Compiled by

G. F. Pranzarone, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology, Roanoke College, pranzaro@roanoke.edu

The following entries represent the initial version (v. 1.0) of an online dictionary of terms for phenomena in sexuality, gender, and reproduction. Most all of these terms appear in scientific and academic reference sources in the areas of psychology, medicine, genetics, sociology, anthropology and biology. Many of these terms were coined by and first used in the writings of sexologist and psychoendocrinologist Dr. John Money, Professor emeritus in Medical Pediatrics of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical School and now head of the Johns Hopkins University Psychohormonal Research Unit. Consequently, the foundation of the present sexological glossary/dictionary is taken from the extensive glossaries contained in the following books by John Money:

  • John Money (1986). Lovemaps: Clinical Concepts of Sexual/Erotic Health and Pathology, Paraphilia, and Gender Transposition of Childhood, Adolescence, and Maturity. Irvington Publishers; ISBN: 0829015892.

    John Money and Margaret Lamacz (Contributor) (1989). Vandalized Lovemaps: Paraphilic Outcome of Seven Cases in Pediatric Sexology. Prometheus Books; ISBN: 087975513X.

    John Money (1990). Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Exotic Orientation. Oxford University Press (Trade); ISBN: 0195063317.

  • This glossary/dictionary follows the conventions established by the exigency/lovemap theory formulated by John Money as expressed in his writings. See also the online John Money Bibliography in Sexology.

    These words form the basis for a developing standardized language for communication within the emerging interdisciplinary science of sexology. The empirically based (describing what is) science of sexology is different from the less than objective perspective of sexosophy (hoping to find what should be the case based on a philosophical or religious position). See definitions in the glossary below.

    Rationale: The most popular sites on the Internet, and the busiest BBSs, are those which deal with aspects of sex, sexuality, gender, or reproduction. These four terms include all aspects of attraction, dating and match-making services, romance, and eroticism, at one end of the social acceptability spectrum, all the way to the extremes of some of the postings on the alt.sex usenet and the downloadable sexually explicit graphics. What is missing in all of this Internet traffic has been a standard language of communication about phenomena in sexuality, gender, and reproduction that uses terms that are precise, unambiguous, and judgment free. For example, there is the story of a young woman being examined by a physician who found her to be pregnant. She asked her patient "When I asked you earlier if you were 'sexually active' you said 'No.' But I find that you are pregnant. How can this be?" The patient answered "But Doctor, it's true. I'm not active. I just lie there."

    Whether this story is true or not, sexist or not, is beside the point. The point is that we all use words and terms to describe what for most of us is a difficulty topic of conversation. A brief browsing of the "sex" sites on the Internet reveals that the same words or terms can be used with a wide range of meanings and nuances. Nuance is great for romantic poetry but not for a science of sex, gender and reproduction.

  • Contents of the Sexological Glossary/Dictionary:

    1) Terms describing recognized psychiatric and medical sexological syndromes

    2) Terms for genetic and endocrine conditions of sexological significance

    3) Terms referring to attraction, love and pairbonding

    4) Terms for paraphilia (conditions otherwise known in the vernacular as "kinky sex")

    5) Terms from anthropology describing special populations or situations

  • Some definitions use terms that themselves may require definition. Please scroll the list to see if that questioned term is defined. If not, please bring the word to my attention for revision of, or additions to, the glossary/dictionary. This sexological glossary/dictionary is incomplete. I request suggestions for corrections and additions. Any inaccuracies are my responsibility.


  • AAA

    abasiophilia: a paraphilia of the eligibilic/stigmatic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on the partner being lame, with a limp, or crippled [from Greek, abasios lameness + -philia]. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is autoabasiophilia.

    abidancy: the proclivity to seek and defend a territory, residence or home-ground upon which to reside and fulfill the metabolic needs to sustain life; one of the five universal exigencies of being human.

    abuse-dwarfism: retardation of growth in body and mind secondary to child abuse and neglect.

    acault (pronounced a-chow'): in Burma, the name given to a full-time female impersonator or gynemimetic. See also berdache; hijra; xainth.

    acceptive phase: in a sexuoerotic relationship, the second or middle phrase, following proception and preceding the possibility of conception, in which the two persons accept one another, and become mutually involved in body contact, specifically with the genitals in coitus. See also proceptive phase; conceptive phase.

    acceptivity: the proclivity to accept one another and become mutually involved in body contact and sexuoerotic activities which can include the genitals in coitus. See also proceptivity; conceptivity.

    acrotomophilia (or acrotometophilia): 1. a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on a partner who is an amputee [from Greek, akron, extremity + tomo, a cutting + -philia; a liking of an amputated extremity]. An acrotomophile is erotically excited by the stump(s) of the amputee partner. 2. the condition of being dependent on the appearance or fantasy of one's partner as an amputee in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. The reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely self-amputation, is apotemnophilia.

    ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone. A pituitary peptide hormone named for its role in stimulating the release of adrenocortical hormones.

    Adam/Eve principle: in embryological development and subsequently, the principle that nature's primary template is that which differentiates a female, and that something must be added to induce the differentiation of a male.

    Adam principle: In fetal life, the differentiation of a male requires that something be added, in particular Müllerian duct Inhibiting Substance (MIS) and testosterone. Partial or complete differentiation otherwise takes place, regardless of chromosomal sex. See also Eve principle.

    addiction: a state or condition of existence characterized by habitually engaging in a highly specific and routine activity reiteratively and compulsively, irrespective of aversive or deadly consequences; the addiction is not to the activity, but to the object, substance, or person toward which the activity is directed. See also sexual addiction.

    adolescence: the period of developmental maturation between puberty and young adulthood, equated in the vernacular predominantly with teenage.

    adolescent gynecomastia: in about 15 percent of boys at puberty, the growth of glandular tissue and enlargement of the breasts in response to the hormones of puberty. Typically the enlargement is minimal and self-correcting, but in rare cases resembles that of a girl and requires corrective plastic surgery (mastectomy). The etiology, though obscure, is attributed either to an atypical utilization of the low level of estrogen normally produced by the testicles of the male, or to an atypical resistance to the counteracting effect of testosterone.

    adolescentilism, paraphilic: the paraphilia of impersonating an adolescent and being treated as one by the partner. One of the stigmatic/eligibilic paraphilias. See also ephebophilia; gerontalism; infantilism; juvenilism.

    adrenal cortex: the outer three layers of the adrenal gland, as contrasted with the innermost part, the medulla. The cortex produces steroidal hormones, among them the glucocorticoid cortisol, and nonpotent sex hormones. See also adrenal gland; cortex.

    adrenal gland: an endocrine gland located immediately above the kidney. It consists of two portions: a cortex and a medulla. The cortex produces and secretes steroidal hormones, among them cortisol (a glucocorticoid), and weakly active sex hormones. The medulla produces epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline and noradrenaline), catecholamines augmenting sympathetic nervous system arousal.

    adrenocortex (adjective, adrenocortical): see adrenal cortex.

    adrenocortical hormone: one of the hormones, for example cortisol, secreted not from the internal medulla but from the external cortex of the bilateral adrenocortical glands.

    adrenogenital syndrome: see CVAH, for congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia, and CAH, for congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

    adulthood: the period of maturity that follows adolescence. There is no fixed age for the onset of young adulthood, except that legally it is for most purposes set at twenty-one years of age. In the United States by an act of Congress childhood officially ends at the 18th birthday (Public Law 98-292, The Child Protection Act of 1984).

    adventive: adventitious, or happening in one's life history in a unique way and not according to a universal system; see also imperative.

    aegis: auspices, patronage, or sponsorship.

    agalmatophilia: a fictional paraphilia, not yet observed as a syndrome, in which the sexuoerotic stimulus is a nude statue or model of a human being [from Greek, agalma, image + -philia]. Synonyms, statuophilia; Pygmalionism. See also pictophilia.

    age-aviodancy: a socially dictated constraint on personal disclosure to people of a different age group than oneself. It affects erotic/sexual behavior and communication. See also allosex-avoidancy and intimacy-avoidancy.

    agenesis (adjective, agenetic): partial or complete failure of an organ or part of the body to form or develop.

    agonistic: in opposition or opposed to; in pharmacology, a drug that competes with a naturally occurring substance at cell receptors.

    AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome, caused by a retrovirus (HIV-I, human immunodeficiency virus) infection, and formerly almost always lethal. No cure has been discovered as of this writing, but many HIV positive individuals can delay the onset of, or reverse the progression into, AIDS by careful attention to diet, exercise, stress reduction and appropriate medication.

    allosex-aviodancy: a socially dictated constraint on personal disclosure to members of the other, but not one's own, sex. It affects both behavior (as in locker-room nudity, for example) and communication, as in sexual joking. See also age-aviodancy and intimacy-aviodancy.

    allure: enticement; attractivity; seductiveness; as in proceptive phase behaviors.

    Alzheimer's disease: cumulative degeneration of mental function in adulthood, associated with cortical atrophy characterized by degeneration of brain cells into tangled spindles, and terminated by total dementia and death.

    ambiguous: having more than one possible meaning; equivocal.

    ambiguous genitalia: a birth defect of the sex organs in which, from their embryonically undifferentiated state, they have failed to become fully differentiated as either male or female, but are unfinished. At birth the baby's sex cannot be declared on the basis of visual inspection. Diagnostically, the term is hermaphroditism or intersexuality. Embryologically, it is not possible to develop a complete penis and scrotum together with a complete vagina and vulva.

    ambisexuality (adjective, ambisexual): having characteristics shared by both sexes [from Greek, ambi, both + sex]--in human beings, for example, nipples; pubic hair; birth-defective genitalia that look hermaphroditically ambiguous or intersexed; or mating behavior shared by both sexes.

    ambitypic: as applied to sexual dimorphism of the genitalia, brain, or behavior, differentiation of both female and male anlagen together during an initial phase, after which only one anlage, female or male, continues to develop and the other does not, as in the case of the Müllerian (female) and Wolffian (male) embryonic ducts. Antonym, unitypic.

    ambivalent: going both ways or leaning in both directions at once, especially with respect to loyalty or allegiance to a person or idea.

    amelotasis: the condition of being an amelotatist; the condition of having an erotic inclination toward the stump of an extremity missing either congenitally or as a result of amputation; see also acrotomophilia; apotemnophilia.

    amelotatist: one who is attracted to amputees [from Greek, an-, not + melos, limbs + tasis. irresistibly drawn toward]. Synonym, apotemnophile.

    amenorrhea: absence or failure of the menstrual periods.

    amphoteric: partly one and partly the other [from Greek, amphoteros, both].

    amygdala: a part of the brain situated in the temporal lobe. It belongs to the "old brain" or limbic system. The amygdala seems to be involved in memory and the elaboration and expression of erotosexuality and aggression.

    anabolic: having the effect of building tissue, especially muscle tissue.

    anachronism: a historical error, placing a person, thing, or event either before its time or after it has become outdated.

    analingus: stimulation of the anus with tongue and lips, not a paraphilia, but may be part of normophilic sexuoerotic activity as well as part of the sadomasochistic repertory.

    Androcur: the trade name of the hormone, cyproterone acetate, manufactured by Schering A.G., West Berlin. The hormone resembles progestin and is antiandrogenic. It has various clinical applications, one of which is to help sex offenders gain personal governance of their sexuoerotic conduct. See also Depo-Provera.

    androgen: male sex hormone [from Greek, andros, man], produced chiefly by the testis, but also by the adrenal cortex and, in small amounts, by the ovary. In biochemical structure, there are several different but related steroid hormones that qualify as androgens. They differ in biological strength and effectiveness.

    androgen-induced hermaphroditism: a syndrome of hermaphroditic birth defect of the sex organs induced in the 46, XY gonadally female fetus by an excess of masculinizing hormone transmitted from the mother through the placenta. The syndrome may be experimentally induced in animals by injection of the hormone testosterone, whereas in human beings it is adventitious, the source of the hormone being a maternal (possibly placental) hormone-producing tumor.

    androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS): (also called testicular-feminizing syndrome): a congenital condition identified by a 46, XY sex chromosomal karyotype in girls or women who appear externally to be not sexually different from normal females, except in some cases for a swelling or lump in each groin, or for the absence or sparseness of pubic and axillary hair after puberty. The cells of the body are unable to respond to the male sex hormone, which is made in the testes in normal amounts for a male. They respond instead to the small amount of female sex hormone, estrogen, which is normally made in the testes. The effect before birth is that masculine internal development commences but is not completed. It goes far enough, however, to prevent internal female development. Externally, the genitalia differentiate as female, except for a blind vagina, which is usually not deep enough for satisfactory intercourse and needs either dilation or surgical lengthening in or after middle teenage. There is no menstruation and no fertility. Breasts develop normally. Incidence of occurrence is approximately one in 500 births. Synonym, testicular-feminizing syndrome.

    androgyne: a person who manifests a merging of the roles traditionally stereotyped as belonging to male and female, respectively [from Greek, andros, man + gyne, woman]. Formerly the term was also used as a synonym for male pseudohermaphrodite, along with gynandroid as a synonym for female pseudohermaphrodite.

    androgynophilia: erotosexual pairing with a man and a woman serially or simultaneously by a member of either sex. It includes falling in love. See also bisexuality.

    androgyny: the condition of showing some characteristics of both sexes in body, mind, or behavior. [This is also spelled androgeny.]

    Andromeda: in Greek mythology, an Ethiopian princess who was chained to a cliff as a sacrifice to a sea monster, until rescued by Perseus, who married her.

    andromimesis: a syndrome of male impersonation in a natal female who is able to relate sexuoerotically exclusively with women, and who may be hormonally, but not surgically sex-reassigned [from Greek, andros, man + mimos, mime]. It is a syndrome of gender transposition, not paraphilia. See also andromimetophilia.

    andromimetic: a girl or woman being a person manifesting the features or qualities of a male in bodily appearance, dress and behavior. There is no fixed vernacular synonym except, maybe, a "bull dyke," that is a female homosexual who lives in the role of a man. She may request breast removal, but not genital surgery, and usually not hormones to masculinize the voice, beard and body hair. See also gynecomimetic.

    andromimetophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on a partner who is an andromimetic or, in some instances, a sex-reassigned, female-to-male transexual [from Greek, andros. man + mimos, mime + -philia]. The paraphilic counterpart in men is gynemimetophilia.

    androphilia: love of a man by a woman (female androphilia) or by a man (male androphilia). It includes erotosexual bonding. See also heterosexuality; homosexuality. erotosexual pairing with a man by a woman (female androphilia). It includes falling in love. See also heterosexuality; homosexuality.

    androstenedione: an androgenic hormone, secreted by the adrenocortex, ovary, and testis, less potent than testosterone.

    anerotic: not erotic; lacking eroticism.

    anesthesia, penile: diminution of erotic/sexual feeling in the penis and its replacement to some degree with a feeling of numbness.

    anesthesia, vulval: diminution of erotic/sexual feeling in the sex organs of the female, and its replacement to some degree with a feeling of numbness.

    anhedonia: lack of pleasure in doing or experiencing something, or doing it only as an obligation, duty, or drudgery.

    anlage (plural, anlagen): in embryology, the initial element or structure that develops and differentiates into a more complex structure.

    anorexia nervosa: a syndrome of deficient appetite, deficient nutritional intake, and emaciation ending possibly in death from self-starvation. It may alternate with bulimia. [XX Might not these be manifestations of hypophilia?]

    anorgasmia: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, variable in etiology, of being unable to attain orgasm with normally conducive modes of stimulation; failure to attain a sexual climax or orgasm during the acceptive phase of an erotic/sexual episode. It is also known, in men, as ejaculatory delay or incompetence. In women it is confused with frigidity, a term obsolete, imprecise, unscientific, and laden with opprobrium.

    anovulatory: without ovulation, as when an estrous or menstrual cycle occurs without the release of an egg from the ovary. Anovulatory cycles are infertile cycles. Until ovulation resumes, a female is said to manifest anovulatory sterility.

