus in Europa (Graz 1993)
  • Städtische Kultur in Südosteuropa II (Göttingen 1994)
  • Gegenreformation und katholische Restauration (Schlaining 1994)
  • XI međunarodni kongres ekonomske povijesti (Milano 1994)
  • Grenzloses Österreich (Vienna 1994)
  • II International Medieval Congress (Leeds) 1995
  • Simpozij o fundamentalnim istraživanjima (Zagreb 1995)
  • The Hungarian Conquest and Europe (Budapest 1996)
  • The Year 1000 (Budapest 1996)
  • Grenze und Differenz im früheren Mittelalter (Vienna 1996)
  • II Urban History Congress (Budapest 1996)
  • Urban culture in Late Medieval Europe (Budapest 1996)
  • Simpozij u povodu 325. obljetnice pogibije Petra Zrinskog i Frana Krste Frankopana (Zagreb – Čakovec 1996)
  • Karolinško i otonsko doba (Motovun 1996)
  • Krvavi sabor križevački (Križevci 1997)
  • La spatialisation du sacré dans le Moyen âge occidental (IVe-XIIIe siecle) (Budapest 1997)
  • Citties of the Adriatic and their relationship at the end of the Middle Ages. The current state of studies and suitable areas for future research (Padova 1997)
  • The future of the Middle Ages (Budapest - Kalamazoo 1997)
  • Patterns of economic and political integration in Central and Southeast-Central Europe (Budapest 1997)
  • Hrvatska u doba Branimira (Benkovac 1998)
  • Hrvatska srednjovjekovna diplomacija (Zadar 1998)
  • Slovenija in sosedne dežele med antiko in karolinško dobo (Ljubljana 1998)
  • Expanding the Frontiers of Medieval Latin Christianity. The Crusaders and the Military Orders (Budapest 1999)
  • La servitude dans les pays de la Méditerranée occidentale chretienne au XIIe siecle et au-dela: déclinante ou renouvelée? (Rome 1999)
  • Stoljeće oko godine 1000. (Motovun 1999)
  • Etnički razvitak europskih nacija: Hrvatska - Europa (Zagreb 1999)
  • Identitet Europe u suvremenoj konstelaciji svijeta (Zagreb 1999)
  • Prvi kongres hrvatskih povjesničara (Zagreb 1999)
  • Toma Arhiđakon i njegovo doba (Split 2000)
  • Europe Between Globalization and National Consciousness (Torino 2000)
  • Die ungarische Staatsgründung und die Nachbarstaaten (Budapest 2000)
  • L'Europe des Anjou (Fontevraud 2001)
  • Historiography in Southeast Europe After Socialism (Sofija 2002)
  • International Conference of the Southeast European Joint History Project (Athens 2002)
  • Celebrating Croatian Identity (Sidney 2003)
  • Uses and abuses of the middle ages (Budapest 2003)
  • National Convention of the American Association for Advanced Slavic Studies (Toronto 2003)
  • Holokaust, ljudska prava i edukacija (Zagreb 2004)
  • Deutscher Historikertag, Meere als Kommunikationsräume (Kiel 2004)
  • Uses and Abuses of the Middle Ages (Budapest 2005)
  • Gentes, "Gentile" Identity, and State Formation in Early Medieval Europe (Bergen 2005)
  • VII World Congress of the International Committee for Central and East European Studies (Berlin 2005)
  • Sacerdotes, iudices, notarii... Posrednici među društvenim skupinama (Poreč 2005)
  • Grad u srednjem vijeku (Motovun 2005)
  • Hagiografija: Historiografija, izvori, metode (Dubrovnik 2005)

