Conference Slavica Iuvenum 2015

Dear Madam or Sir,


On behalf of the Department of Slavonic Studies University of Ostrava (Czech republic) I would like to invite your students to a conference „Slavica Iuvenum 2015“ organized on March 31 – April 1st 2015.

The conference is open to all students of MA and PhD programmes interested in the field of: linguistics and slavic languages, slavic literature and translatology.


For more information in Czech, Polish and Russian please see website:


Best Regards

Simona Mizerova, PhD

PhDr. Simona Mizerová, Ph.D.

Katedra slavistiky FF OU

  1. Reální 5

701 03  Ostrava 1


Lektorica J. Sychowska-Kavedžija-ispit

Lektorica J. Sychowska-Kavedžija 18.02.2015. neće održati ispite zbog bolesti. Mole se studenti da dođu u ponedjeljak 23.02. u 12 sati ili da se dogovore putem maila.
Jolanta Sychowska-Kavedžija