    Antabuse: a trade name for disulfuram, effective in the treatment of alcoholism as it produces aversive symptoms when combined with alcohol.

    antiandrogen: a hormone or other substance that replaces androgen within the nuclei of target cells, or excludes its entry. It inhibits the secretion of testosterone from the testis and is itself either biologically inert or functionally very weak.

    antigen: a substance which, when present in animal tissue, stimulates the production of antibodies.

    antipode (plural, antipodes; adjective, antipodal[antipodean]): the exact opposite or contrary of an idea, thing, or place (pronounce singular, to rhyme with ode; plural, an-tip'-od-eez').

    analism: A sexuoerotic interest in stimulation of the anus; not necessarily a paraphilia. With sexuoerotic potential in both sexes, the anus may be stimulated orally in analingus, digitally or with dildoes, through enemas in klismaphilia, and is used to receive the penis in anal intercourse, and the fist in brachioproctic eroticism or "fisting."

    anus: the opening at the end of the rectum of the alimentary canal through which feces are discharged. The anus has erotosexual potential in both sexes.

    apathy, erotic: inertia, lack of arousal, and lack of interest in having sexual relations.

    apogee: the farthest or highest point; culmination; apex.

    apophasis (adverb, apophasically): to mention something in disclaiming the intention to mention it. Example: I dare not mention the abominable practice, the secret vice of masturbation.

    apotemnophilia: a paraphilic fixation of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on being oneself an amputee [from Greek, apo, from + temnein, to cut + -philia]. An apotemnophile becomes fixated on carrying out a self-contrived amputation, or obtaining one in a hospital. It is accompanied by obsessional scheming to get one or more limbs amputated. The reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the partner is an amputee is acrotomophilia or acrotmetophilia (the liking of an amputated extremity); the condition of sexuoerotic arousal being contingent on having an amputee partner, or fantasizing about an amputee, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    apperceptive assimilation: informal learning on the basis of familiarity and experience.

    areola (plural, areolae): the area of pigmented skin (mucosa?) immediately surrounding the nipple of the breast.

    asphyxiophilia: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on self-strangulation and asphyxiation up to, but not including loss of consciousness [from Greek, asphyxia,[asphyxin,?] no pulse + philia]. Employing partial asphyxiation, as by hanging, strangulation, plastic bags or gags, in order to achieve or maintain sexual arousal or to facilitate or enhance orgasm. Usually seen in an adolescent male, but reported in older males. When the ritual is autoerotic, split-second failure to release the noose or gag at the onset of orgasm results in death. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition which is subsumed under the general category of sadomasochism with the dominant partner supervising, in control of, or presiding over the ritual. See also autoerotic death; hypoxyphilia; erotic self-strangulation.

    assortative mating: the mating of individuals on the criteria of reciprocally matching features, behavior, or mental characteristics.

    asymmetry: as applied to the brain, a proportional difference or discordance between the right and left hemispheres, particularly with respect to function.

    atonement: an act of reparation or compensation to make amends for an offense or injury. Atonement for the sin of sex lust is achieved through the sacrificial/expiatory and predatory/marauding paraphilic stratagems.

    atresia (adjective, atresic): congenital absence or closure of one of the openings or tubular organs of the body.

    atrophy (adjective, atrophied, atrophic): a defect or failure of cell nutrition manifested as decrease in size or healthiness of an organ or tissue. See also dystrophy.

    autagonistophilia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on being observed or being on stage or on camera [from Greek, autos, self + agonistes, principal dramatic actor + -philia]. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is scoptophilia, also called mixoscopia. See also troilism?

    autoabasiophilia: a paraphilia of the eligibilic/stigmatic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on the fantasy of being lame, with a limp, or crippled [from Greek, autos, self + abasios lameness + -philia]. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is abasiophilia in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on the partner being lame, with a limp, or crippled.

    autassassinophilia: 1. a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on stage-managing the possibility of one's own masochistic death by murder [from Greek, autos, self + assassin + -philia]. 2. The condition of being dependent on the masochistic staging of one's own murder in order to obtain erotosexual arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is lust murder or erotophonophilia also termed imprecisely as serial killing.

    autistic: self-preoccupied.

    autoerotic: pertaining to sexuoerotic self-stimulation. The commonest form of autoeroticism is digital, that is, masturbation using the fingers and hands.

    autoerotic death: death from self-strangulatory asphyxia or electrical self-stimulation as part of a paraphilic masturbatory ritual. Release of the asphyxiating noose or reduction of the electrical current requires split-second timing at the critical moment, before blacking out. The autoerotic ritual may be repeated for years before the occasion when the critical moment is miscalculated and death ensues. [Version 2: death, typically from asphyxiation or electrocution, as an inadvertent culmination of a paraphilic sexuoerotic ritual involving self-strangulation or self-applied electric current.]. See also asphyxiophilia; electrocutophilia.

    autoeroticism (adjective, autoerotic): self-directed erotosexual behavior [from Greek, auto, self + erotikos, erotic (Eros, the god of love)]. Antonym, alloeroticism. See also autophilia; autosexual.

    autonepiophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on impersonating a baby in diapers and being treated as one by the partner [from Greek, autos, self + nepon, infant + philia]. Autonepiophilia may be adjunctive to masochistic discipline and humiliation. The reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely having an infant as sexuoerotic partner, is nepiophilia. Synonym, paraphilic infantilism.

    autonomic nervous system: pertaining to that part of the nervous system that regulates usually "involuntary" reactions, especially those concerned with nutritive, vascular, glandular, and reproductive organs. These ganglia and nerves traverse the body in large part parallel to and outside the vertebral column, which encases the spinal cord (sympathetic or lumbosacral portion) and through fibers emerging with the cranial nerves and pituitary gland, and lower segments of the spinal cord (parasympathetic or craniosacral portion).

    autophilia (adjective, autophilic): the condition in which love and lust are not attached to a partner but to the self [from Greek, auto, self + philia]. See also autoeroticism; autosexual.

    autosexual (noun, autosexuality): characterized by self-sex contact, usually as a genital act (masturbation), with or without an accompanying erotic fantasy or ritual; or, rarely, as a long-term sexuoerotic status without a partner [from Greek, auto, self + sex]. See also autoeroticism; autophilia.

    axon: a threadlike structure on which impulses are transmitted away from the main body of a nerve cell [from Greek, axon, axle, axis]. See also dendrite; synapse.

    azoospermia: absence of sperm in the semen, with resultant infertility. See also oligospermia.


    barbiturate: a salt or derivative of barbituric acid used medicinally as a sedative, sleeping pill, or anticonvulsant; and among street drugs used as a "downer."

    Barr body: the color-staining spot (the sex chromatin) located at the edge of the nucleus of cells taken from individuals with more than one X chromosome. It is normally found in female cells, and so is used as a sign of female genetic sex. It is also found in men with the 47,XXY (Klinefelter's) syndrome. It is missing in girls with the 45,X (Turner's) syndrome. The Barr-body test is rapid and inexpensive as compared with actual chromosome counting, and so is used as a method of preliminary X-chromosome screening.

    berdache: the name given by early French explorers to American Indians whom they regarded as effeminate homosexuals but who had, according to tribal tradition, special spiritual status as shamans and healers and who took on a woman's role, including becoming a wife; contemporary berdaches continue the ancient customs. See also acault; hijra; xainth.

    bestiality: see zoophilia.

    beta-lipotropin: the biochemical precursor substance from which the body synthesizes endomorphins. It is related to ACTH. See also ACTH; endorphins.

    biastophilia: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation and attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon the surprise attack and continued violent assault of a nonconsenting, terrified, and struggling stranger [from Greek, biastes, rape or forced violation + -philia]. Acquiescence on the part of the partner induces a fresh round of threat and violence from the biastophile. Biastophilia may be homosexual as well as heterosexual, but is predominantly the latter, whether the biastophile is male or female. There is no term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely stage-managing one's own brutal rape by a stranger, which probably exists only in attenuated form and rarely gets transmuted from fantasy into actuality. Synonym, raptophilia.[Biastophilia may overlap into the predatory/marauding types of paraphilia.]

    biogenic amine: a biologically synthesized substance, fundamentally a nitrogen compound, widely dispersed in the body. Some hormones, such as adrenaline (epinephrine) are compounds containing an amine. See also catecholamine; indolamine.

    biorhythm: See also circadian, diurnal, ultradian, menstrual.

    bisexual (an adjective, noun, bisexuality): 1. characterized by other-sex and same-sex contacts, either concurrently or sequentially in the course of development, either in genital acts or as a long-term sexuoerotic status [from Latin, bi, two + sex]. 2. bisexuality; bisexualism: erotic pairing with partners of either genital morphology, usually serially, but possibly simultaneously. The distribution of heterophilia and homophilia in bisexuality may be 50:50 or, more likely, in unequal proportions such as 60:40 or 20:80. Bisexuality is not a paraphilia, although paraphilias may exist in association with bisexuality. Antonym, monosexual.

    blow job: vernacular term for fellatio.

    body image fixation: See Sexuoerotic body image fixation.

    bondage and discipline (B & D): in the vernacular, sadomasochism involving constraint with rope, chains, or other equipment, and abuse, punishment, or torture with various forms of equipment to enforce obedience, servitude, or enslavement.

    bottom: sadomasochistic vernacular term for the submissive, masochistic partner.

    brachioproctic or brachiovaginal eroticism: ("fisting," BPE or BVE) are varietal sexuoerotic activities which are not paraphilias. This sexuoerotic activity involves the slow and gradual--over a period of hours--insertion of very large objects, namely the hand, fist and sometimes arm (even a foot) into the lumen of the vagina or rectum, sometimes both orifices simultaneously.

    buggery: a pejorative vernacular term and a legal term for anal copulation, chiefly between males, or with animals [from French, bougre, a corruption of Bulgarian derived from the medieval belief that Bulgarians were Manichean heretics who practiced anal copulation]. It is not a paraphilia. Synonym, sodomy.

    bulemia: a syndrome of episodic binge eating of massive amounts of foodstuffs with subsequent purging through self-induced vomiting and sometimes laxative or enema use. Obesity is not usually seen in bulemics who may be normal to slightly overweight. This syndrome may alternate with anorexia nervosa or occur in combination as in bulemarexia. These eating disorder syndromes may be manifestations of hypophilia in that they tend to affect sexuoeroticism by reversing the effects of puberty.


    CAH: congenital adrenal hyperplasia. See synonym, CVAH, congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia, and also adrenogenital syndrome.

    canon law: the body of ecclesiastical decrees by which a Christian church is governed and which, in the Roman Catholic church is, the Corpus Jurio Canonici, approved by the Pope. See also secular law.

    carnal: of the flesh, as opposed to the spirit; pertaining in a derogatory way to the use of the sexual organs as a manifestation of humanity's lower nature [from Latin, carnis, flesh].

    catatonia (adjective, catatonic): a psychiatric syndrome of being immobile and unresponsive to sensory stimuli, but not unaware of them.

    catecholamine: one of the biogenic amines, including epinephrine, which is both a hormone (adrenaline) and a neurotransmitter; and dopamine, a neurotransmitter. See also biogenic amine; indolamine; dopamine.

    catheterophilia: a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on having a catheter inserted up into the urethra [from Greek, catheter, catheter + -philia]. See also urethralism.

    central nervous system (CNS): that part of the nervous system that includes exclusively the bone encased brain and the spinal cord, as opposed to the outlying peripheral nervous system, consisting of the somatic nervous system, which governs usually voluntary musculo-skeletal reactions and the autonomic nervous system, which controls usually involuntary visceral, homeostatic, glandular and circulatory activity.

    Cerberus: in Greek and Roman mythology, the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld.

    cerebral cortex: the external gray layer of the brain, the neocortex. See also limbic system.

    cervix (adjective, cervical): the neck or neck-like part of an organ; specifically the neck of the lower part of the uterus, or womb, where the vagina and uterus unite. 2. The cervix of the uterus is at its lower end, where the uterus and the vagina meet.

    childhood: biomedically, the period of development between infancy and puberty; legally, in the United States, the period of development until the eighteenth birthday (Public Law 98-292, The Child Protection Act of 1984).

    chimera: an imaginary monster; in Greek mythology a she-monster that vomits flames and has the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon.

    cholesterol: in biological chemistry, a white, fat-like, crystalline alcohol, synthesized chiefly in the liver and important as, among other things, a precursor of gonadal and other steroid hormones.

    chordee: fixed curvature or tying down of the penis or hypertrophied clitoris as in the hypospadiac birth defect characteristic of various types of hermaphroditism.

    chorionic gonadotropin: gonadotropic hormone of pregnancy secreted from the placenta, whereas pituitary gonadotropin is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland. See also gonadotropin; FSH; LH.

    chrematistophilia: a paraphilia of the mercantile/venal type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on being charged or forced to pay, or being robbed by the sexual partner for sexual services [from Greek, chremistes, moneydealer + -philia]. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of forced charging or robbing.

    chromosomal mosaicism: a chromosomal pattern in which some cells of the body have the standard number of chromosomes (46,XX or 46,XY), and others have more or less, as in 45,X/46,XY (a mosaic variety of Turner's syndrome); or 46,XY/47,XXY (a mosaic variety of Klinefelter's syndrome), and many others.

    chromosome: one of (in humans) twenty-six pairs of threadlike desoxyribosenucleaic acid (DNA) structures located within the nucleus of each of the body's cells, the function of which is to transmit genetic information to and govern each cells' growth, reproduction, and biological activity.

    chronophilia: one of a group of paraphilias of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which the paraphile's sexuoerotic age is discordant with his/her actual chronological age and is concordant with the age of the partner, as in, respectively, infantilism or nepiophilia; juvenilism or pedophilia; adolescentilism or ephebophilia (Lolita syndrome); and gerontalism or gerontophilia [from Greek, chronos, time + -philia].

    Chérambault-Kandinsky syndrome: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative stratagem; a sexuoerotic pathology in which a [person] male or female has a limerent fixation on someone unattainable, an unshakable and false conviction that his/her own life is totally under the control of the unattainable one, and that the unattainable one reciprocates his/her love, limerence or love-smitteness secretly if not openly.

    circadian: fluctuating regularly on a time basis usually entrained to a metabolic, endocrine, neurochemical, light-dark, temperature, or seasonal cycle (see also diurnal, ultradian). There are very fast biorhythm cycles such as in the EEG and ECG, a 90-minute cycle seen in REM-NREM sleep or in waking attentive/alert-drowsy/inattentive swing, a twice daily body temperature peak and slump. a 24-hour ACTH cycle, a monthly menstrual cycle, and possibly longer seasonal cycles not yet thoroughly described.

    climacteric: in women, the menopause; in men, the life changes that may or may not occur as the counterpart of the menopause in women.

    clitoris (plural, clitorides; adjective, clitoral or clitoridean): the small, hooded organ (the clitoral glans) at the top of the cleft of the female vulva, which is the counterpart of the penis in the male [from Greek, kleitoris, clitoris]. Usually only the glans of the clitoris is externally visible. In the human female the body of the clitoris extends internally on either side of the vulva and vestibule. In total the clitoris is about 80 percent the size of the male penis. In the rat, mouse, and hamster, the clitoris is not hooded, but its covering is fused as in the male's penis to form a urinary tube.

    clitoromegaly: extreme enlargement or hypertrophy of the clitoris.

    clitoropenis: see penoclitoris.

    coital aninsertia: inability in the female to have the penis inserted into the vagina, or in the male to insert the penis. It may be associated with neglect or denial of one's own penis or vagina (as in many unoperated transsexuals) or, more commonly, with phobic anxiety or panic and avoidance of penetration of one's own vagina, or of inserting one's own penis.

    coital fantasy: imagery of erotically stimulating content that accompanies sexual intercourse and may precede it and be essential to the attainment of orgasm. It may or may not be related to the actual partner and activity going on, and may in fact be an intrusion that cannot be voluntarily controlled. Alternatively, it may disappear as sexual excitement builds up, as the person becomes totally immersed in body sensations. Synonyms, copulation fantasy; intercourse fantasy. See also masturbation fantasy.

    coitus or coition: the sexual act, specifically the taking of the penis into the vagina, or the penetrating of the vagina with the penis; but more generally the complete interaction between two sexual partners. See also copulate; intercourse; mount.

    collusional marriage: a relationship between married people in which one partner instigates or engages in inordinate, deficient, irregular, or illicit conduct and the other covertly endorses it or covers it up, while ostensibly being in the role of martyr or recipient victim.

    coming out: gay vernacular term to refer to the developmental experience of acknowledging to oneself and to others that one's sexuoerotic orientation is homophilic and homosexual.

    complementation (verb, to complementate): the process, the converse of identification, of becoming and functioning differently than, and in reciprocation to someone else, by responding to that person's activities, behavior, and reactions. The term is applied especially to the differentiation of G-I/R (gender-identity/role). 2. the process of becoming unlike, or reciprocated to someone else, the converse of identification, by reacting to that person's activities, behavior and reactions. The term is applied especially to the differentiation of G-I/R (gender-identity/role). See also identification.

    compulsive cruising: constantly reiterated searching, which is never satisfied, for an idealized sexual partner or sexual experience. See also cruising; sexual addiction.

    conceptive phase: in a sexuoerotic (sexual and erotic) relationship, the third and final phase which, if it occurs, is characterized by conception, pregnancy, parturition, and parenthood. See also acceptive phase; proceptive phase.

    conceptivity: the proclivity for the physiology and behavior of a male and female to conceive, maintain pregnancy, and progress through parturition, lactation, and the childcare of parenthood. See also proceptivity; acceptivity.

    concupiscence: thoughts and imaginations characterized by ardent desire, especially as applied to sex or lust.

    contusion: a bruise; an injury of soft tissues without breaking the overlying skin.