Invitations to conferences without a paper

  • 19. Österreichischer Historikertag (Graz 1992)
  • Nahrung und Kultur des Essens im hanseatischen Raum im späten Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit (Münster 1994)
  • Städtische Gesundheitspflege und Soziale Fürsorge vor 1800 (Münster 1994)
  • Gesellschaft und Demokratie nach 1945 (Vienna 1995)
  • Städteatlanten – Theorie und praktische Anwendung (Münster 1995)
  • Ausgrenzungen und Perspektiven (Vienna 1996)
  • Kulturhistorisches Symposion Mogersdorf (Graz 1987, Köszeg 1996, Ptuj 1998, Graz 1999, Mogersdorf 2000, Köszeg 2001, Koprivnica 2002, Nagyatad 2004, Bad Radkersburg 2005)
  • National Memory in Southeast Europe (Halki 1999)
  • Balkan Wars 1991-1999 (Warsaw 1999)
  • Disarming History (Visby 1999)
  • Hungarian Legacy in Southeastern Europe (Budapest 1999)
  • Croats and the Americas (Punta Arenas 2001)
  • Statuimus et ordinamus quod... Sustavi moći i mali čovjek na jadranskom prostoru (Poreč 2003)
  • Das Bild der Stadt (Münster 2004)
  • Frühes Mittelalter und europäische Erinnerungskultur (Vienna 2005)
  • Simposium über Vatroslav Jagić (Vienna - Varaždin 2005)

Organization of Conferences

  • Hrvatski narodni preporod (Zagreb 1985)
  • Zvonimir - kralj hrvatski (Zagreb-Split 1989)
  • Etnogeneza Hrvata (Zagreb 1989)
  • Učvršćenja i promjene etničkih struktura u panonskom prostoru 1526-1790. (Trakošćan 1997)
  • Hungarian Legacy in Southeastern Europe (Budapest 1999)
  • I Congress of Croatian Historians (Zagreb 1999)
  • Crkva, država i društvo u panonskom prostoru u 20. stoljeću (Koprivnica 2002)
  • II Congress of Croatian Historians (Pula 2004)
  • member of the permanent board of the Istrian Historical Biennale



  • History of Dubrovnik in the Middle Ages (Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology)
  • Croats in Vienna 1790-1918 (Austrian Ministry of Science)
  • Croatia and East Central Europe In the Middle Ages (Croatian Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports)
  • Saints Cults on the Island of Rab from the Emergence of Christianity to today (Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts)

  • Important Documents for Croatian History (Croatian Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports)
  • Historiography In Southeastern Europe after the collapse of communism (Austrian Ministry of Science)

Thesis supervision

University of Zagreb - MA supervisions

  • Zrinka Nikolić, Croatia
  • Gordana Ravančića, Croatia
  • Irena Benyovsky, Croatia
  • Darko Vitek, Croatia
  • Nataša Štefanec, Croatia
  • Mauricijo Levak, Croatia

University of Zagreb – MA Defence Commitee
  • Zdravka Jelaska, Croatia
  • Lovorka Æoralić, Croatia
  • Zdenka Janeković-Römer, Croatia
  • Marija Mogorović Crljenko, Croatia

University of Zagreb – PhD supervisions
  • Irena Benyovsky, Croatia
  • Darko Vitek, Croatia

University of Zagreb – PhD Defence Committee
  • Mladen Ančić, Croatia
  • Mirjana Matijević Sokol, Croatia
  • Darko Španiček, Croatia
  • Zdenke Janeković-Römer
  • Vesne Gamulin-Tudjina

CEU – MA supervisions
  • Vadim Prozorov, Russia
  • Irena Benyovsky, Croatia
  • Zrinka Nikolić, Croatia
  • Polina Melik Simonian, Russia
  • Berislav Shejbal, Croatia
  • Matjaž Bizjak, Slovenia

CEU – PhD supervisions
  • Zrinka Nikolić, Croatia

Currently supervising:
  • Marek Klaty, Slovakia
  • Ana Marinković, Croatia
  • Rozana Vojvoda, Croatia

CEU – PhD Defence Committee
  • Ivan Jurković, Croatia


University of Zagreb

  • Early Medieval History of Croatia (Dalmatia, Slavonia, Istria)
  • Sources and Source Editions for the Early Medieval History of Croatia
  • Slavery in Medieval Croatia and Dalmatia
  • Protestantism and the Catholic Reaction in Croatia
  • Urban Development in Medieval Slavonia
  • Croatian Historiography in the 20th Century
  • Croatian Historiography and the Mogersdorf Symposium
  • History of Medieval Croatia

