dr. Duško Petrović, assistant professor

PHONE: +385 1 4092 126
E-MAIL: dupetrov@ffzg.hr
OFFICE HOURS: Wednesdays 11.30 – 12.30

Theories of Cultural Anthropology (lecturer)
Ethnography of Southeastern Europe (lecturer)
Ethnological Cartography (lecturer)

Duško Petrović was born in Sarajevo. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Ethnology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb in 2004 upon defending his thesis entitled Anthropology as a Critique of Culture. After graduation he worked as an editor in several publishing companies in Croatia (Školska knjiga, Naklada Ljevak) and abroad (Sarajevo Publishing, Sarajevo). He was employed as a research fellow at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb in 2009. Since 1 May 2013 he has been working as a research fellow and a senior instructor. He received his Ph.D. in humanities in the field of ethnology and cultural anthropology, namely ethnology on 5 March 2013 upon defending his thesis entitled The Phenomenon of Refugees and Biopolitics – A Consideration of Basic Concepts in Cultural Anthropology Perspectives.
As a research associate he is currently working on two scientific projects, namely Ethnological Database as a Source of Knowledge on Ethnic and National Identity and an international project Cultural Politics of Difference. He holds seminar classes within three study courses at the Ethnology Department namely, Theories of Cultural Anthropology, Ethnography of Southeast Europe, and Ethnological Cartography. Within Anthropology of Power study course he holds both lectures and seminar classes.
His scientific interests include: collective identities – forming, changes, sustaining, origins; collective identity types – ethnic, national, supranational, etc.; identity in the process of globalization; postmodernism in anthropology, anthropology as a critique of culture, interpretive anthropology, semiotics, psychoanalysis; anthropology and cultural studies; ethnology and anthropology of politics, biopolitics.
Duško Petrović, Ph.D. is a member of several national and international professional organisations: SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore); EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists); and HED (Croatian Ethnological Society).