    coprolagnia: see coprophilia [from Greek kopros, dung + lagneia, lust]

    coprophilia: (adjective, coprophilic): a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on observing defecation and/or being smeared with and/or ingesting feces [from Greek, kropos, dung + -philia]. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic conditions of defecating in the mouth or over the body of the partner. Synonym, coprolagnia. 2. the condition of being responsive to, or dependent on, the smell or taste of feces for the erotic arousal and the facilitation or achievement of orgasm. From the point of view of the species, it probably has its origins in mammalian hygiene whereby infants are licked clean. In individual biography, the correlation between feces and eroticism is varied in origin. It may be related to masochism and self deprecation. Coprophilia may involve also the sight and sound of a person defecating. See also scat; urophilia.

    copulate (noun, copulation): to couple, join, or unite as in sexual interaction and genital union. See also coitus; intercourse.

    copulation fantasy: a fantasy that precedes and/or accompanies loveplay and/or genital union. It may either include or exclude imagery of the actual partner. If the partner is included, fantasy may yield to the total immersion of both in their body sensations. In paraphilia, continuance of the fantasy is necessary for the paraphile, so as to distract attention away from the other partner, which alone ensures that orgasm does occur. See also masturbation fantasy.

    core gender identity: a term introduced into [contemporary] psychoanalytic theory to refer to an infant's developing sense of self as a boy or girl in the second year of life, well in advance of the classic oedipal phase to which the origin of differences in the psychology of sex is attributed in traditional theory.

    corpora cavernosa: the two cavernous or spongy bodies of the penis (or clitoris) that traverse the length of the shaft, one on each side, and that erect the organ when they become engorged with blood. 2. the pair of "cavernous" or spongy columns of erectile tissue in the penis below which is the urethra and corpus spongiosum. Pumped full of blood, these spongy bodies hold the penis erect.

    corpus luteum (plural, corpora lutea): "yellow body"; a yellow mass in the ovary formed from the graafian follicle after the egg is released. It produces progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, and grows and lasts for several months if the egg is fertilized and pregnancy occurs.

    cortex (plural, cortices): literally, the bark or outer layer. In anatomy, the outer layer or section of an organ, as the cortex of the brain and the cortex of the adrenal gland. See also adrenal cortex: cerebral cortex; neocortex.

    cortisol: in humans and other mammals the main glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal cortices; also known as hydrocortisone. It is essential to the maintenance of life. It is available in synthetic form.

    cortisone: one of the glucocorticoid hormones, a metabolite of cortisol. In synthetic form, it is used therapeutically, as in the treatment of CVAH, and converted in the body into the biologically more potent hormone, cortisol. Historically, the term cortisone has also been used generically to refer to all the synthetic glucocorticoids used therapeutically. See also CVAH.

    courtship: sexually, the behavior of indicating attraction and of inviting or soliciting attention and a reciprocal response. See also proceptive phase.

    critical period: a stage in the development of some aspect of an organism during which, for a limited period of time, the next stage of development is contingent upon incorporating a new input from the environment which, in turn, leaves a residual effect that is more or less immutable, and that cannot be induced either earlier or later in development. Synonym, crucial period; sensitive period. See also imprinting.

    crosscoded (noun, crosscodification): as related to gender, discordance between various of those aspects of a person's genetic, hormonal, or social coding that are male and those that are female, somatically and/ or mentally.

    cross-complementation: as related to the developmental differentiation of G-I/R (gender-identity/role), concordance instead of discordance between the self and the complementation figure or model of the other sex, either male or female. See also cross-identification.

    cross-identification: as related to the developmental differentiation of G-I/ R (gender-identity/role), discordance instead of concordance between the self and the identification figure or model of the other sex, either male or female. See also cross-complementation.

    cruising: vernacular term, especially among gay people, for the overt manifestations and responses of the proceptive sexuoerotic phase that indicate one's availability and attractedness toward a potential sexual partner. See also compulsive cruising.

    cryptorchidism: the condition of having one testis (unilateral) or both (bilateral) remaining in the abdomen undescended into the scrotum. The elevated testicular temperature results in lack of spermatogenesis and possible testicular cancer.

    culturistic: developmentally induced according to the dictates of society or culture; the converse of nativistic.

    cunnilingus: erotic stimulation of the female external sex organs with the tongue, lips, and mouth of a partner of either sex, as a part of normal loveplay, and possibly inducing orgasm [from Latin, cunnus, vulva, and lingere, to lick]. See also fellatio.

    cunnus: the Latin term for the female external genitals.

    cushingoid facies: a balloon-like swelling of the face characteristic of Cushing's syndrome, in which it is a symptom of a pathological excess of glucocoritcoid hormone (cortisol) from the adrenal cortices. It is also a side effect of glucocorticoid therapy if the dosage is high, as is necessary in treating many illnesses.

    Cushing's syndrome: a disorder of overproduction of cortisol hormone from the adrenocortical glands, usually involving malfunction of the pituitary gland, and likely to lead to symptoms of psychpathology as well as severe somatic pathology.

    CVAH (congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia): a syndrome produced by a genetically transmitted enzymatic defect in the functioning of the adrenal cortices of males and females, which induces varying degrees of insufficiency of cortisol and aldosterone and excesses of adrenal androgen and pituitary adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). Abnormal function of the adrenal cortex starts in fetal life and, unless treated, continues chronically after birth. Females born with the syndrome have ambiguous genitalia and, if they survive without salt loss and dehydration, undergo severe virilization. Males are usually not recognized at birth, but if they survive, will prematurely develop pubertally during the early years of life. In the severe form of the disease, untreated, mortality rate is almost 100 percent for both sexes. Treatment with glucocorticoids and in some cases also with salt-retaining hormone is lifesaving and prevents untimely and, in girls, incongruous postnatal virilization. Plastic surgery is needed to feminize the genitalia. With appropriate therapy, prognosis for survival and good physical and mental health is excellent. Synonym, CAH; Adrenogenital syndrome.

    cyproterone: a synthetic, hormonal steroid substance, related to progesterone, which is potent as an antiandrogen. A variant form is cyproterone acetate (trade-named Androcur), which is more powerful in its antiandrogenic effect. See also Androcur; Depo-Provera; medroxyprogesterone acetate.

    cyproterone acetate: the generic name of Androcur.

    cystostomy: surgical implantation of a urinary drainage tube, usually temporarily following a genital operation, directly into the bladder. The suprapublic position is between the navel and the genitals. The perineal position is between the genitals and the anus, in the perineum.

    cytogenetic syndromes: those conditions of development marked by various physical and behavioral symptoms that stem from a deficiency, excess, or other gross defect in the number, size, or shape of the chromosomes in each of the body's cells. For example, in most girls with Turner's syndrome, one sex chromosome is missing (45,X); in most boys with Klinefelter's syndrome, the male's one X chromosome is duplicated (47,XXY); and in most boys with the supernumerary-Y syndrome, the male's Y chromosome is duplicated (47,XYY).

    cytogenetics (adjective, cytogenetic): that branch of the science of heredity that deals with the chromosomes and genes (carriers of the genetic code) within the cell nucleus.


    defeminization: the developmental process in which feminization is inhibited or suppressed. In females the term applies chiefly to defeminization of the brain attributed to a hormonal anomaly in prenatal life.

    demasculinization: the developmental process in which masculinization is inhibited or suppressed. In males, the term applies chiefly to demasculinization of the brain attributed to a hormonal anomaly in prenatal life.

    dendrite (adjective, dendritic): a threadlike, branching extension from the main cell body of a nerve that establishes synaptic contact with other nerves [from Greek, dendron, tree]. See also axon; synapse.

    Depo-Provera: the trade name of the hormone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, manufactured by Upjohn in the United States. The hormone is progestinic and antiandrogenic. It has several clinical applications, one of which is to help sex offenders gain personal governance of their sexuoerotic conduct. See also Androcur; cyproterone; medroxyprogesterone acetate.

    DES: diethylstilbestrol. A synthetic drug, not a steroid, that acts as a female sex hormone. Structural variants include dipropionate, dilaurate, and dibutyrate esters, and C14-diethylstilbestrol dibutyrate, the radioactive form used only for special investigative procedures.

    deviant: not in conformity with what is considered ideal, standard, or normal, according to a given criterion standard that may itself be deviantly radical, conventional, despotic, or arbitrary.

    diagnosis: the procedure of identifying a disorder or disease and distinguishing it from other similar conditions.

    didactic: taught with explicit rules and precepts.

    diecious: denoting species in which male and female reproductive organs occur not in the same individual but in two different individuals [from Greek, dis, double + oikos, house]. Synonym, dioecious. Antonym, monecious.

    dihydrotestosterone: a powerful androgenic hormone formed from testosterone in peripheral target cells by the action of the enzyme, 5-reductase.

    dimorphism (adjective, dimorphic): having two forms or manifestations, though of the same species, as in a juvenile and adult form, or a male and a female form. Though usually used to refer to physical form and appearance, the meaning of this term can be extended by analogy to apply to sex differences in behavior and language. Antonym, monomorphism.

    dirty joke: a sexual example of what in anthropology is known as a joking relationship, that is a socially permissible manner of communication between people who are otherwise socially forbidden to talk together, either in general or on a specific topic, like sex.

    dissociate (noun, dissociation): to separate or sunder that which is developing as a unity, or has become one, so that it becomes two or more unrelated or partially related entities. In mental life and its expression, these entities are experienced phenomenologically as trance states, alternative states of consciousness, fugue states, or multiple personalities.

    diurnal: recurring daily, or in the daytime. See also biorhythm, circadian, ultradian; menstrual.

    dopamine: a catecholamine neurotransmitter substance essential to brain functioning, the sexual function of which is to be an activator. On sexual pathways it acts as an arouser. See also serotonin; catecholamine; indolamine; biogenic amine.

    drag queen: vernacular name for a male homosexual dressed in women's attire and impersonating a woman, often in an exaggerated way.

    dromomania: compulsive and irrational running away [from Greek, dromos, course + mania, madness].

    dualistic: paired or twofold; not monistic.

    dual personality: see multiple personality.

    dyspareunia: a condition or syndrome of difficult or painful coitus, of variable etiology, in men and women [from Greek, dyspareunos, badly mated]. The term is used chiefly in reference to women, but applies equally well to men. the experience of pain, especially in the sex organs or within the pelvis, during sexual intercourse. It may also include coital migraine headache. It may occur in either sex, but traditionally has been named dyspareunia in women and coital pain in men. Dyspareunia may be a manifestation of hypophilia.

    dystrophy (adjective, dystrophic): partial atrophy of tissue or an organ as a result of imperfect cell nutrition. See also atrophy.

    dendrophilia: love of trees. It is not a paraphilia.

    displacement paraphilia: one of the paraphilias in which an intrinsic element becomes developmentally dislocated and repositioned in the lovemap, thus changing it from normophilic to paraphilic.

    dominatrix: a female in the sadomasochistic role of total domination and discipline.

    drag queen: vernacular term for a gynemimetic.


    effeminate (noun, effeminacy): a womanish or sissyish manner and bearing in a man or boy stigmatized as an unmanly homosexual.

    ego dystonic: in psychiatry, the term used to apply to a proclivity, for example, toward homosexuality, in a person who seeks to repudiate it.

    eidetic: characterized by vividly precise and accurate recall of objects, events, sounds or other imagery previously perceived.

    ejaculation (verb to ejaculate): expulsion or spurting out, as of the semen at the time of sexual climax or orgasm.

    elective mutism: failure to speak, or to be able to speak about certain topics, that is not necessarily permanent but is reversible under changed circumstances.

    electrocutophilia; A paraphilia of the sacrificial and expiatory stratagem in which sexuoerotic arousal and orgasm is dependent upon the use of electrical stimulation of the body to possibly include the nipples, urethra, penis/scrotum, vulva/clitoris/vagina and anal/rectal tissues. This paraphilia has been seen to occur more frequently among women than in men and has also resulted in accidental death. The activities of electrocutophilia may be exploratory or varietal sex play and not a paraphilia. It also may be part of a sadomasochistic repertory. Devices for "safe" sexuoerotic electrostimulation are now commercially available. See also autoerotic death.

    electrolysis: for cosmetic reasons, a method of removing hair by inserting a needle into the hair-growing follicle and killing it with a pulse of electric current.

    eligibility: having the required qualification.

    embryo: the unborn offspring from conception until, in the human species, the seventh or eighth week of gestation.

    endocrine gland: one of the body's ductless glands from which a hormone is secreted directly into the bloodstream. See also exocrine.

    endogenous: produced from within.

    endometrium: the lining of the uterus or womb. Structurally, it is a mucous membrane.

    endorphins (singular, endorphin): the general term to refer to all of the body's own endogenous morphinelike substances. In chemical structure, they are neuropeptides. They are active as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. See also neuropeptide; neurotransmitter; enkephalin; obsolete terms: endomorphins; singular, endomorphin.

    enkephalin: one of the endorphins, and the one that predominates in the brain. There are two basic types, methionine and leucine enkephalin. See also endorphin; endomorphins.

    eonism: the term used by Havelock Ellis for the male cross-dressing syndromes now known as transvestophilia and transexualism [from Chevalier d'Eon, 1728-1810, French diplomatic and transvestic imposter at the court of Catherine the Great, in 1755; subsequently exiled to England].

    ephebiatrics: that branch of health care that succeeds pediatrics and serves that age of adolescence and youth, prior to adulthood.

    ephebophilia (adjective, ephebophilic): a paraphilia of the eligibilic/stigmatic type distinct from nepiophilia and pedophilia in that the age of the partner is postpubertal and adolescent [from Greek, ephebos, a postpubertal young person + -philia] The technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which an older person impersonates an adolescent is paraphilic adolescentilism. Synonym, hebephilia, the condtition in which an adult is responsive to and dependent on the actuality or imagery of erotic/sexual activity with an adolescent boy or girl in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. An ephebophiliac may be of either sex. Ephebophilic activity may be replayed in fantasy during masturbation or copulation with an older partner. See also gerontophilia; nepiophilia; pedophilia.

    ephemera (plural, ephemerae): something that is short-lived or of transient existence.

    epicene: common to both sexes; neither one nor the other.

    epididymitis: inflammation and pain of the epididymis, the coiled tubular structure immediately adjacent to the testis through which sperm are transported to the vas deferens and the urethra.

    epistemology: the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowing.

    eponym (adjective. eponymous): the name of someone so prominently connected with a time, place, group, or event as to become a figurative or symbolic designation for it.

    erotic: pertaining to sexual love or, more particularly, to its imagistic expression in daydream, fantasy, or dream, either autonomously or in response to a perceptual stimulus, and either alone or with one or more partners. See also sexual.

    erotic apathy: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, variable in etiology, of defective ability to experience sexuoerotic arousal under normally conducive circumstances; misnamed lack of sexual desire.

    erotic inertia: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, variable in etiology, of inability to manifest sexuoerotic initiative or to maintain sexuoerotic activity under normally conducive circumstances.

    erotic revulsion: a hypophilic condition or syndrome of variable etiology in which sexuoerotic activity, either in general or with a particular partner, is experienced as aversive and repulsive.

    erotica: depictions of ideas and images in the literary and visual arts that have sexual and erotic appeal and, for at least a selected audience, sexual arousal value, without being condemned as pornographic. More specifically, erotica is congruent with the idealized content of one's idiosyncratic lovemap and is therefore effective in eroticising, arousing, and facilitating orgasm in that individual.

    eroticism (adjective, erotic): the personal experience and manifest expression of one's genital arousal and functioning as male or female, either alone or with a partner, and particularly with reference to the ideation, imagery, and sensory stimuli of arousal [from Greek, eros, love]. Synonym, erotism. See also sexuality.

    erotic self-strangulation (asphyxiophilia): the rare condition in which a person, usually an adolescent male, is dependent on partial asphyxiation, as by hanging, or by restaging of it in fantasy, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. Death may inadvertently result. Some victims have been found cross-dressed.

    erotic/sexual: simultaneously erotic and sexual. One can be sexual without being erotic, as in donor insemination. Conversely, being erotic does not necessarily mean being sexual, especially in the sense of copulation, fertility or reproduction. See also eroticism, sexuality; synonym, erotosexual.

    erotography: graphic or written material of an erotic nature, not stigmatized as pornography. See also pornography. explicit erotic writings and pictures.

    erotomania: morbid exaggeration of, or preoccupation with sexuoerotic imagery and activity [from Greek, eros, love + -mania, madness]. See also Cherambault-Kandinsky syndrome.

    erotophonophilia: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on stage-managing and carrying out the murder of an unsuspecting sexual partner [from Greek, eros, love + phonein, to murder + -philia]. The erotophonophile's orgasm coincides with the expiration of the partner. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is autassassinophilia. Synonym, lust murder.

    erotosexual: the erotic and the sexual experienced as a unity, with more emphasis on erotic imagery and ideation than sexual behavior. It is possible to be erotic without being sexual in the sense of copulation, fertility, or reproduction. Conversely, it is possible, as in donor insemination, to be sexual without being erotic. see erotic/sexual. the erotic and the sexual experienced as a unity, with more emphasis on erotic imagery than sexual behavior. See also erotic; sexual; sexuoerotic.

    estradiol: the most biologically potent of the naturally occurring estrogens. It is produced chiefly by the ovary and in small amount by the testis. Commercially, it is prepared in various compounds, such as estradiol benzoate and ethinyl estradiol.

    estrogen: female sex hormone, produced chiefly by the ovary, but also in a small amount by the adrenal cortex and the testis, and named for its role in lower animals inducing heat or estrus in the female [from Greek, olstros, gadfly; from Latin, oestrus, vehement desire, that which drives one mad. From Latin, oestrus, gadfly; Greek, oistos, vehement desire, that which drives one mad.]. In biochemical structure, there are several different but related steroid hormones that qualify as estrogens, some more closely chemically related than others, and some more biologically potent. They differ in biological strength and effectiveness. See also estrus; progesterone

    estrus (adjective, estrous): phenomenon of being sexually receptive, or in heat, as manifested at the ovulatory phase of the sexual cycle of the female, especially in subprimate species. The phenomenon of being sexually receptive, or in heat, as found in the sexual cycle of some species. A condition or syndrome of persistent estrus can be produced in some animals (for example, the rat) by hormonal injection of the newborn, notably with androgen; see also TSR.

    ethnography (adjective, ethnographic): the branch of anthropology that studies the artifacts, customs, and life-styles of ethnic groups and tribes with different cultural histories.

    etiology: the theory of the factors in the genesis, origin, or cause of a disorder or disease.

    eugenics: the science that deals with breeding to improve the heredity of a species or racial stock.

    eunuchoid (noun, eunuch): having the developmental sexual characteristics and appearance resembling those of a person who, like a castrate, has failed to mature pubertally.