Central European University
  • Theory of Centrality as a Research Method
  • Dalmatian and Central European Towns
  • Urban Elites in Medieval Europe
  • Private and Public Spaces in Medieval Towns
  • Sacred Spaces in Medieval Towns
  • Urban Memoria
  • Translation Seminar (Translating Early Medieval Croatian Epigraphic Monuments from Latin into English)
  • Southeastern Europe - the Meeting Ground of Civilizations
  • Uses and Abuses of the Middle Ages In Croatia

Univerity of Münster
  • Pragmatische Schriftlichkeit: das Beispiel Dalmatien

University of Rijeka/Pula
  • Early Medieval History of Croatia (Dalmatia, Slavonia, Istria)
  • Sources and Source Editions for the Early Medieval History of Croatia

University of Osijek
  • Early Medieval History of Croatia (Dalmatia, Slavonia, Istria)
  • Sources and Source Editions for the Early Medieval History of Croatia

Language skills

  • fluent in Croatian (Bosnian, Serbian), English and German
  • reading and basic communication in Italian and French
  • understanding (with more or less difficulties) most of the Slavic languages
  • using Latin

Publication list


  • Gradovi Varaždinske županije u srednjem vijeku (Towns of the Varaždin county till the end of the 16th century), Zagreb-Koprivnica: Dr. Feletar 1994
  • Prva stoljeća Hrvatske (First centuries of Croatia), Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada 1994
  • Karlo Veliki. Karolinzi i Hrvati (Charles the Great. Carolingians and Croats), Scientillae Stephano Gunjaca dicatae vol. 5, Split: Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika 2001
  • Budak, Neven – Mario Strecha – Željko Krušelj, Habsburzi i Hrvati (Habsburgs and Croats), Zagreb: Srednja Europa 2003; the same text in "Habsburzi i Hrvati" (Habsburgs and Croats), Kolo 12, 2002, 3, 251-352.

Edited books
  • Budak, Neven, Peter Jordan, Walter Lukan, Petra Moissi (ed.), Kroatien. Landeskunde - Geschichte - Kultur - Politik - Wirtschaft - Recht (Croatia. Geography - History - Culture - Politics - Economy - Law), Österreichische Osthefte 37 (1995) 2
  • Etnogeneza Hrvata (Ethnogeny of the Croats), Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske 1996
  • Budak, Neven - Vranješ-Šoljan, Božena, Verfestigungen und Änderungen der ethnischen Strukturen im pannonischen Raum von 1526-1790, Internationales kulturhistorisches Symposion Mogersdorf 1997, vol. 28, Zagreb 2000
  • Budak, Neven – Milković, Kristina, Leksikon Hrvatskog nacionalnog odbora za povijesne znanosti (Lexicon of the Croatian National Committee for Historical Sciences), Zagreb: FF Press 2004
  • Budak, Neven – Šute, Ivica, Hrvatska historiografija i simpozij Mogersdorf 1972.-2004., Zagreb: FF-press 2005 (CD ROM)

