Dear colleagues,

we proudly invite you to participate in the 1st spring symposium “Philosophy of Play” organised by the Association of Philosophy Students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. The symposium will be held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb from the 16th to the 18th of April, 2020.

By filling out the attached application form, you can submit a summary of an oral presentation or a workshop. Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students can apply as well as those who have completed their studies. In addition to students of philosophy, students of other disciplines with an interest in the general topic of the symposium are also welcome. Registration fee is free of charge and paid accommodation is provided for students from universities other than Zagreb .

The deadline for submission is February 25, 2020.

For any additional information, feel free to contact us via email at:


Application form

We look forward to receiving your applications,
USF team


Drage kolegice, dragi kolege,

srdačno Vas pozivamo na sudjelovanje na 1. proljetnom simpoziju Udruženja studenata filozofije »Filozofija igre« koji će se održati od 16. do 18. travnja 2020. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Ispunjavanjem prijavnice u prilogu možete prijaviti usmeno izlaganje ili radionicu. Prijaviti se mogu studenti preddiplomskih, diplomskih i doktorskih studija, ali i oni koji su svoj studij završili. Pored studenata filozofije, dobrodošli su i studenti drugih znanstveno-umjetničkih disciplina s interesom za ponuđenu, generalnu temu simpozija. Kotizacija za simpozij se ne naplaćuje, a studentima sa sveučilišta izvan Zagreba organiziran je plaćeni smještaj.

Rok za slanje prijava je 25. veljače 2020.

Za sve dodatne informacije pozivamo Vas da nam se obratite na e-mail Udruženja studenata filozofije Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu:

Pozivno pismo

Prijavni obrazac

S radošću očekujemo vaše prijave,
USF tim

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