    Eve principle: in fetal life the differentiation of a female always occurs in the absence of fetal testicular secretions (MIS and testosterone), regardless of chromosomal sex. If in the differentiation of a female testosterone is added, differentiation thenceforth proceeds as male. See also Adam principle.

    excitement phase: the first of the four sexual phases delineated by Masters and Johnson. See also plateau, orgasmic, and resolution phases.

    exemplar: a person who becomes a pattern or model for oneself.

    exhibitionism: (noun, exhibitionist) a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on evoking surprise, dismay, shock, or panic from a stranger by illicitly exhibiting an erotic part of the body, including the genitals [from Latin, exhibere, to exhibit]. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is voyeurism, also known as being a "Peeping Tom." See also peodeiktophilia. The condition of being responsive to, or dependent on the surprise, debasement, shock, or outcry of a stranger (usually female), unexpectedly exposed to the sight of the penis, in order to obtain one's erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. The actual event may be replayed in a masturbation or coital fantasy.

    exigency theory: in psychology, the theory that, regardless of its determinants, human responsivity is contingent upon five universal exigencies of existence: Pairbondedness; Troopbondedness; Ycleptance, Abidance; and Foredoomance.

    exocrine: pertaining to a gland with a duct through which its secretion, for example, tears or saliva, passes. See also endocrine gland.

    exogenous: produced from without.

    exorcise: to expel or drive off an evil spirit with a special ritual; to deliver a person from being possessed by a demon.

    exorcist syndrome: a sexual condition of repeatedly assaulting, stigmatizing, or punishing people who manifest symptoms or behavior that threaten to occur in oneself.

    expiation: atonement; penance.

    exteroceptive: pertaining to a sensory organ that registers information from outside the body. Antonym, interoceptive.

    extravasate: to seep through the skin, like drops of perspiration, or more accurately as plasma seeps through from the underlying capillaries to form droplets of lubrication on the adjoining vaginal mucosa.


    5-reductase: a naturally occurring enzyme necessary for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, the form of the hormone that some androgen-dependent cells require for their activation.

    faggie: slang term, diminutive of fag or faggot, for a male who participates in sexual activity with another male and whose sexuoerotic status is homosexual. [Derives from the faggot or bundle of wooden sticks used to burn alive those convicted of sodomy or homosexual sexual activity. GFP].

    falling in love: the personal experience and manifest expression of becoming intensely, and possibly suddenly, attached or bonded to another person. It may be reciprocal and a source of great ecstasy, or one-sided and a source of great agony. Usually it is erotosexual. See also limerence.

    fallopian tubes: the left and right tubes of the uterus that connect the uppermost part of the uterine cavity bilaterally with the ovaries. They are so positioned as to be able to transport the egg released from the ovary to the uterine cavity for implanting. They are named for the Italian anatomist Gabriello Fallopius (1523-1562). Synonym, oviducts.

    fantasy (verb, to fantasy): in imagination, a series of mental representations connected by a story line or dramatic plot that may possibly be translated into actuality. Imagery in the mind that is fictive rather than perceptual, and that tells a story in either pictures or words. A fantasy, like a dream, may be a program of expectations for the future, or a replay of past happenings, or a combination of both. See also copulation fantasy; masturbation fantasy.

    fantasize: colloquial modification of the verb, to fantasy.

    fellatio: erotic stimulation by sucking [from Latin, fellare] of the penis with the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat, by a partner of either sex, as a part of normal loveplay, and possibly inducing orgasm. stimulation of the penis by taking it into the mouth, possibly to the point of orgasm. The partner may be of either sex. Not a paraphlia, It is considered a normal part of love play.

    feminine (noun, femininity): characteristic of, or attributed to the female sex.

    fetish: 1. an object of special devotion to which mystical power may be attributed. 2. an object or charm endowed with magical or supernatural power; an object or part of the body charged, for a particular person, with special sexuoerotic power [from Latin, facticius, artificial]. See also partialism.

    fetishism: a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on a particular talisman or fetish object, substance, or part of the body belonging to the partner. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the fetish, for example; a uniform, must belong to the self. 2. the condition in which a person is dependent on a talisman or fetish object, substance or part of the body in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. See also fetish; partialism.

    fetishistic/talismanic paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates sinful lust into the lovemap on the condition that a token, fetish, or talisman be substituted for the lover, since lust irrevocably defiles saintly love.

    fetus: the unborn offspring from the end of the embryonic period of development until birth, which in the human species extends from seven or eight weeks until delivery at thirty-six weeks.

    fibroblast: a connective tissue cell.

    fictive image: an image in the mind that is not perceived through the senses, but construed in the imagination on the basis of past perceptions retrieved from memory and reconstituted. See also perceptual image.

    fisting: a vernacular term for the sexuoerotic practice of inserting the hand and forearm into the rectum or vagina, also known, respectively, as brachiorectal and brachiovaginal insertion. Also known as brachioproctic eroticism (BPE) and brachiovaginal eroticism (BVE); fist-fucking in the vernacular.

    flagellant: a person who undergoes whipping or scourging, especially as a religious penitent, or as a sexual masochist.

    follicle: a small cavity, sac, or gland, such as a hair follicle or ovarian follicle. The latter secretes hormones, estrogen and progestin, that regulate the menstrual cycle. See also graafian follicle.

    foredoomance: the inevitable consequence of living culminating in eventual degeneration, decline, disease and death; one of the five universal exigencies of being human.

    forensic: pertaining to or applied in legal proceedings.

    foreplay: the traditional term for erotosexual activity during the proceptive phase in which manual, oral, and other skin and body contact ensure erection of the penis, lubrication of the vagina, and an urgency of being ready for orgasm, usually penovaginally induced.

    formicophilia: a specialized variety of zoophilia in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on the sensations produced by small creatures like snails, frogs, ants, or other insects creeping, crawling, or nibbling the genitalia and perianal area, and the nipples [from Latin, formica, ant + -philia]. {Why is this not also a touchy-feelie fetish?}

    45,X/46,XY syndrome: a chromosomal variant of Turner's (typically 45,X) syndrome evident neonatally by reason of a birth defect of the sex organs, which look hermaphroditically ambiguous. The gonads are neither ovarian nor testicular, but malformed or dysgenic [dysgenetic?] streaks. Short stature is characteristic. At the age of puberty and thereafter, sex hormone treatment is necessary. Some babies with this condition are assigned, reared, and clinically habilitated as boys, some as girls, the latter being more satisfactory.

    frigidity: in sex, the failure to become sexually aroused or passionate. Traditionally, it has been applied chiefly to women but now is considered too imprecise, unscientific and judgmental. Prefered are the terms "situationally anorgasmic" or "pre-orgasmic."

    frottage: see frotteurism.

    frotteur: one who has the syndrome of frotteurism.

    frotteurism: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on rubbing especially the genital area against the body of a stranger in a densely packed crowd [from French, frotter, to rub]. There is no technical name for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely being sexuoerotically dependent on being rubbed by a stranger. Synonym, frottage. See also toucheurism. the condition in which a person (a frotteur) is dependent on rubbing against and feeling the genital or other region of the body of a stranger, especially in a tightly packed crowd, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone): a gonadotropin secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimulates sperm formation in the testis, and the formation of the graafian follicle and the secretion of estrogen from the ovary. It is produced by the pituitary gland and stimulates the formation of the ovarian follicle on the ovary and the production of estrogen. When the follicle ripens, luteinizing hormone takes over, and the progestinic phase of the menstrual cycle appears; see also LH.

    fuck (noun; verb): the Anglo-Saxon synonym for sexual intercourse, coition, or copulation (all Latin-derived). To copulate and to fuck are the only one-word verbs for mutual genital intercourse. The former is too stilted for vernacular use. The latter, being tabooed as dirty, is often replaced by euphemisms like to screw or to ball. See also to quim; to swive.

    fugue: an altered state of consciousness in which what is happening now is unrelated to, or dissociated from what had happened then, in the preceding phase of existence; as for example in the alternating manifestations of dual or multiple personality [from Latin, fuga, a flight]. A state of dissociation, which subsequently may be followed by an amnesia for events which occurred during the state of dissociation. See also multiple personality; schizophrenia.


    gay: (adjective; noun): vernacular term for a male with a homoerotic status and life-style; the name that, in the twentieth century, homosexual people popularized as a term of self-reference that carries no moral or legal stigma.

    gender: one's personal, social, and legal status as male or female, or mixed, on the basis of somatic and behavioral criteria more inclusive than the genital criterion and/or erotic criterion alone. See also gender-identity/role.

    gender coding: combined genetic coding, hormonal coding, and social coding of a person's characteristics of body, mind, and/or behavior as either exclusively male, exclusively female, or nonexclusively androgynous, relative to a given, and in some instances arbitrary criterion standard. See also gender crosscoding.

    gender crosscoding: gender coding in which there is discordance between the natal anatomical sex and one or more of, in particular, the behavioral variables of male and female. See also gender coding.

    gender dysphoria: the state, as subjectively experienced, of incongruity between the genital anatomy and the gender-identity/role (G-I/R), particularly in the syndromes of transexualism and transvestism. See also gender crosscoding; gender transposition.

    gender-identity/role (G-I/R): gender identity is the private experience of gender role, and gender role is public manifestation of gender identity. [Both are like two sides of the same coin, and constitute the unity of G-I/R.] Gender identity is the sameness, unity, and persistence of one's individuality as male, female, or [androgynous]{ambivalent}, in greater or lesser degree, especially as it is experienced in self-awareness and behavior. Gender role is everything that a person says and does to indicate to others or to the self the degree that one is either male or female or [androgynous]{ambivalent}; it includes but is not restricted to sexual and erotic arousal and response (which should never be excluded from the definition).

    gendermap: a developmental representation or template synchronously in the mind and brain depicting the detailed coding of one's gender-identity/role (G-I/R) as masculine, feminine, or mixed.. It includes the sexuoerotic components of the lovemap but is larger, insofar as it incorporates whatever is gender coded vocationally, educationally, recreationally, sartorially, and legally as well as semiotically as in matters of etiquette, grooming, body ornamentation, body language, and vocal intonation.

    gender role: see gender-identity/role.

    gender transposition: the switching or crossing over of attributes, expectancies, or stereotypes, of gender-identity/role (G-I/R) from male to female, or vice versa, either serially or simultaneously, temporarily or persistently, in small or large degree, and with either insignificant or significant repercussions and consequences. See also gender crosscoding; gender dysphoria.

    gene: a unit of genetic material that belongs on a chromosome, and to which belongs a segment of the double-helix molecule of DNA.

    genital: having to do with the sex organs. See also eroticism; sex; sexuality.

    genital penetration phobia: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, variable in etiology, or irrational panic and disabling fear that prevents having the vagina entered by something, particularly the penis, or the penis enveloped in something, particularly the vagina. Synonym, aninsertia. See penetration phobia.

    genitalia: the sex organs, internal and external. The word is often used to refer to the external organs only. Synonym, genitals.

    genitoerotic: erotic feeling and activity specifically involving the genitals in imagery and/or practice.

    genotype: the genetic constitution [that characterizes]{of} an individual, or the species or subtype to which he/she belongs. See also phenotype.

    gerontalism, paraphilic: impersonating an older person and being treated as one by a partner--one of the stigmatic/eligibilic paraphilias. See also adolescentilism; gerontophilia; infantilism; juvenilism.

    gerontology: the science of aging and age-related phenomena.

    gerontophilia (adjective, gerontophilic): a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which the partner must be parental or grandparental in age [from Greek, gerns, old age + -philia]. The technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which a younger person must impersonate a parent or grandparent is paraphilic. 2. The condition in which a young adult is responsive to and dependent on erotic/sexual activity with a much older partner in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    gerontalism: See also ephebophilia; nepiophilia; pedophilia.

    gestagen: a synthetic type of progesterone. Synonym. progestin; progestogen.

    gestation: the period of bearing a pregnancy from fertilization to delivery.

    G-I/R: see gender-identity/role.

    giving head: vernacular term for performing oral sex. See also fellatio; cunnilingus.

    glucocorticoids: generic name for hormones secreted by the adrenocortical glands that are not mineralocorticoids. The glucocorticoids are typified by cortisol or cortisone and are deficient in the syndrome of CVAH. See also CVAH.

    GnRH: gonadotropin-releasing hormone. See also LHRH.

    golden shower: a vernacular term for urophilia. See also water sports.

    gonad: a sex gland, either an ovary or a testis.

    gonadectomy: surgical removal of a gonad, either an ovary or a testis, on one side or both; castration.

    gonadostat: the term, formed by analogy with thermostat, for the hypothetical mechanism whereby the hormonal secretions of the gonad (ovary or testis) regulate the secretions of pituitary and hypothalamic cells.

    gonadotropin: a hormone that stimulates the gonads (ovaries or testicles) to secrete their own hormones, namely, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. Synonym gonadotrophin. one of the hormones released by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which programs the activity of the ovary in the female and the testis in the male. See also FSH; LH.

    graafian follicle: the follicle on the ovary in which the egg grows. After the egg is released, the graafian follicle becomes the corpus luteum. Named for Regner de Graaf, Dutch anatomist (1641-1673).