  • Budak, Neven - Posavec, Vladimir. Rađanje suvremene Hrvatske i Europe (Birth of Modern Croatia and Europe - a schoolbook for primary schools), Zagreb: Profil international 1997; second, revised edition 1998, 1993, 2004, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
  • Posavec, Vladimir - Budak, Neven. Povijesna čitanka za šesti razred osnovne škole (Historical reader for primary schools), Zagreb: Profil international 1997
  • Budak, Neven - Mogorović Crljenko, Marija, Povijest. Udžbenik povijesti za šesti razred osnovne škole (History. History textbook for the sixth grade of primary schools), Zagreb: Profil International 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Book chapters
  • Budak, Neven - Goldstein, Ivo - Kuntić-Makvić, Bruna - Kurelac, Miroslav, Bilješke uz I knjigu O kraljevstvu Dalmacije i Hrvatske Ivana Lučića (Notes on the first book of Johannes Lucius On the Kingdom of Dalmatia and Croatia), Zagreb: Latina et graeca 1986, 373-428.
  • "Neki elementi demografsko-ekonomskog razvoja i prostorne organizacije otoka Raba od XI. do kraja XIII. stoljeća" (Some elements of the demographic and economic development and spacial organization of the island Rab from the eleventh to the thirteenth century), in: Rapski zbornik (Zagreb: Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti 1987, 193-198.
  • "Uloga bihaćke komune u obrani granice" (The role of the community of Bihac in the defence of the border), in: Vojne krajine u jugoslovenskim zemljama u novom veku do Karlovačkog mira 1699 (Military borders in the Yugoslav countries till the peace of Karlovci in 1699), Belgrade 1989, 47-54; the same text in: Historijski zbornik 42 (1989), 163-170.
  • "Die südslawischen Ethnogenesen an der östlichen Adriaküste im frühen Mittelalter" (Southslav ethnogenies on the eastern Adriatic coast in the early Middle Ages), in: Typen der Ethnogenese unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bayern, Herwig Wolfram and Walter Pohl (eds.), Teil I (Wien 1990), 129-136.
  • "Horvatskaja medievistika istekšego desjatiletija" (Croatian medievistics in the past decade), in: Istoriografija balkanskogo srednevekovja, Maren M. Freidenberg (ed.), Tver 1990, 4-24.
  • "Frühes Christentum in Kroatien" (Early Christendom in Croatia), in: Günther Hödl and Johannes Grabmayer (eds.), Karantanien und der Alpen-Adria-Raum im Frühmittelalter, Wien-Köln-Weimar: Böhlau 1991, 223-234.
  • "Budući da smo htjeli u Zagrebu na brdu Gradecu sagraditi slobodni grad..., Rađanje Gradeca - okolnosti, poticaji, slijed" (Since we wanted to build a free town in Zagreb, on the hill Gradec..., The birth of Gradec) in: Zlatna bula 1242-1992, Zlatko Stublić (ed.), Zagreb 1992, 21-32.
  • "Der soziale Wandel im nordwestlichen Kroatien im 16. Jahrhundert" (Social changes in northwestern Croatia in the sixteenth century) in: Andreas Baumkircher - Erben und Nachfolger. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland 88 (1992) 343-351.
  • "Križevci - društveni i privredni razvoj do sredine 19. stoljeća" (Križevci - social and economic development to the middle of the nineteenth century) in: Križevci i križevačka regija, Žarko Domljan (ed.), Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti 1993.
  • "Gradec u kasnom srednjem vijeku" (Gradec in the Late Middle Ages) in: Zagrebački Gradec 1242-1850, Ivan Kampuš (ed.), Zagreb: Grad Zagreb 1993, 85-90.
  • "Sexualität und Rechtsbruch in Varaždin. Eine Fallstudie" (Sexuality and crime in Varaždin - a case-study) in: Daniela Erlach, Markus Reisenleitner and Karl Vocelka (eds.), Privatisierung der Triebe? Sexualität in der Frühen Neuzeit, Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang 1993, 305-319.
