dr. Marijeta Rajković Iveta, assistant professor

PHONE: + 385 1 4092 127
E- MAIL: mrajkovi@ffzg.hr
OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 11 – 12

Anthropology of Migration (lecturer)
Minority Cultures in Croatia (lecturer)

Marijeta Rajković Iveta was born in 1976 in Sisak. She graduated Ethnology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The title of her graduation thesis was: Multiple Identities of Czechs in the Village Jazvenik near Sisak on the Example of Clothing (2003.). She received her PhD in Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology in 2010. The title of her PhD thesis was: Coastal Bunjevci: Migrations (1918. – 1939.), Translocalism, Acculturation, Identity.
She has worked as junior research assistant at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology since 2004, and as senior research assistant since 2010. She was appointed research associate in February 2012. She started teaching at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology in 2005 and has introduced two new courses in the curriculum. She teaches at Croaticum since 2010.
She received two scholarships from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary (2005, 2007). From 2008 to 2011 she participated in Future Workshops Narrations and Constructions of Identity/Nationality/History in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia in the 20th ant 21st Centuries (http://www.goethe.de/ins/hr/prj/zws/).
She collaborates on two national research projects: Identity and Ethnogenesis of Coastal Bunjevci (2002– 2007); Identity and Ethnocultural Formation of Bunjevci (from 2008 onwards). She is member of the research team on following international projects: Political Places in Change: The Case of Kumrovec in Kumrovec, University of Bergen, Norway (2004–2005); Bridges: Triplex Confinium: Croatian Multiple Borderlands in Euro-Mediterranean Context 1500–1800, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (2004–2010) (www.ffzg.hr/mostovi); The Transnational Life of Objects: Material Practices of Migrants´ Being and Belonging, Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, Sweden (from 2011 onwards); Janković Castle: Historic site, Generating Sustainable Development of the Ravni Kotari Region, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (from 2011 onwards).
She presented papers at more than ten national and international conferences and participated as member of the international organization board of one (Sofia, Bulgary, 2011). She is the co-editor of three voulumes of monographs on Primorski Bunjevci and one collection of papers. She mentored three groups of students who received annual awards of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and two annual awards of the Croatian Ethnological Society. She received the annual award of the Croatian Ethnological Society for scientific and teaching work (2009) and the Charter of the Town of Senj for ethnological research in the Senj hinterland (2012.). She is member of the following professional associations: Croatian Ethnological Society and SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore).
She participated in the research for and organization of several exhibitions: at the Town Museum of Senj, Forestry Museum Krasno, Town Museum of Subotica, Town Museum of Pakrac, Town Museum of Rijeka.
Her scientific interests encompass: migrations, minority cultures, traditional culture in the context of rural tourism.