    Gräfenberg spot: a zone of erotically sensitive glandular tissue, palpable at finger depth through the anterior wall of the vagina during sexual arousal, that corresponds to the prostate gland in the male, and that may release fluid through the urethra at the climax of orgasm (named for Ernest Gräfenberg, 1881-1957). Synonym, G-spot. See also paraurethral glands.

    grand mal seizure: an epileptic seizure with convulsing and unconsciousness. See also petit mal seizure; psychomotor epilepsy.

    growth hormone: a growth-promoting peptide hormone secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, also known as somatotropin (STH) and, in human beings, hGH (human growth hormone).or GH (growth hormone).

    gurney: a wheeled cot or stretcher for ambulance or surgical use, or for use in prisons to restrain a prisoner while killing him/her with a lethal injection.

    gynandromorphy: a term of Greek etymology meaning woman-manshape. Thus, literally, the term means having some of the body morphology and measurements of an average woman and some of an average man, or being at neither extreme.

    gynecomastia: the development of breasts on a male, spontaneously or as a result of hormonal treatment. See adolescent gynecomastia.

    gynecomimetic: a boy or man being a person manifesting the features or qualities of a female in bodily appearance, dress, and behavior. Specifically, a drag queen, which is the vernacular term for a male homosexual who lives in the role of a woman. He retains his male genitalia, even though he may take hormones to grow breasts; see also andromimetic.

    gynemimesis: a syndrome of female impersonation in a natal male who is able to relate sexuoerotically exclusively with men, and who may be hormonally but not surgically sex-reassigned. [from Greek, gyne, woman + mimos, mime]. It is a syndrome of gender transposition, not paraphilia. See also gynemimetophilia.

    gynemimetophile: a person whose primary sexuoerotic attraction is toward a gynemimetic "lady with a penis."

    gynemimetophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which [sexual attraction is predominantly or exclusively toward a gynemimetic or, usually preoperatively, a male-to-female transexual ]{sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon a partner who is a gynemimetic or, in some instances, a sex-reassigned, male-to-female transexual} [from Greek, gyne, woman + mimos, mime + -philia]. The paraphilic counterpart in women is andromimetophilia.

    gynephilia: love of a woman by a man (male gynephilia) or by a woman (female gynephilia). It includes erotosexual bonding. See also heterosexuality; homosexuality; lesbian. {gynephelia = gynophilia}


    hallucinosis: a morbid condition, as in acute alcoholic hallucinosis, which is characterized by recurrent acute attacks marked by hallucinated auditory threats of persecution.

    haptic: having to do with touch and the sense of touch. 2. Pertaining to the skin feelings and the sense of touch.

    hebephilia: see ephebophilia.

    hemisphere: as applied to the brain, either its left or its right half.

    hermaphroditism: having genital attributes of both sexes [from Greek, Hermes and Aphrodite, god and goddess of love]. Some invertebrates are simultaneous hermaphrodites, and some fish are sequential hermaphrodites that change from male to female, or vice versa, once or more often in the course of a lifetime. In the human species, hermaphroditism is a form of birth defect, also known as intersexuality. It is defined as male or female hermaphroditism, if only testes or ovaries are present, respectively; as true hermaphroditism if both tissues are found as in ovotestes, and as gonadally dysgenic [dysgenetic?] when neither tissue is clearly differentiated. Human hermaphrodites do not have the complete sex organs of both sexes. A congenital condition of ambiguity of the reproductive structures so that the sex of the individual at birth is not clearly defined as exclusively male or exclusively female. The condition is named for Hermes and Aphrodite, the Greek god and goddess of love. See also pseudohermaphroditism.

    heterogeneous: dissimilar in type, and having different or opposing characteristics.

    heterophilia: (adjective, heterophilic): [the condition in which love and lust are attached to those of the other sex.] A condition of being in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon a partner of the other morphologic sex [from Greek, heteros other + -philia]. Synonym heteroerotic. See also heterosexual; heterosexualism; homophilia; homoseexual; homosexualism.

    heterophobia (adjective heterophobic): the condition in which those whose love and lust are attached to persons of the other sex are dreaded or feared [from Greek, heteros, other + phobos, fear or fright]. See also homophobia.

    heterosexual (noun, heterosexuality): characterized by other-sex contact, either as a genital act or as a long-term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, heteros, other + sex]. It is analogous to right-handedness in being in conformity with the norm and therefore is not pathological in itself, though subject to other pathology. A heterosexual person is able to fall in love with, and become the pairbonded sexuoerotic partner of only a person of the other morphologic sex. Paraphilias occur predominantly in association with heterosexual pairing. The ideation and affective state, exclusive of the behavioral component, is heterophilia.

    heterosexualism: other-sex contact, either as a genital act or as a long term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, heteros, other + sex]. It is analogous to right-handedness in being in conformity with the norm and, therefore, not pathological in itself, though subject to other pathology. A heterosexual person is able to fall in love with, and become the pairbonded sexuoerotic partner of only a person of the other morphologic sex. Paraphilias occur predominantly in association with heterosexual pairing. Synonym, heterosexuality.

    heterosexuality: see heterosexualism.

    heterosexuality: erotosexual pairing with a partner of the complementary genital morphology. Its full manifestation includes falling in love; see also homosexuality.

    heuristic: serving to stimulate investigation; gaining knowledge through discovery.

    hijra: in India, the name given to a full-time female impersonator or gynemimetic, in some cases also a eunuch with partial surgical sex reassignment, who is a member of a traditional social organization, part cult and part caste, of hijras whose worship is of the goddess, Bahuchara Mata, and whose sexuoerotic role is as women with men. See also acault; berdache; xainth.

    hippocampus: a structure of the limbic system of the brain named for the resemblance of its curved shape to a sea horse. It is situated in the region of the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex and is important, among other things, in the processing of short-term memory, and the elaboration, subjective experience and behavioral expression of affective states. Synonym, Ammon's horn.

    Hippocrates: the Greek physician (c. 460-377 BC) who is honored as the father of medicine.

    hirsutism: hairiness, especially excessive hairiness. Hirsutism is often indicative of a supersufficiency of androgens. In females, an ovarian cyst or tumor may be the source of this androgen.

    histocompatibility: compatibility between different tissues, as in skin grafting or organ transplants, so that the immune mechanism of the host does not bring about the rejection of the graft or transplant. Histocompatibility antigen is expressed on male cells only, so that male cells may be recognized as foreign by the female immune system, if transplanted to a female.

    homicidophilia: see erotophonophilia ; lust murderism.

    homogeneous: of the same type, or having the same characteristics.

    homophilia (adjective, homophilic): the condition in which love, lust, and pairbonding are directed and attached primarily to those of the same sex. A condition of being in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon a partner of the same morphologic sex [from Greek, homos, same + -philia]. Homophilia may exist only in ideation and affect or in combination with sexual behavior in some homosexuality. Synonym, homoerotic. See also homosexualism; homosexuality.

    homophobia (adjective, homophobic): the condition in which those whose love and lust are attached to others of the same sex are dreaded or feared pathological fear of homosexualism. It is not itself a paraphilia, but may be associated with one, as in homophobic lust murder [from Greek, homos, same + phobos, fear or fright]. See also heterophobia.

    homophylophilia (Greek, homophylophilia verb, love or liking of the same sex) Homosexuality; homophylophile: noun, a homosexual; homophylophylic: adjective

    homosexology: sexological science as applied to homosexuality and its relationship to heterosexuality and bisexuality. Antonym, heterosexology.

    homosexual (noun, homosexuality): characterized by same-sex contact, either as a genital act or as a long-term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, homos, same + sex]. It is analogous to left-handedness in being not pathological in itself, though not conforming to the statistical nor the ideological norm, and not being exempt from other pathology. A homosexual person is able to fall in love with, and become the pairbonded sexuoerotic partner of only a person of the same morphologic sex (homophilic homosexual). Homosexuality is not a paraphilia but a gender transposition, variable in extent and degree. Paraphilias may occur in association with either homosexual or heterosexual pairing.

    homosexualism: Synonym, homosexuality.

    homosexuality: see homosexual. erotosexual pairing with a partner of the same genital morphology. Its full manifestation includes falling in love (homophilic limerence). Homosexual sexuoerotic behaviors may occur in same sex concentrations (as in prisons) from sexual frustration, or the expression of position in the heirarchy of dominance and power, for example (heterophlic homosexuality). See also heterophilia; homophilia; ambiphilia; heterosexuality; bisexuality.

    hormonal cyclicity: regularly recurrent changes in the level of one or more hormones secreted into the bloodstream, for example, the changes in pituitary and ovarian hormones in synchrony with the menstrual cycle in women.

    hormonalize (noun, hormonalization): to change or shape by means of a hormone the outcome of development, for example as masculine or feminine, as manifested somatically or behaviorally.

    hormone: a chemical messenger secreted into the bloodstream from specialized glandular cells, including those of the endocrine glands, of the brain and neuroendocrine systems, and of some visceral tissues. It carries information to other cells and organs of the body. A body chemical secreted from specialized glandular cells, especially in the endocrine glands, and carried in the bloodstream for use in other parts and cells of the body. See also pheromone.

    hormonodynamics: hormonal changes that take place in synchrony with changes in other processes manifested within or by a living organism, and that are presumed to have a governing or determining effect.

    humiliation: one of the variable components of sadomasochism.

    Huntington's chorea: a chronic and progressive disease of the central nervous system characterized by irregular body movements, disturbance of speech, and gradually increasing mental deterioration. It is hereditary in origin and is transmitted as a genetic dominant.

    hustler: a person who works with energy and persistence, especially in marketing. As applied to sex, it is a vernacular term especially for males who earn money by servicing women or other men of a more effeminate disposition than their own.

    H-Y antigen: Y-chromosome-induced histocompatibility antigen. It is believed to adhere to the surface of all male mammalian cells, including the Y-bearing sperm of fertilization. In the course of normal embryogenesis, it is held responsible for programming the cells of the undifferentiated gonadal anlage into a testis.

    hybridization: the mixing of two varieties, races, species, types or sub-types by cross breeding.

    hybristophilia: a paraphilia of the marauding/predatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and [dependent upon] {contingent on} being with a partner known to have committed an outrage or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery [from Greek, hybridzein, to commit an outrage against someone + -philia]. The partner may have served a prison sentence as a convicted criminal, or may be instigated by the hybristophile to commit a crime and so be convicted and sent to prison.

    hyperorgasmia: the phenomenon of having an inordinate number of orgasms within a given period, as compared with a given criterion standard.

    hyperparathyroidism: excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands, which are situated alongside the thyroid gland in the throat, and which play a role in regulating the amount of calcium in blood and body tissues.

    hyperphilia: a condition or syndrome, variable in etiology and diagnosis, of being sexuoerotically above standard or inordinate, particularly with respect to some aspect of genital functioning prior to and at the acceptive phase. The condition of being supranormal in sexual and genital responsiveness or frequency.

    hyphephilia: one of a group of paraphilias of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which the sexuoerotic stimulus is associated with the touching, rubbing, or the feel of skin, hair, leather, fur, and fabric, especially if worn in proximity to erotically significant parts of the body [from Greek, hyphe, web + -philia]. See also haptic.

    hypertrophy (adjective, hypertrophied, hypertrophic): over-development in size of an organ or of its constituent cells; synonym, hyperplasia; antonym, atrophy.

    hypophilia: a condition or syndrome, variable in etiology and diagnosis, of being sexuoerotically substandard or deficient, particularly with respect to some aspect of genital functioning at the acceptive phase; impaired or deficient in sexual and genital responsiveness or frequency. The condition of being subnormal in sexual and genital responsiveness or frequency.

    hypopituitarism: a generalized endocrine deficiency condition produced by failure, either partial or complete, of the pituitary gland to secrete its proper hormones. Failure after surgery for a pituitary tumor is usually complete. Idiopathic failure may be either complete or partial. In some instances, partial failure may involve chiefly the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, the hormones that stimulate the ovaries or the testes to produce their own hormones.

    hypospadias (adjective, hypospadiac): a birth defect in the positioning of the urethral (urinary meatus) opening on the penis in males or into the vagina in females. In mild male hypospadias, the opening is only slightly displaced from the tip of the penis. In severe male hypospadias, the opening is in the female position, at the base of the scrotum, and the penis has an open gutter on its underside, instead of a covered urinary canal. A hypospadiac penis may be normal sized or small. 2. A birth defect in the male in which the urinary opening is on the underside of the shaft of the penis anywhere from the glans (first degree) to the perineum (third degree or penoscrotal hypospadias). A small penis with a severe degree of hypospadias is identical in appearance with an enlarged clitoris below which is a single opening or urogenital sinus leading to both the urethra and the vagina. Artificial hypospadias may occur as a sequel to an injury, as in a circumcision accident, or be self-inflicted. See also micropenis (microphallus); hyperspadias.

    hyperspadias (adjective, hyperspadic; synonym, epispadias): a congenital malformation or misplacement of the urethra as in hypospadias except that the position of the opening is on the upper or superior/dorsal surface of the penis.

    hypothalamus: a structure of the diencephalic part of the brain of special importance in governing vital functions, including sex, by releasing neurohumoral substances (hypothalamic releasing or inhibiting factors) from nerve cells. These substances in turn regulate the nearby pituitary gland after transport there by means of the hypothalamic portal veins. Some of these hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting factors, and their consequent regulation of the output of the pituitary hormones, especially when some of these act upon the subsequent secretion of the gonads, also influence the physiology of ovulation, menstruation, spermatogenesis, fertility, libido, and the ideation, affect, and behavior of sexuoeroticism, mating, and parenting. In negative and positive feed-back loops, endocrinology, physiology, ideation, cognition, affect and behaviors in turn regulate the activity of the hypothalamus.

    hypothyroidism: deficiency of thyroid hormone; the opposite of hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland is in the throat, near the larynx or Adam's apple.

    hypoxyphilia: asphyxiophilia [from Latin, hypoxia, oxygen deprivation + -philia]. See also autoerotic death.

    hysterectomy: surgical removal of the uterus or womb [from Greek, hystera, womb + ektome, excision].


    IAG: idiopathic adolescent gynecomastia, occurring in males The unilateral or bilateral abnormal development of breast tissue in adolescent males. Hormone therapy or breast reduction surgery is sometimes indicated. See also adolescent gynecomastia; gynecomastia; idiopathic.

    iatrogenic: generated or induced by the physician; pertaining to physical or mental aliments or disease due to the actions of the physician, as in iatrogenic disease, the result of exposure to pathogens, toxins or injurious treatment or procedures by the physician, or from alarming or traumatizing diagnosis.

    ICSH: interstitial cell stimulating hormone; LH (luteninizing hormone).

    ictal (adjective): pertaining to the period when an epileptic seizure or seizure-like attack takes place.

    ideation: in mental life, the collective representation of thoughts and ideas presently recognized, recalled from memory, or projected into the future, singly or in combination.

    identification: the process of becoming like someone as a sequel to assimilating or copying that person's activities, behavior, and reactions. The term is applied especially to the differentiation of G-I/R (gender identity/role). See also complementation.

    ideogogic (noun, ideogogy): in sex therapy, treatment that involves discussion of ideas and the meaning of one's behavior to other people who are affected by it; see also somesthetic.

    idiographic: specific to the self and unique to one's own biography.

    ideological norm: the standard of what is normal as defined by those who, even though in a minority, exercise their authority to impose their own ideology and values on others whom they overpower.

    ideology (adjective ideological): a set of ideas, beliefs, or principles to which a person or group adheres, lives by, and possibly dies for.

    idiopathic: of unexplained origin, as in the development of a symptom or syndrome that is apparently spontaneously generated.

    idiosyncratic: pertaining to one's individual and sujectively personal ideation, cognitions, affect, tastes, attitudes, habits and behaviors. As in fingerprints, irises, and DNA coding (except in identical twins) the term pertains to one's individuality in any specific measurable factor. Compare to phyletic.

    imagery: in mental life, the collective representation of mental images or depictions of anything either perceived (perceptual imagery) or, if not actually present as a sensory stimulus, recognized in memory (memory imagery), or in dream, confabulation, or fantasy (fictive imagery). Imagery refers to a predominantly visual sensory modality of input.

    immutable: long-lasting and unchangeable.

    imperative: the converse of adventive, in the sense of being obligatory in the development of all members of a species; see also adventive.

    impersonator: an actor or person who assumes the personality and plays the role of being somebody else.

    impetigo: a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection that erodes the skin and dries to form a yellow-crusted sore.

    impotence: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, of variable etiology, in which erection of the penis is lacking or defective under normally conducive conditions; recurrent premature loss of erection of the penis, or its failure to become erect, during the acceptive phase of and erotic/sexual episode. The term has, as in frigidity for the female condition, fallen into disuse. Erectile failure, erectile insufficiency, or erectile difficulty are synonyms.

    impregnation: the process of being rendered pregnant by the intromission of sperm into the uterus and the union of egg and sperm.

    imprimatur: sanction; approval. The term refers to the positive sanction or approval that books required in the past from the Roman Catholic Church prior to their being allowed publication and distribution.

    imprinting: developmental learning of a type first brought to scientific attention in studies of animal behavior by ethologists. Imprinting takes place in a given species when behavior phyletically programmed into the nervous system of that species requires a matching socioenvironmental stimulus to release it, when the matching must take place during a critical or sensitive developmental period (not before or after), and when, having occurred, the resultant behavior pattern is unusually resistant to extinction. In human beings, native language learning is a manifestation of imprinting. See also critical period.

    incest: sexual contact customarily or legally forbidden on the criterion of the close kinship of the two people, variably defined on the basis of genealogical or totemic descent, or by reason of marriage or adoption [from Latin, incestus, unchaste]. Sexual intercourse between persons to whom it is locally forbidden by law or custom because of their relatedness as kinsfolk to totemic clanfolk. The degree of relatedness varies among societies, and the relationship need not be genealogical.

    inclusion paraphilia: one of the paraphilias in which an extraneous element becomes developmentally incorporated into the lovemap, thus changing it from normophilic to paraphilic.

    incubus (plural, incubi): an evil spirit or demon that assumes the form of a male and is supposed to lie upon sleeping people, chiefly women, and to have sexual intercourse with them; a nightmare. See also succubus.

    indolamine: one of a subgroup of biogenic amines; it functions as one of the brain's neurotransmitters. Serotonin is the best know idolamine. See also biogenic amine; catecholamine; serotonin.

    inertia: in erotic/sexual usage inertia is apathy or lack of responsiveness or arousal at the proceptive phase. It typically involves also the acceptive phase. It is experienced subjectively as lack of desire or drive. Antonym, ultraertia.