  • "Kroaten in Wien seit dem Mittelalter bis 1918" (Croats in Vienna from the Middle Ages to 1918), in: Grenzloses Österreich (Wien 1994), 148-151.
  • "Gradske oligarhije u 17. stoljeću u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj" (Urban oligarchies in seventeenth century northwestern Croatia), in: Međunarodni kulturnopovijesni simpozij Mogersdorf 1988 (Zagreb 1995), 89-109.
  • "Die Entwicklung städtischer Siedlungen in der nordwestkroatischen Gespanschaft Varaždin im Mittelalter", (Development of urban settlements in the northwest Croatian county of Varaždin in the Middle Ages) in: Neven Budak, Peter Jordan, Walter Lukan, Petra Moissi (eds.), Kroatien. Landeskunde - Geschichte - Kultur - Politik - Wirtschaft - Recht (Croatia. Geography - History - Culture - Politics - Economy - Law), Österreichische Osthefte 37 (1995) 2, 379-390.
  • "Tumačenje podrijetla i najstarije povijesti Hrvata u djelima srednjovjekovnih pisaca" (The origin and oldest Croatian history in the works of Medieval writers) in: N. Budak (ed.), Etnogeneza Hrvata, Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske 1996, 73-78. English summary 206-208.
  • "Kako je hrvatski rob mogao postati mletački patricij ili neke vijesti o ranim hrvatsko-mletačkim trgovačkim i drugim vezama (11.-13. st.)" (How could a Croatian slave become a Venitian patrician or about the earliest Croatian-Venitian mercantile and other relations, eleventh to thirteenth century) in: Spomenica Ljube Bobana, Mira Kolar Dimitrijević (ed.), Zagreb: Zavod za hrvatsku povijest 1996, 73-84.
  • Budak, Neven - Kanižaj, Karolina - Vorel, Svjetlana, "Kolonije stranaca na Gradecu u 14. stoljeću" (Colonies of foreigners in fourteenth century Gradec /Zagreb/), in: Arheološka istraživanja u Zagrebu i zagrebačkoj regiji i Arheologija i obnova, Izdanja Hrvatskog arheološkog drutva 17, Zagreb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo 1996, 79-83.
  • "Dubrovnik: Storia di un'armonia" (History of a harmony), in: Tesori di argento e d'oro di Dubrovnik, Exhibition catalogue, Lugano: ARCH 1996, 10-21. Also in German: Eine Geschichte voller Harmonie, 10-21.
  • "Pokrštavanje Hrvata" (Christianization of the Croats) in: Miljenko Jurković and Tugomir Lukšić (eds.), Rađanje prvog hrvatskog kulturnog pejzaža, Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske 1997, 127-136.
  • "Hrvatska društva u 11. stoljeću" (Croatian societies in the eleventh century) in: Ivo Goldstein (ed.), Zvonimir, kralj hrvatski, Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti - Zavod za hrvatsku povijest 1997, 207-212.
  • "Sabori u ranome srednjem vijeku" (The Croatian Early Medieval Assemblies), in: Ela Jurdana (ed.), Slava Saboru, Exhibition catalogue, Zagreb: Hrvatski povijesni muzej 1997, 11-13.
  • "Drei Zentralstädte in Dalmatien: Salona, Zadar, Split" (Three central cities in Dalmatia: Salona, Zadar, Split), in: Harald Heppner (ed.), Hauptstädte zwischen Save, Bosporus und Dnjepr, Wien - Köln - Weimar: Böhlau 1998, 101-123.
  • "Was the cult of St. Bartholomew a royal option in early Medieval Croatia?", in: Balázs Nagy and Marcell Sebök (eds.), ...The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways..., Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak, Budapest: CEU Press 1999, 241-249.
  • "Anali u hrvatskoj historiografiji. Borba za modenizaciju povijesne znanosti" (Annales in the Croatian historical science. The combat for the modernization of historical science), in: Zbornik Mirjane Gross, Zagreb: Zavod za hrvatsku povijest 1999, 459-467.