    infancy: babyhood; the period of development between birth and the beginning of early childhood between the ages of two and three years.

    infantilism, paraphilic: the paraphilia of impersonating an infant and being treated as one by the partner--one of the stigmatic/eligibilic paraphilias. Synonym, autonepiophilia. See also adolescentilism; gerontalism; juvenilism; nepiophilia.

    infatuation: foolish and extravagant passion, especially as applied to a love affair that does not meet with family or local community or religious approval, and does not conform to customary criteria of a well arranged marriage. See also limerence.

    inframasculinize: to masculinize insufficiently. Synonym, hypomasculinize. Antonym, supramasculinize.

    inguinal: pertaining to the inguen or groin, the region or crease between the abdomen and the thigh.

    inguinal hernia: an abnormal patency or opening by malformation or trauma into the inguinal canal in the groin between the lower abdomen and the scrotum; as for example, when a loop of small intestine protrudes into the canal and may be palpated in the groin or scrotum.

    interaxillary: in the armpit, or between the upper arm and lateral chest.

    intercourse: connection or interaction between people. In sexual intercourse, the connection is usually defined as being between two people. It is erroneously restricted to putting the penis into the vagina (or anus) or the vagina (or anus) onto the penis (penovaginal or penoanal intercourse, respectively). The entire sexual interaction between the partners constitutes sexual intercourse. 2. Connection or interaction between people. In sexual intercourse, the connection is usually defined as being between two people. It is erroneously defined as putting the penis into the vagina (penovaginal intercourse), for the entire sexual interaction between the partners constitutes sexual intercourse. See also coitus; copulate; mount.

    interfemoral: between the thighs.

    interictal (adjective): pertaining to the interval between epileptic seizures and seizure-like attacks.

    intermammary: between the breasts.

    intersexuality: an alternative term for hermaphroditism. In past usage, a genetic etiology was sometimes assumed for intersexuality, and a hormonal etiology for hermaphroditism, but the distinction is now known to be untenable. See also hermaphroditism.

    intimacy-aviodancy: a socially dictated constraint on personal disclosure to specified individuals or groups, or on a specified topic. It affects erotic/sexual behavior and communication. It may affect only intimate communication, but not behavior with one's sexual partner; see also age avoidancy and allosex-aviodancy.

    introceptive: pertaining to a sensory organ that registers information from within the body. Antonym, exteroceptive.

    intromission: the insertion of one part into another; in sexual intercourse, the insertion of the penis into the vagina.

    inviolacy: the right to be free from being harmed, harassed, or encroached upon.

    in vitro fertilization: the combining of an egg and a sperm into a fertile cell (zygote) in a glass dish; used especially when the normal process of fertilization within the body fails [from Latin, in vitro, in glass].

    irrumatio: actively thrusting of the penis into the mouth; as contrasted to fellatio, which finds the mouth and tongue actively stimulating the penis through sucking and licking. See also fellatio; blow-job.


    Jekyll and Hyde: a character with dual personality, the law-abiding Dr. Jekyll, and the monstrous Mr. Hyde, created by the author, Robert Louis Stevenson.

    juvenilism, paraphilic: [the paraphilia of] impersonating a juvenile and being treated as one by the partner--one of the stigmatic/eligibilic paraphilias. See also adolescentilism; gerontalism; infantilism; pedophilia.


    Kallmann's syndrome: a condition characterized by pubertal failure, inactive testicles (or ovaries), failure of the pituitary gland to secrete gonadotropic hormones, and failure of the hypothalamus to stimulate the pituitary gland, in association with absence of the sense of smell secondary to defective olfactory function in the brain.

    keloid: a ridge or lump of progressively enlarging scar tissue due to the accumulation of excessive amounts of collagen during the healing of a wound. The possibility of keloid formation is positively correlated with skin pigmentation.

    kinesis: body movement and activity.

    kleptolagnia: sexuoerotic gratification produced by stealing [from Greek, kleptein, to steal + lagneia, lust]. See also kleptophilia.

    kleptomania: compulsive stealing, usually of objects that have symbolic significance but not intrinsic value to the thief [from Greek, kleptein, to steal + mania, madness].

    kleptophilia: a paraphilia of the marauding/predatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on illicitly entering and stealing from the dwelling of a stranger or potential partner [from Greek, kleptein, to steal + philia]. A kleptophile may or may not also forcefully demand or steal sexual intercourse. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of setting oneself up as the recipient of kleptophilic robbery by a stranger or an acquaintance. (adjective, kleptophilic): the condition in which a person is dependent on carrying out or fantasizing the stealing of something in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. See also kleptolagnia; kleptomania.

    Klinefelter's syndrome: a condition identified by a chromosomal anomaly in morphologic males with the pathognomonic symptoms of a small penis, small testes, sterility, and in some cases gynecomastia. The basic genetic defect is an extra sex chromosome with a total count of 47,XXY. Variants of the syndrome are characterized by more than one extra X chromosome, e.g., 48,XXXY. The secondary sex characteristics are usually weakly developed and do not respond well to treatment with male sex hormone.

    klismaphilia or klysmaphilia: a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and [dependent upon]{contingent on} being given an enema by the partner [from Greek, klysma, enema + -philia] There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely of being the enema giver. Klismaphilia may be adjunctive to rubber fetishism or to bondage and discipline. (adjective, klismaphilic): the condition in which a person is dependent on being given an enema, or on the restaging of it in fantasy, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.


    labia (singular, labium): in the female sex organs the outside lips (labia majora) and the inside lips (labia minora) that converge to cover the clitoris with the clitoral hood.

    labioscrotal (noun, labioscrotum): formed and looking like female labia that, instead of being completely separated, are partially fused to resemble a scrotum; or are like a divided scrotum that resembles labia.

    lactation: the secretion of milk from the breasts; the period of suckling the young until weaning.

    lactogenic hormone: the pituitary hormone that stimulates the production of milk from the mammary glands; synonym, prolactin.

    laparotomy: a surgical incision through the flank or loin or, less precisely, the abdominal wall, as for the purpose of exploring the morphology of the internal reproductive organs.

    lekking: a mating ritual, relatively rare among species, in which at the beginning of the mating season males assemble on the mating ground or lek and wait until they are visited by females and selected for mating. 2. A mating ritual, relatively rare among species, in which at the beginning of each mating season males assemble on the same site in the same mating ground or lek and wait to be visited by females and possibly selected for copulation. See also proceptive phase.

    lesbian (adjective, lesbian): female homosexual, named after the Aegian island, Lesbos, whence came the homosexual woman poet, Sappho, of ancient Greece. There is no corresponding eponym for a homosexual or gay male.

    Leydig cells: in the testes, the hormone-producing cells that are packed in like bunches of grapes between the seminiferous tubules in which sperms are produced.; the interstital cells in the testes that produce testosterone; they are packed between the seminiferous tubules in which the sperms grow.

    LH (luteinizing hormone): a gonadotropin secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimulates testosterone secretion from the testis, in the male, and the formation of the corpus luteum and the secretion of progesterone from the ovary, in the female; one of the gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. It induces release of the egg from the graafian follicle and transformation of the latter into a corpus luteum. LH in the female is the same as ICSH (interstitial cell stimulating hormone), which stimulates testosterone production in the male; see also FSH.

    LHRH (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone): from the hypothalamus, a hormone that triggers the release of the pituitary gonadotropins, LH and FSH. LH frees the ovum and changes its graafian follicle into the corpus luteum. LHRH, LRH, LRF (F = factor), and GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) are synonymous. See also hypothalamus.

    libido: sexual drive, subjectively experienced and reported. Hypothetically, in psychoanalytic doctrine, it also means the positive life force of Eros as compared with Thanatos, the death force.

    limbic system: the old cortex or paleocortex, as contrasted with the neocortex, of the brain. Its functions pertain to those aspects of the human mind and behavior that are shared by lower, especially mammalian species.

    limerence (adjective, limerent): a coined name (Tennov, 1979) for the experience of having fallen in love and being irrationally and fixatedly love-smitten, irrespective of the degree to which one's love is requited or unrequited. the state of having fallen in love and being love-smitten. See also infatuation.

    lordosis: in four-legged animals, the crouching, arched or saddle-back, mating posture of the female presenting her hind end to the male for copulation [from Greek, lordosis].

    love: the personal experience and manifest expression of being attached or bonded to another person. There is sacred and profane love, and affectional and erotic love. The word is also used in the vernacular as a synonym for like. See also eroticism; falling in love; limerence; infatuation.

    loveblot: a person (or image) who sufficiently resembles the [person or] image depicted in someone else's lovemap as to become the recipient onto whom the lovemap is projected in a limerent love affair, regardless of whether the response is one of love requited or, being unrequited, induces a pathological reaction of lovesickness.

    lovemap: a developmental representation or template synchronously in the mind and in the brain depicting the idealized lover, the idealized love affair, and the idealized program of sexuoerotic activity projected in imagery or actually engaged in with the lover.

    lovemap displacement: an intrinsic element that, developmentally dislocated from its regular place, becomes repositioned in a lovemap, changing it from a normophilic lovemap into a paraphilic one of the displacement type--for example, genital display in paraphilic exhibitionism.

    lovemap inclusion: an extraneous element that becomes developmentally incorporated into a lovemap, changing it from a normophilic lovemap into a paraphilic one of the inclusion type--for example, paraphilic fetishism.

    lovesickness: the personal experience and manifest expression of agony when the partner with whom one has fallen in love is a total mismatch whose response is indifference, or a partial mismatch whose reciprocity is incomplete, deficient, anomalous, or otherwise unsatisfactory.

    lust: longing, eagerness, inclination, or sensuous desire; normal sexual desire, or sexual desire stigmatized as degrading passion.

    lust murder: see erotophonophilia.

    lust murderism (homicidophilia): the very rare condition in which a person is dependent on sadistic homicide of the partner, or the restaging of it in fantasy, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. Recorded cases are either heterosexual or homosexual, but not bisexual. The converse condition is the masochistic staging of one's own murder (autoassassinatophilia). See also serial killer.


    male hermaphroditism: a generic term applied to several different syndromes of birth-defective ambiguity of the sex organs occurring in the 46,XY gonadal male. The defect is induced in fetal life by a deficiency of hormonal masculinization secondary to either the quantity or type of male hormone available, or to insensitivity of the tissues to male hormone. Synonym, male pseudohermaphroditism.

    manic-depressive cyclicity: in manic-depressive illness, the repeated sequence of a period of being high (manic) followed by one of being low (depressive).

    marauding: raiding; taking by force.

    marauding/predatory paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates sinful lust into the lovemap on the condition that it be stolen, abducted, or imposed by force, since it irrevocably defiles saintly love.

    masochism (adjective, masochistic): a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on being the recipient of abuse, torture, punishment, discipline, humiliation, obedience, and servitude [named after-Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, 1836-1895, Austrian author and masochist] The reciprocal paraphilic condition is sadism.

    masochist: The paraphile fixated on the condition of being responsive to or dependent on being the recipient of punishment and humiliation in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. As the partner of a sadist, a person may impersonate a masochist for commercial gain, within the limits set by the pain threshold.

    masculinacy: the quality or state of being masculine. Antonym, effeminacy.

    masculine (noun, masculinity): characteristic of, or attributed to the male sex.

    masculinate (noun, masculinacy): adjective describing a mannish or virilistic manner and bearing in a woman or girl stigmatized as an unwomanish lesbian.

    masculinization: the developmental process of differentiating and/or assimilating masculine features and characteristics.

    masochism: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on being the recipient of abuse, torture, punishment, discipline, humiliation, obedience, and servitude, variously mixed (named after Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, 1836-1895, Austrian author and masochist). The reciprocal paraphilic condition is sadism.

    master: sadomasochistic vernacular term for the sadistic partner whose role is one of total domination and disciplinarian Antonym, slave. See also dominatrix.

    masturbation: sexuoerotic genital self-stimulation by pressure or touch, self-stimulation, usually though not necessarily climaxing in orgasm [from Latin, manus, hand + st[u]parare, to deflower, ravish, fornicate, or to engage in adultery, incest, or rape]. From its Latin derivation, the literal meaning of masturbation is to use the genitalia to ravish or rape the hand. etymologically, hand-rape, the manual practice of erotic self-stimulation, formerly stigmatized as a crime against nature. Today it is considered normal and healthy and is not limited to either the hands or the self. It includes digital stimulation of the genitalia of a partner as well as of oneself. See also secret vice; autoeroticism.

    masturbation fantasy: cognitional rehearsal of erotically stimulating activity that accompanies, and may precede, an episode of masturbation. To the extent that the content of its imagery and ideation, like that of a sleeping dream, has a high degree of autonomy and individual specificity in its power to stimulate genital arousal, it is not voluntarily chosen or preferred. 2. Imagery of erotically stimulating content that accompanies, and may precede, an episode of masturbation. Like the imagery of a sleeping dream, its content has a high degree of autonomy and is not voluntarily chosen. See also copulation fantasy; coital fantasy.

    Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuester syndrome: a sexual birth defect characterized by impaired differentiation of the Müllerian ducts so that the uterus is rudimentary and cordlike. The deep part of the vagina is absent and the outer part is shallow or in the form of a dimple. The fallopian tubes may be defective, and there may be other sporadic congenital anomalies. The ovaries are normal and induce normal femininizing puberty, except for lack of menstruation secondary to the defective uterus. Psychosexual differentiation is as a female.

    meatus: an opening or passageway in the body, such as the urinary meatus.

    mechanism: the arrangement or association of the elements or parts of anything in relation to the effect they generate; the combination of mental processes by which an effect is generated.

    medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA): the generic name of Depo-Provera. It has many of the physiological properties of progesterone, and so is known as a synthetic progestin, although in chemical structure it is actually an androgen, like testosterone, which is closely related to progesterone. Therapeutically, MPA has varied uses: to suppress ovulation (in the birth control pill); to prevent spermatogenesis (as a male contraceptive); and as an antiandrogen to suppress androgen release and sexuoeroticism, reversibly, in male sex offenders. 2. A pharmaceutical hormonal product marketed under the name of Provera or Depo-Provera.® It has many of the physiological properties of progesterone, and so is known as a synthetic progestin, though in chemical structure it is actually an androgen, like testosterone, which is closely related to progesterone. Therapeutically, medroxyprogesterone acetate has varied uses: to suppress ovulation (in the birth-control injection or pill); to prevent spermatogenesis (as a male contraceptive); and as an antiandrogen to suppress androgen release and libido, reversibly, in male sex offenders (chemical castration). See also Androcur; cyproterone.

    menage a trois: See troilism [French, household of three].

    menopause: in a female, the so-called change of life marked by the cessation of menstrual functioning. It does not preordain cessation of sex life.

    menstrual: an endocrine cycle of 28 days in women which includes fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone, the events of enodmetrial development, follicular maturation, ovulation, changes in cervical mucus secretion, breast vascularization changes, and if pregnancy does not occur, menstruation.

    menstruation: in women, the periodic (monthly) bloody discharge from the uterus and vagina approximately two weeks after ovulation.

    mercantile: commercial; obtained by purchase.

    mercantile/venal paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates sinful lust into the lovemap on the condition that it be traded, bartered, or purchased and paid for, not freely exchanged, since it irrevocably defiles saintly love.

    metabolite: in the body, a substance that is produced by the body's own chemistries.

    metamorphosis: a striking change in appearance, form, or substance.

    microcannula: a hair-thin glass tube so small that it can penetrate a single cell and deliver a minute drop of a liquid substance to the cell.

    microelectrode: an electrode made of a filament so hair-thin that it can penetrate a single cell, such as a nerve cell, and deliver to or receive from the cell a minute amount of electrical current.

    micropenis: a birth defect in which the penis is extremely small. The maximum stretched length is not greater than .5 standard deviation units (SDU) below the mean for age, and possibly as small as 5.0 SDU below. The diameter is correspondingly small, with extreme hypoplasia of the corpora cavernosa. As compared with a micropenis, the average adult penis's stretched length is 6.6 inches (16.7 cm), with a standard deviation of 0.77 inches ([1.95 cm) (Money, Lehne, and Pierre-Jerome, 1984) an exceptionally small penis that resembles the clitoris in size. A micropenis may carry the urethral tube or may be hypospadiac. Typically, it is formed mostly of skin, the body (corpora cavernosa) of the penis being hypoplastic. The condition is also known as microphallus or penile agenesis.

    microphallus: see micropenis.

    Minotaur: in Greek mythology, a monster, half man and half bull, confined in the labyrinth built by Daedalus for Minos, where it devoured the periodic tribute of seven youths and seven maidens sent by Athens, until it was slain by Theseus.