  • "Etničnost i povijest" (Ethnicity and History), in: Emil Heršak (ed.), Etničnost i povijest, Zagreb 1999, 11-24.
  • "Diplomacija - politika pregovaranja i sporazumijevanja u hrvatskom ranom srednjovjekovlju" (Diplomacy - politics of negotiation and reaching agreements in the Croatian Early Middle Ages), in: Zbornik Diplomatske akademije IV, 2, 1999, 13-25.
  • "Die Gegenreformation in Kroatien", in: Reformation und Gegenreformation im pannonischen Raum, Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland 102, Eisenstadt: 1999, 353-363.
  • "Der Einfluss der Migrationen auf die Veränderung der ethnischen Selbstidentifikation im Raum des Mittelalterlichen Slawoniens", in: Neven Budak and Božena Vranješ-Šoljan (eds.), Verfestigungen und Änderungen der ethnischen Strukturen im pannonischen Raum von 1526-1790, Internationales kulturhistorisches Symposion Mogersdorf 1997, vol. 28, Zagreb: Zavod za hrvatsku povijest 2000, 5-21.
  • Budak, Neven - Miljenko Jurković, "Les Anjou et les territoires croates", in: L'Europe des Anjou. Aventure des princes angevins du XIIIe au XVe siecle, Paris: Somogy 2001, 205-219.
  • "The Culture of Dialogue", in: Christina Koulouri (ed.), Teaching the History of Southeastern Europe, Thessaloniki 2001, 33-35.
  • "The International Community's Role in Education Reforms", in: History Teaching In Southeast Europe - Present and Future, (CD), Athens: Center for Democracy and Reconciliation In Southeast Europe 2002, 1-4.
  • "Slavic ethnogenesies in modern Northern Croatia", in: Rajko Bratož (ed.), Slovenija in sosednje dežele med antiko in karolinško dobo. Začetki slovenske etnogeneze, vol. I, Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije 2002, 395-401.
  • Budak, Neven - Miljenko Jurković, "La politique adriatique des Angevins", in: Les Princes angevins du XIIIe au XVe siecle. Un destin européen, Sous la direction de Noël-Yves Tonnerre et Élisabeth Verry, Rennes: Presse universitaire 2003, 203-217.
  • "Ricerca storica e redazione dei libri di testo nella entita statali nate dalla Jugoslavia socialista", in: Falk Pingel (ed.): Insegnare l'Europa. Concetti e rappresentazioni nei libri di testo europei, Edizioni Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli: Torino 2003, 463-478.
  • "Hrvati u ranom srednjem vijeku" (Croats in the early middle ages); "Polaganje temelja Kraljevstva Hrvatske i Dalmacije" (The Foundations of the Kingdom of Croatia and Dalmatia); "Hrvatski društveni razvoj u ranom srednjem vijeku" (Croatian social history in the early middle ages), in: Povijest Hrvata, knj. I, Srednji vijek, Franjo Šanjek and Franko Mirošević (eds.), Zagreb: Školska knjiga 2003, 49-79, 84-113, 135-144.
  • "La Croatie entre les Luxembourg et les Habsbourg (1400-1600)", in: Alain Erlande-Brandenburg and Miljenko Jurković (eds.), La Renaissance en Croatie, Zagreb: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris & Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb 2004, 23-45.
  • "Zagrebački biskup Stjepan II., suvremenik Tome Arhiđakona" (Stephen II, Bishop of Zagreb and contemporary of Thomas the Archdeacon), in: Mirjana Matijević-Sokol i Olga Perić (eds.), Toma Arhiđakon i njegovo doba, Zbornik radova, Split: Književni krug 2004., 153-158.
  • "Sretan je Rab", in: Mario Bošnjak (ed.), Otok Rab, Biseri Jadrana, Zagreb: Fabra 2004 (2005), 12-20.
  • "Hrvatski identitet između prošlosti i moderniteta" (Croatian Identity Between Past and Modernity), in: Josip Kregar – Vlado Puljiz – Slaven Ravlić (eds.), Hrvatska – kako dalje. Zadanosti i mogućnosti, Zagreb: Centar za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo – Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004., 153-162.

Journal articles
  • "Ante Starčević i pitanje Bosne (Ante Starčević and the question of Bosnia), Godišnjak Društva istoričara Vojvodine (1978), 137-140.
  • "O pitanju kvantitativnih metoda u historijskom istraživanju na temelju nekih amričkih iskustava" (On the question of quantitative methods in historical research according to some American experiances), Časopis za suvremenu povijest 1 (1980), 191-196.
  • "O upotrebi kategorije procesa u historijskom istraživanju" (On the question of the use of processes in historical research), Časopis za suvremenu povijest 1 (1981), 71-76.
  • "Obsidio Jadrensis kao povijesno i književno djelo naše rane renesanse" (Obsidio Jadrensis as a historical and literary work of the early Renaissance), Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru 23 (1983-1984), 133-138.
  • "Pregled literature i objavljenih izvora o problemu serva i famula u srednjovjekovnim društvima na istočnom Jadranu" (A survey of primary and secondary literature on servi and famuli in the Medieval societies on the eastern Adriatic), Radovi Instituta za hrvatsku povijest 17 (1984), 5-34.
  • "Struktura i uloga obitelji serva i famula u komunalnim društvima na istočnom Jadranu" (The structure and role of the families of servi and famuli in the communal societies on the eastern Adriatic), Starohrvatska prosvjeta, ser. III, 14 (1984), 347-360.
  • "Trgovina radnom snagom na istočnom Jadranu - razvoj i značaj" (The trade with labour force on the eastern Adriatic - development and character), Historijski zbornik 37 (1984), 105-138.
  • "Oslobađanje serva i ancila i napuštanje upotrebe njihove radne snage" (Liberating servi and ancille and abandoning the use of their labour), Historijski zbornik 38 (1985), 115-130.
  • "Servi i famuli - primjer isključivanja i marginalizacije u našim komunalnim društvima" (Servi and famuli - an example of exclusion and marginalisation in communal societies), Radovi Instituta za hrvatsku povijest 18 (1985), 249-255.
  • "Historiografska primjena termina servus i famulus" (Historiographic use of the terms servi and famuli), Latina et graeca 25 (1985), 11-15.
  • "Servi ranog srednjeg vijeka u Hrvatskoj i Dalmaciji" (Early medieval servi in Croatia and Dalmatia), Starohrvatska prosvjeta, ser. III, 15 (1985), 255-268.
  • "Prilog valorizaciji humsko-dukljanskog kulturnog područja u prvim fazama njegova razvitka (do 12. st.)" (Evaluating the cultural area of Hum and Duklja in the begining of its development), Starohrvatska prosvjeta, ser. III, 16 (1986), 125-139.
  • "Pravni položaj serva i famula u komunalnim društvima na istočnom Jadranu" (The legal status of servi and famuli in communal societies on the eastern Adriatic), Radovi Instituta za hrvatsku povijest 19 (1986), 51-68.
  • "Suvremena austrijska socijalna historija" (Contemporary Austrian social history), Historijski zbornik 39 (1986), 263-270.
  • "Hrvatska historiografija o srednjem vijeku (do 1527)" (Croatian historiography on the Middle Ages - to 1527), Historijski zbornik 40 (1987), 1-21.
  • "U sukobu s javnim moralom. Primjeri iz seksualnog života Varaždinaca u 16. stoljeću" (In conflict with the public moral - examples from sex life of the citizens of Varaždin in the sixteenth century), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 21 (1988), 121-130.
  • "Ivan od Paližne, prior vranski, vitez reda Sv. Ivana" (John of Paližna, prior of Vrana and knight of the order of St. John), Historijski zbornik 42 (1989), 57-70.
  • "Neki elementi ranosrednjovjekovnog društvenog razvoja Hrvatske na primjerima kartulara sv. Ivana Biogradskog" (Some elements of Early Medieval social development of Croatia on the examples of the cartulary of St. John of Biograd), in: Biogradski zbornik I (1990), 373-380.
  • "Hrvatska hodočašća u Aachen" (Croatian pilgrimiges to Aachen), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 24 (1991), 15-20.
  • "Dva izvještaja zanimljiva za povijest našeg iseljeništva u SAD i Kanadi iz 1913. i 1924. godine" (Two reports from 1913 and 1924 concerning our emigrants in the USA and Canada), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 24 (1991), 237-260.