    MIS: Müllerian (duct) inhibiting substance. It is produced by the fetal testis, and its function is to vestigiate the primordial Müllerian ducts, thus preventing the development of a uterus and fallopian tubes in the male.

    miscegenation: interbreeding of races; in U.S. usage, interbreeding of, in particular, white and black. Up until the late 1960s mixed race marriages were not permitted in some of the United States due to the miscegenation laws.

    mixophilia: see scoptophilia.

    mixoscopia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon watching others engaging in sexual intercourse [from Greek, mixis, intercourse + skopein, to examine] The reciprocal paraphilic condition is autagonistophilia. Synonyms, scoptolagnia; scoptophilia. See also troilism.

    monecious: denoting species in which male and female reproductive organs occur not in two different individuals but in the same individual [from Greek, monos, single + oikos, house]. Synonym, monoecious. Antonym, diecious.

    monistic: single or whole; not dualistic or pluralistic.

    monomorphism (adjective, monomorphic): having not male and female, but only one sexual form or manifestation in a species as, for example, in those species of lizard that reproduce by parthenogenesis. Antonym, dimorphism.

    monosexual (noun, monosexuality): characterized by either exclusively heterosexual or exclusively homosexual contacts either in genital acts or as a long-term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, mono, single + sex]. Antonym, bisexual.

    morphodite: colloquialism for hermaphrodite.

    morphophilia: one of a group of paraphilias of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on a partner whose body characteristics are selectively particularized, prominent, or different from one's own. [Alternative: the bodily characteristics of the partner are selectively particularized, prominent, or essential as a prerequisite to sexuoerotic arousal and the facilitation or attainment of orgasm]. [from Greek, morphe, form + -philia).

    motivation theory: in psychology, the theory that internal forces and purposes determine human responsivity. Any motivation theory specifying internal goals, wants, desires, objectives and purposes as causes of present behavior is teleological and violates the scientifically established law that causes be antecedent to their effects.

    mount: together with thrusting, the penovaginal part of sexual intercourse. In human beings, either sex may get in position to mount the other, whereas in most other animals, the female presents, and the male mounts. See also coitus; copulate; copulation; intercourse.

    Müllerian duct structures: [Müllerian ducts] the structures in the fetus that will, in the female, develop into the uterus and fallopian tubes; named for Johannes P. Müller, German physiologist (1801-1848). See also Wolffian duct structures; Wolffian ducts.

    Müllerian-inhibiting hormone: a hormone produced by the fetal testis. Its function is to vestigiate the primordial Müllerian ducts, thus preventing the development of a uterus and fallopian tubes in the male. I MIS.

    multiphilia: the compulsive condition of recurrent limerence or falling in love and pair-bonding with a new partner for a period of limited duration. It is one of the manifestations of ultraertia. The degree of pair-bondedness with the partner, despite its brevity, distinguishes multiphilia from nymphomania and satyriasis (Don Juanism).

    multiple personality: split personality; a mental condition in which a person experiences him/herself as two or more different people, differently named, and with major extremes in behavior and life-style, each dissociated from the other, with variable degrees of overlap and shared memory or mutual amnesia Paraphilic sex crimes are commonly committed in a fugue-like, or dual-personality state Transvestophiles have a male and a female personality. See also dissociate; fugue; personality; schizophrenia.

    multiplexed paraphilia: a situation in which a person may mainifest several paraphilic syndromes synchronously with one another.

    multivariate: having more than one variable, or caused by more than one determinant.

    Münchausen's syndrome: a factitious or sham illness or condition in which the symptoms mimic those of another illness but are clandestinely produced by the patient in himself or herself; or, by proxy, by a parent in his/her child [named for Baron von Münchausen (1720-1797), author of fantastic and confabulatory tales].

    mutable: transient and able to be changed.

    mysophilia (adjective, mysophilic): 1. a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent oneself-degradation and self-defilement by smelling, chewing or otherwise utilizing sweaty or soiled clothing or articles of menstrual hygiene [from Greek, mysos, uncleanness + -philia] 2. the condition in which a person is dependent on something soiled or filthy, for example, sweaty underwear or used menstrual pads, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. There is overlap between mysophilia, coprophilia, and urophilia. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely [of supplying]{being the provider of} the mysophilic materials.

    myxedematous psychosis: a severe mental illness characterized by depression and watery swelling of the body's tissues brought on by failure of the thyroid gland, which is in the throat near the larynx, to secrete its thyroid hormone.


    narcissism: self-love, or self-centeredness.

    narratophilia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on using words and telling stories commonly classified as dirty, pornographic or obscene, in the presence of the sexual partner [from Latin, narrare, to narrate + -philia] The same term is used for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely of being dependent on reading or listening to such material for sexuoerotic arousal. See also pictophilia.

    Narratophilic (adjective): the condition of being responsive to, or dependent on reading or listening to erotic narratives in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    narratophilia nativistic: native to the organism; the converse of acquired or culturally induced. See also culturistic.

    natal sex: the sex of a baby at birth.

    native lovemap: by analogy with native language, the lovemap that is assimilated as one's own personal, inalienable possession, regardless of how many of its attributes are shared, or not shared by others. See also lovemap.

    natural law: according to theological doctrine, divine law as revealed in nature. The doctrine of natural sexual law is that the divine purpose is procreation, and that sexual passion is sinful and immoral.

    necrophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and [dependent upon]{contingent on} not a live partner, but a corpse [from Greek, nekros, dead + -philia]. There is no reciprocal paraphilic condition except in the make-believe of being dead and copulating in a coffin in preparation for burial--for which there is no technical term.

    Necrophilic (adjective): the condition of being responsive to or dependent on sexual activity with a cadaver in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. In necrophilia, there is an obsession with the state of death, not as there is in sexual homicide with the process of killing.

    neocortex: the outermost layer or cortex of the brain, which in the evolutionary sense is new and is most highly developed in humans. It is contrasted with the paleocortex (the old cortex or limbic system) that it encapsulates. See also cortex.

    nepiophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type like pedophilia except that the age range is restricted to infancy [from Greek, nepon, infant + -philia]. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is autonepiophilia, or paraphilic infantilism, impersonating a baby. The parallel paraphilias are ephebophilia, and gerontophilia, as well as pedophilia.

    neuroanatomy: the branch of neurology and anatomy that is concerned with nerve cells and the nervous system, including the brain.

    neuropeptide: a class of biochemical substances, related to peptide hormones, that are active in the brain and nervous system, for example, as neurotransmitters. See also peptide hormones; neurotransmitter; endorphins.

    neurotransmitter: one of many different body chemicals released by brain and nerve cells, that carry messages from cell to cell across neuronal junctions.

    nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT): spontaneous erection of the penis during sleep occurring from birth to advanced old age, typically in three episodes a night for a total of 2-3 hours. It is associated with the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep and with erotosexual dreams. It is measured by harnessing the penis into an expandable ring. Less is known about the corresponding phenomenon in females as there is no fully satisfactory technique for measuring vasocongestion and lubrication of the female genitals.

    normo-: a prefix meaning in conformity with a set of standards [from Latin, norma, a carpenter's square, rule, pattern].

    normophilia (adjective, normophilic): a condition of being erotosexually in conformity with the standard as-dictated by customary, religious, or legal authority [from Latin, normo-, + -philia]. See also paraphilia.

    normophiliac: a person who manifests a normophilia. Synonym, normophile.

    nosocomial: belonging to or associated with a hospital, clinic, or other location of the practice of any branch of medicine, surgery, radiology, psychiatry, or pediatrics.

    nosology: the branch of medical science which deal with the systematic classification of diseases; 2. a scientific or theoretical system for classification of disease; 3. the characteristics of a particular disease as in a description of its syndrome [Greek" nosos - disease].

    nymph: in Greek and Roman mythology, one of the minor nature goddesses personified as a beautiful maiden of river, mountain or woodland habitat.

    nymphomania: the compulsive condition in a female of recurrent sexual intercourse with different male partners, promiscuously and without falling in love, but not as a paid prostitute or call girl. In psychiatry, a term, loosely applied to females believed to have an insatiable sexual appetite. Antonym, satyriasis; Don Juanism; sexual addiction or sexual compulsivity.


    obscenity: imagery, ideation, narratives and other representations and actualities which offend and disgust the sensibilities of the perceiver. Imprecisely, the term is used to refer to sexually explicit material or media (SEM), including pornography, and also sexual actions or utterances that are traditionally classified as forbidden. As in erotica, what is perceived as obscene is usually idiosyncratic and is incongruent with the specifications of one's lovemap. See also erotica; lovemap; pornography; sexually explicit media.

    olfaction (adjective, olfactory): the sensory function of smelling.

    olfactophilia: one of the paraphilias of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which the sexuoerotic stimulus is associated with smell and odors emanating from parts of the body, especially the sexual and adjacent parts [from Latin, olfacere, to smell + -philia]. See also osmolagnia.

    oligospermia: abnormally low number of sperm in the semen, with resultant relative infertility. See also azoospermia.

    ondinisme: (French for undinism) See urophilia See also undinism; urolagnia.

    ontogeny: in biology, the developmental history of the life span of a single individual or organism, as compared with phylogeny, which is the developmental history of all members of the species. See also phylogeny.

    opioid: a peptide, naturally occurring in the brain and elsewhere in the body, the effect of which resembles that of opium or a morphine-like synthetic opiate.

    opponent-process theory: a theory proposed by Richard Solomon (1973, 1980) to augment traditional stimulus-response learning theory, according to which powerful aversion or attraction to a particular activity or experience undergoes reversal, as for example, pain reversing into pleasure, tragedy into triumph, terror into euphoria, or the proscribed into the prescribed. Opponent-process theory explains addictions to opioids, alcohol, other drugs, and to the positive and negative affective states of love, fear and anxiety, and behaviors such as exercise and combat of a war or sporting event. The theory explains, in part, the development of the paraphilias and sexuoerotic participation in sadomasochism.

    orchidectomy: surgical opening of the scrotum and removal of the testicles for testicular cancer, or to remove the major source of testosterone for prostate cancer therapy, or in relatively ineffective attempts of castration to control the sexual behavior of adjudged "sex offenders."

    orgasmic phase: the third of four sexual phases delineated by Masters and Johnson; see also excitement, plateau, and resolution phases.

    orgy: vernacular term for sexual sharing of partners at a party, either in pairs, or as a group.

    osmolagnia: sexuoerotic stimulation from odors [from Greek, osme, smell + lagrleia, lust]. See also olfactophilia; undineism.

    osteoarthritis: noninflammatory degenerative joint disease accompanied by pain, stiffness, and deformity.

    ovariectomy: surgical removal of the ovaries; female castration.


    pairbond: a strong and long-lasting closeness between two human beings or other creatures, such as exists between parent and child or two lovers.

    Pairbondedness (adjective, pairbondancy): the proclivity or tendency to form pairbonds; one of the five universal exigencies of being human.

    para-: a prefix meaning beside, near, beyond, aside, amiss, and sometimes implying alteration or modification [from Greek, para].

    paranoid (noun, paranoia): characterized by thinking that is delusional and, maybe, hallucinatory. It is incorrectly used as a synonym for suspicious.

    paraphilia: a condition occurring in men and women of being compulsively responsive to and obligatively dependent upon an unusual and personally or socially unacceptable stimulus, perceived or in the imagery of fantasy, for optimal initiation and maintenance of erotosexual arousal and the facilitation or attainment of orgasm [from Greek, para-, altered + -philia]. Paraphilic imagery may be replayed in fantasy during solo masturbation or intercourse with a partner. In legal terminology, a paraphilia is a perversion or deviancy; and in the vernacular it is kinky or bizarre sex.

    paraphilic (adjective): an erotosexual condition of being recurrently responsive to, and obsessively dependent on, an unusual or unacceptable stimulus, perceptual or in fantasy, in order to have a state of erotic arousal initiated or maintained, and in order to achieve or facilitate orgasm. The majority of paraphilias are believed to occur significantly more frequently in males than females. See also Antonym, normophilia.

    paraphiliac: a person who manifests a paraphilia. (synonym, paraphile). Either of the two endings, -iac and -ile, may be used for each of the philias; a person with a paraphilia.

    paraplegia: paralysis with numbness and total loss of sensation and control of voluntary movement in the legs and lower body. It follows spinal cord injury or disease that disconnects the brain from its nerve supply to and from the body below.

    parasympathetic nervous system: pertaining to that part of the autonomic nervous system which usually prepares the organism to deal more effectively with a situation of peace, rest, and recovery, the functions of which contrast with or reciprocate those of the sympathetic system Paradoxically, the parasympathetic system is responsible for the physiological phenomenon of sexual arousal, but not sexual orgasm and/or ejaculation. See also autonomic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system.

    paraurethral glands: in females, a zone of glandular tissue located around the canal of the urethra that, in some cases, releases a fluid which escapes from the urethral opening at the time of orgasm. The male counterpart is the prostate gland. These glands, and their location, are otherwise described as the G-Spot, Gräfenberg spot, zone or area (synonyms).

    parthenogenesis: development of an egg into a newborn without fertilization by a sperm. Parthenogenic species are monochoric, that is, all members of the species are of the same gonadal type; for example, some species of whiptail lizard. This is also called "virgin birth" in the vernacular.

    partialism: fetishism of the type in which the fetishistic attachment is not to an object but to a part of the partner's body, for example the hair or, in the case of acrotomophilia, the stump of an amputated limb.

    pathognomonic: pertaining to a distinctive sign, symptom, or characteristics of a disease on which a diagnosis can be made.

    pederasty: literally, boy love. Pederasty is usually used in the restricted sense to refer to anal intercourse performed by an older youth or man on a prepubertal or early pubertal boy. {The term is based on} the custom, tracing back to classical Greece, of older men having younger adolescent male lovers as the recipients of anal intercourse [from Greek, pais, boy + erastes, lover]. It is not conventionally applied to the relationship between an older woman and a boy. It is not a synonym for pedophilia, nor for ephebophilia.

    pedophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and the facilitation or attainment of orgasm in a postpubertal adolescent or adult male or female are responsive to and [dependent upon]{contingent on} having a juvenile partner of prepubertal or peripubertal, developmental status [from Greek, paidos, child + -philia]. Pedophile relationships may be heterosexual or homosexual or, more rarely, bisexual. They may take place in imagery or actuality, or both. The technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which an older person impersonates a juvenile is paraphilic juvenilism. The age and developmental status of the partner distinguishes pedophilia from nepiophilia and ephebophilia. (adjective, pedophilic): the condition in which an adult is responsive to or dependent on the imagery or actuality of erotic/sexual activity with a peripubertal or early pubertal boy or girl, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. A pedophiliac may be a male or a female. Pedophilic activity may be replayed in fantasy during masturbation or copulation with an older partner. See also gerontophilia.

    Peeping Tom: a voyeur. The name of the fictional character Tom, who after warnings not to do so at the pain of death, spied on the naked Lady Godiva as she rode trough the town clad only in her long hair in sympathetic protest of the unreasonable taxes levied by her husband on the impovershed citizens. The risk of detection, while illicitly observing or overhearing nudity or sexual activity, specifically contibutes to the arousal of the paraphilic voyeur. See also voyeurism.

    penetration phobia: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, variable in etiology, of irrational panic and disabling fear that prevents having the vagina (or anus, or mouth) entered by something, particularly the penis, or the penis enveloped in something, particularly the vagina (or anus, or mouth). Synonym, aninsertia.

    penis: the male urinary and copulatory organ, comprising a root, shaft, and at the extremity, glans penis and foreskin [from Latin, penis, or tail]. The shaft or body of the penis consists of two parallel cylindrical bodies, the corpora cavernosa, and beneath them, surrounding the urethra, the corpus spongiosum. The penis in the male is the homologue of the clitoris in the female.

    penoclitoris: in cases of birth defect of the sex organs, a protuberant structure that could be either a small and deformed penis that lacks a urinary tube, or an enlarged clitoris. Synonym, clitoropenis.

    peodeiktophilia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on evoking surprise, dismay, shock, or panic from a stranger by illicitly exhibiting the penis, either flaccid or erect, with orgasm induced or postponed [from Greek, peos, penis + deiknunain, to show + -philia]. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely staring at the penis, which is subsumed under the broader concept of voyeurism. There is also no technical term for paraphilic exhibitionism of the female genitalia. See also exhibitionism.

    peptide hormones: a class of hormones biochemically constructed of the same components of which proteins are made. They include neurohormones that govern the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland, e.g., gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). They include several of the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland, e.g., growth hormone; see also steroid hormones.

    perceptual image: an image in the mind as presently being perceived through one or more of the senses; see also fictive image.

    perineum (adjective, perineal): the region between the thighs, bounded by the anus and the scrotum or the vulva in, respectively, males and females. The region between the thighs, bounded by the anus and the scrotum or the vulva.

    peripheral nervous system: That portion of the nervous system which lies outside of the protective cranium and vertebral column (containing the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system), and which consists of a musculo-skeletal and usually voluntary somatic nervous system and a visceral and usually involuntary autonomic nervous system.

    personality: the uniqueness that characterizes an individual as a person as compared with, and in response to others, with respect to consistency or inconsistency of behavior and life-style [from Latin, persona, a mask, as worn by actors].

    perversion: a vernacular [pejorative] and legal term for paraphilia, now outdated in biomedical usage.

    petit mal seizure: an epileptic seizure characterized by lapse of attention and awareness, and failure of subsequent recall, but without convulsing and unconsciousness. See also grand mal seizure; psychomotor epilepsy.

    petticoat punishment: a vernacular term for a masochistic transvestite practice in which a male, dressed like a school girl or servant girl, gets spanked.