  • "Križevci u srednjem vijeku" (The town of Krizevci in the Middle Ages), Historijski zbornik 45 (1992), 169-178.
  • "Jedan nepoznati hrvatski toponim u zapadnoj Njemačkoj" (An unknown Croatian placename in western Germany), Historijski zbornik 45 (1992), 105-109.
  • "Pogranična gradska naselja sjeverne Hrvatske u 17. stoljeću (Frontier towns in northern Croatia in the seventeenth century), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 25 (1992), 27-38.
  • "Hrvatska u vrijeme Trpimira" (Croatia in the time of Trpimir) Kaštelanski zbornik 3 (1993), 58-63.
  • "Rudnik u Rudama kraj Samobora od XV. do kraja XVII. stoljeća" (The Copper Mine in Rude near Samobor from the fifteenth to the end of the seventeenth century), Radovi Zavoda za Hrvatsku povijest 27 (1994), 75-97.
  • "Sisak u ranom srednjem vijeku" (Sisak in the Early Middle Ages), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 27 (1994), 171-174.
  • "O knjizi Ive Goldsteina Hrvatski rani srednji vijek" (On the book The Croatian Early Middle Ages by Ivo Goldstein), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 28 (1995), 299-327.
  • "I fiorentini nella Slavonia e nella Croazia nei secoli XIV e XV" (Florentines in Slavonia and Croatia in the fourteenth and fifteenth century), Archivio storico Italiano CLIII (1995), N. 566 - Disp. IV, 681-695.
  • "Im Mittelalter: Kroatische Wallfahrten nach Aachen" (In the Middle Ages: Croatian pilgrimages to Aachen), Smotra - Rundschau, Zeitschrift der Kroatisch-deutschen Gesellschaft für kulturelle, wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit II (1996), Hft. 3-4, 29-33.
  • "Croats between Franks and Byzantium", Hortus artium medievalium 3 (1997), 15-22.
  • "Povijest i mit" (History and myth), Lettre internationale 7, spring - summer 1997, 45-48.
  • "Prilog bibliografiji povijesti grada Dubrovnika i Dubrovačke republike na stranim jezicima" (A Contribution to the Bibliography of the History of the City and Republic of Dubrovnik/Ragusa), Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubroviku XXXV (1997), 195-239.
  • "Urban elites in Dalmatia in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries", in: Michele Pietro Ghezzo (ed,), Citta e sistema adriatico alla fine del medioevo. Bilancio degli studi e prospettive di ricerca, Atti e memorie della Societa dalmata di storia patria, vol. XXVI, Venezia 1997, 181-199; same text in Italian, 161-180.
  • "Moja Bosna" (My Bosnia), Hrvatska revija 48, sv. 1-2 (1998), 87-92.
  • "Vjerovanje u povijest" (Believing in History), Hrvatska revija 48, sv. 4 (1998), 783-787.
  • "Hrvatski identitet i ranosrednjovjekovno kraljevstvo" (Croatian Identity and the Early Medieval Kingdom), Historijski zbornik 52 (1999), 121-126.
  • "Hrvatska historiografija o srednjem vijeku" (Croatian Historiography about the Middle Ages), Historijski zbornik 52 (1999), 165-169.
  • "Liturgical Memory in Croatia and Dalmatia Around the Year 1000", Hortus artium medievalium 6, 2000, 135-142; the same in "Memorija u Hrvatskoj i Dalmaciji u 10. i 11. st.", Riječki teološki časopis 12, br. 1, 2004, 3-18.
  • "Slavery in Late Medieval Dalmatia/Croatia: Labour, Legal Status, Integration", in: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, Moyen Age, tome 112, 2000, 2, 745-760.
  • "The Coming of Ferdinand Hapsburg to the Croatian Throne", in: 2, 2002/2003, 135-155.
  • "Städtische Kultur in nordwestlichen Kroatien im 16. Jahrhundert", Studia historica slovenica 3 (2003) 1, 29-39.
    also: Városi kultúra északnyugat-horvátországban a 16. században?, In: Lászlo Mayer – György Tilcsik (eds.), Egy emberöltõ Kõszeg szabad királyi város levéltárában, Tanulmányok Bariska István 60. születésnapjára, Szombathely: Különlenyomat 2003, 71-80.
  • "Obrazovanje nastavnika" (Teacher training), Povijest u nastavi 3 (2004), 158-163.


  • author of a number of scenarios for tv-documentaries on Croatian history
  • author of many newspaper articles on history and history teaching
  • often appearing on radio and tv
  • Knezovi, kraljevi, biskupi. Slike iz davne hrvatske prošlosti (Dukes, kings, bishops. Scenes from Croatian early history), Zagreb: CID 1995, 19992, Split: Slobodna Dalmacija 2005

Objavljeno: 09.07.2020.