    PET scan: in nuclear medicine, an advanced technique of positron emission tomography (PET) for visualizing or scanning details of soft internal organs, for example, the brain, that do not show up on an X-ray film.

    phalangeal: pertaining to any bone of the phalanges, that is the fingers or toes.

    phalloplasty: in plastic surgery, the procedures for attempted construction or reconstruction of a penis in cases of birth defect, of female-to-male transexualism, and of accidental or surgical amputation of the penis.

    phallus: a synonym for penis, which is also used to refer to the enlarged clitoris or penis-like structure of a female hermaphrodite.

    phenotype: the observable traits that characterize the morphology, function, or behavior of individual members of a genotype. The phenotype may be many steps removed from the genotype. See also genotype.

    pheromone: an odorous substance or smell secreted by an organism that acts as a chemical messenger between members of the same or different species and serves as a foe repellent, territorial boundary or path marker, social heriarchy position indicator, child-parent bonding agent, or sexual lover/lover mate attractant. Pheromones may also regulate the reproductive ecology within a given species; an odoriferous substance that acts as a chemical messenger between individuals. By contrast, a hormone acts as a chemical messenger within the bloodstream of a single individual. In mammals, pheromones serve as foe repellents, boundary markers, child-parent attractants, and sex [lover-lover] attractants. See also hormone.

    -phile: a word ending, grammatically transformed from -philia, for noun usage. Example: one person, a paraphile. Synonym, -philiac, as in one person, a paraphiliac.

    -philia: a word ending meaning love, or erotic and sexual love of a person, thing, or activity [from Greek, philos, loving, dear] See also normophilia; paraphilia.

    -philiac: a word ending, grammatically transformed from -philia, for noun and adjectival usage. Examples: one person, a paraphiliac (noun); one paraphiliac person (adjective). See also -phile; -philic.

    -philic: a word ending, grammatically transformed from -philia, for adjectival usage. Example: a paraphilic syndrome. Synonym, -philiac, as in a paraphiliac syndrome.

    phimosis: constriction of the foreskin so that it does not pull back, retracted over the glans of the penis.

    phlogiston: a hypothetical substance which, prior to the discovery of oxygen, was thought to produce fire.

    phobia (adjective . phobic): morbid and persistent dread or fear [from Greek, phobos, fear].

    phocomelia: a birth defect of a limb, likened in everyday speech to a seal flipper, the hand or foot being attached to the trunk of the body by a single, small, deformed bone without, respectively, an elbow or knee [from Greek, phoke, seal + melos, limb].

    phyletic: of or pertaining to a race. Phyletic components or aspects of behavior in human beings are those shared by all members of the human race, as compared with behavior that is individual and biographically or ontogenetically idiosyncratic [from Greek, phylon, tribe or race]. Phyletic behavior is the product of both prenatal and postnatal determinants, as is personal biographic behavior. Each is the end product of both innate and experiential determinants. Compare to idiosyncratic.

    phylism: a coined term (Money, 1983) used to refer to an element or unit of response or behavior of an organism that belongs to an individual through its phylogenetic heritage as a member of its species [from Greek, phylon, tribe or race] See also phyletic; phylogenetic. Synonym, phylon.

    phylogenetic (noun, phylogeny): belonging to the developmental history of an animal or vegetable species, which is the genealogical history shared by all members of the species [from Greek, phylon, tribe, race, or genetically related group +-geny, generation or development] See also ontogenetic.

    phylogeny: in biology, the developmental history of a species, which is the genealogical history shared by all members of the species. See also ontogeny.

    pictophilia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are not only responsive to, but also contingent on viewing pictures, movies, or video cassettes of activities commonly classified as dirty, pornographic, or obscene, alone or in the presence of the sexual partner [from Latin, pictus, painted + -philia]. The same term is used for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely of having sexuoerotic arousal contingent on showing visual erotica to the partner. See also narratophilia; (adjective, pictophilic): the condition of being responsive to or dependent on erotic pictures in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    pituitary gland: an endocrine gland situated deep in the brain in the midline behind the eyes, and directly {below} associated with the hypothalamus. The hormones of the anterior pituitary regulate many functions of the other endocrine glands of the body. The pituitary is also known as the hypophysis. See also hypothalamus.

    placenta: the thick plaque of tissue that forms when an embryo attaches itself to the inner wall of the womb, and which is joined to the baby by the umbilical cord [from Latin, placenta, flat cake].

    plateau phase: the second of four sexual phases delineated by Masters and Johnson. See also excitement, orgasmic, and resolution phases.

    polemicist: a person skilled in polemics, that is, in the art of controversy and disputation.

    polyandry: the practice or the condition whereby a woman has more than one established erotic/sexual female partner; see also polygyny.

    polygamy: the practice of having more than one marriage.

    polygyny: the practice or the condition whereby a man has more than one established erotic/sexual female partner. See also polyandry.

    polyiterophilia: a form of hyperphilia in which a person's own erotosexual responsiveness is built up toward orgasm by reiterating the same activity (manual, oral, anal, vaginal, or penile) many times with many partners.

    polymorphism: the quality or character of occurring in several different forms.

    pornography: material or media produced commercially and consisting of a wide variety of sexually suggestive to explict representations as in writings and visually graphic depictions (especially pictures, motion pictures and videos). Pornography may have sexuoerotically facilitating or arousing effects, offensive, disgusting, inhibitory and sexuoerotically disarousing effects, or a neutral effect sexuoerotically on the perceiver dependent upon the materials' congruence, dyscongruence, or non-congruence with the specifications of one's lovemap. The term is inaccurately used to describe sexually explicit materials of a nature that are legally or by custom classified as forbidden. See also erotic; erotography, obscenity.

    praxic: requiring visuomotor coordination and characterized by action and doing something rather than talking about it [from Greek, praxis, practice, doing something]. ; related to hand-eye coordination in making things and in figuring out the logic of how shapes fit together.

    praxon: a unit of action or behavior that, by analogy, corresponds to a word or word-group in a sentence. [from Greek, praxis, practice, doing something]

    precocious puberty: see premature puberty. Synonym, pubertas precox.

    predation: plunder; pillage; taking without permission.

    predicate: to know or proclaim the nature or outcome of something from a knowledge of its beginnings.

    prednisone: the generic name of one of the synthetic glucocorticoid hormones, used therapeutically as a substitute for cortisol from the adrenal cortices.

    premature ejaculation: a hypophilic condition or syndrome, variable in etiology, of being unable to sustain the preorgasmic period of sexuoerotic stimulation, so that ejaculation occurs too soon relative to a self-defined, or partner-defined criterion, for example, at the moment of intromission. The partner of the premature ejaculator has the reverse condition of not climaxing soon enough; orgasm recurrently attained too soon before or at the acceptive phase of an erotic/sexual episode.

    premature puberty: puberty that begins before the normally appointed time and is completed by nine years of age or earlier in girls, and eleven or earlier in boys. It may be an error of timing only, or may be associated with a brain lesion that affects the biological clock of puberty in the brain. Synonym. precocious puberty. See also pubertal delay.

    prenatal masculinization: in embryonic and fetal life, the masculinizing effect on the sexual anatomy and/or the sexual pathways of the brain that is induced by testosterone, estradiol, or other androgenizing sex hormones. The male fetus produces its own androgenic hormones. The female fetus does not need to, produce feminizing hormones in order not to masculinize, as nature's basic design is to differentiate a female. Masculinizing is nor synonymous with defeminizing. Thus some masculinization and some feminization of the brain and behavior may coexist.

    preoptic: situated anterior to the left/right crossover of the optic nerves at the optic chiasm in the hypothalamic region of the brain, behind the bridge of the nose.

    preoptic nucleus: a group of nerve cells in the anterior or frontal region of the hypothalamus.

    prepuce (adjective, prepucial): the foreskin of the penis; or the hood of the clitoris.

    present (pronounce pree-zent'): in animal mating, the position assumed by the female to allow the male to mount and thrust. For the penovaginal part of human sexual intercourse, either sex may present to the other. See also coitus; copulate; copulation; intercourse.

    priapism: persistent abnormal and painful erection of the penis, usually without sexual desire. The cause is often unknown. Untreated, it almost always results in destruction of the spongy tissues of the penis as a result of coagulation of blood in them, with resultant irreversible impotence.

    Priapus: in Greek and Roman mythology, the male god of generation, often represented with an erect penis.

    primatologist: a scientist whose specialty is the study of apes and monkeys, i.e., the subhuman primates.

    proceptive phase: in a sexuoerotic relationship, the initial phase of reciprocal signaling and responding to attraction and solicitation, in a ritual of wooing or courtship prerequisite to the acceptive (copulatory) phase. Proceptive rituals are species specific, and the signals are variably odors, visual displays, movements, sounds, or mixed. In human beings proceptive rituals are known to be represented in imagery as well as carried out in behavior; in an erotic/ sexual relationship, the initial phase in which the two partners both woo in a ritual of solicitation, attracting, responding, and courtship. The signals are chiefly odors, motions, or visual signs, or mixed. See also acceptive phase; conceptive phase.

    progesterone: pregnancy hormone, one of the two sex hormones chiefly characteristic of the female. It is produced by the ovary in the corpus luteum, following ovulation, and also by the placenta during pregnancy. The metabolic pathway of hormone production in the body leads from progesterone to androgen to estrogen.

    progestin: a synthetic type of progesterone. Synonym, gestagen; progestogen; any one of the class of synthetic sex-hormonal steroids that has a physiologic action resembling progesterone; also known as gestagen.

    progestin-induced hermaphroditism: a syndrome of hermaphroditic birth defect of the sex organs induced in the 46,XX gonadally female fetus by synthetic hormones, derivatives of progesterone and 19-nortestosterone, formerly used in cases of threatened miscarriage in the untried belief, subsequently proved erroneous, that they would preserve the pregnancy. After crossing the placenta in a small percentage of cases the hormone given to the mother had a masculinizing effect on the external genitalia of the daughter fetus.

    progestogen: a synthetic type of progesterone. Synonym, gestagen; progestin.

    Prognosis: : a forecasting of the probable course and termination of a disease; a forecast as to the probable outcome of a disorder or disease, either with or without treatment.

    prolactin: the milk-stimulating hormone secreted from the pituitary gland.

    prostaglandins: a group on chemical compounds found in body tissues that belong to the class, fatty acids, and so named because they were first found in the prostate gland. Among other things, they induce uterine contractions and lower blood pressure.

    prosthesis: an artificial substitute for a missing organ or limb of the body.

    prosthetics: the field of knowledge relating to prostheses.

    prosthetic testis: an artificial testis made of a soft silicone compound and surgically implanted for cosmetic effect into an empty scrotum.

    prurient (noun, prurience): itching, longing, or having a desire, in particular a desire that meets with moral disapproval because of the quality of the lasciviousness or lewdness attributed to it.

    pseudohermaphrodite: synonym for hermaphrodite when the gonads are either both testes or both ovaries. See also hermaphroditism.

    pseudohermaphroditism: hermaphroditism. The prefix was once used to denote the fact that the gonads were not hermaphroditically mixed (ovarian plus testicular tissue) as in true hermaphroditism, but were either testicular (male pseudohermaphroditism) or ovarian (female pseudohermaphroditism). In modern usage, the preferred terms are male, female, and true hermaphroditism. Agonadal hermaphroditism is a fourth form.

    psychiatric (noun, psychiatry): pertaining to the medical specialty that deals with mental disorder.

    psychic: pertaining to the mind and its ideas and images.

    psychodynamics: changes in recognition, recall, imagery, ideation, or other mental processes that take place in synchrony with other processes manifested within or via the behavior of a living organism, and that are presumed to have a governing or determining effect.

    psychoendocrinology: the branch of knowledge that deals with the two-way relationship between mental functioning and endocrine or hormonal functioning.

    psychogenic (noun, psychogenesis): in psychological and psychiatric theory, the principle that some mental symptoms or syndromes can be explained mentally, i.e., psycho- logically without reference to the brain, the nervous system, or any other functional system of the body such as the endocrine system, immune system, or genetic code.

    psychohormonal: pertaining to the two-way relationship between mental life and hormones. Synonym, psychoendocrine.

    psychological (noun, psychology): pertaining to mental life as manifested through language and behavior.

    psychomotor epilepsy: a seizure disorder involving abnormal discharge of neurons of the temporal lobe; sometimes called temporal lobe epilepsy. Since the seizure disorders were classified in 1970 and revised in 1981 according to the clinical form of the seizure and the EEG changes, this condition is also called complex partial seizure, wherein episodic changes in behavior are accompanied by loss of normal conscious awareness but the capacity to response to environmental stimuli remains. The seizure is preceded by an aura with complex hallucinations, fantasy, or sensory illusions. While in this state of altered consciousness, the patient may drive a car, continue to read a book, or carry out a ritualistic activity as would a robot, but will not respond to questions or commands. There is amnesia for the seizure, and recovery may take as long as an hour. Some paraphilic activities may be conducted while the paraphile is in a temporal lobe, psychomotor, or complex partial seizure state. See also paraphilia.

    psychopathological (noun, psychopathology): pertaining to the origin and nature of mental disorder.

    psychosocial dwarfism: abuse-dwarfism. See also reversible hyposomatotropic dwarfism.

    pubertal delay: failure of puberty to begin until after the normally appointed upper limit of the age for its completion, namely thirteen years in girls and fifteen in boys. It may be an error of timing only, or it may be associated with a permanent hormonal deficit in the functioning of the gonads, the pituitary gland, or the hypothalamus in the brain. See also premature puberty.

    puberty: the developmental period of transition under the governance of hormones, especially sex hormones, from being a juvenile to an adolescent. the period between childhood and adolescence when the secondary sexual characteristics have the onset of their development, culminating in procreative maturity. See also precocious puberty; premature puberty; pubertal delay.

    pudendum (plural, pudenda): in human beings, especially females, the external genitals.

    pulsatile (noun, pulsatility): occurring not continuously but in bursts or pulses that may be either regular or sporadic in frequency. pulsating or functioning rhythmically or in cycles.

    purdah: a screen or veil [from Persian, pardah, veil]; among women in Islamic cultures, the custom of veiling the face in public in the presence of men.


    radioimmunoassay (RIA): a procedure for assaying or quantifying minute amounts of target substances such as hormones, neurotransmitters, or drugs in blood or other tissue fluid. It is based on the action of the target substance to bind onto another substance, an antibody, for which it is known to have a special affinity. A measured amount of the target substance is labeled with a radioactive label. It is then mixed with the unlabeled target substance that circulates in unknown quantity in a sample of blood or other fluid, and a measured amount of the antibody is added. {The labeled and unlabeled substances compete to bind on to the antibody.} The amount of unlabeled target substance present can then be quantified, because it varies according to how much of its radioactive rival becomes antibody bound, and the latter can be measured with a radioactivity counter. This is the classical method of antigen competition.

    rape: to seize and take away by force; to plunder; to have carnal knowledge of a woman without the legal consent of her father, husband, or herself; seizing by force; sexual intercourse with the daughter or wife (conventionally not the son or husband) of someone else without her or his consent [from Latin, rapere, to seize]; (in contemporary usage) to be coercive sexually after a female partner has said no. Rape is not synonymous with raptophilia, the paraphilic syndrome. Rape, as in the pillage and rape of a victorious army is not the same as biastophilia or raptophilia, and is not a paraphilia; an act of rapism.

    rapism: the condition in which a person is dependent on the terrified resistance of a nonconsenting stranger, under conditions of unexpected assault and threats of further violence, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate and achieve orgasm. The rape may be replayed in fantasy while masturbating or copulating. True rape is not the same as the coercive imposition of coitus on an acquaintance or spouse; synonym, raptophilia. see biastophilia; rapism.

    raptophilia: see biastophilia [from Latin, rapere, to seize + -philia]. See also rapism.

    reciprocation: the mutual process of adaptation, one to the other, as when the behavior of a person of one sex adapts itself to the behavior of the other. Synonym complementation.

    reductionism: the theoretically incorrect practice of reducing causality that is complex and multivariate to a single or univariate cause.

    renifleurism: sexuoerotic stimulation from the odor of urine [French, from Latin, ren, kidney] Synonym, urophilia. See also undinism.

    resolution phase: the fourth of four sexual phases delineated by Masters and Johnson (1966); see also excitement, plateau, and orgasmic phases.

    reversible hyposomatotropic dwarfism: abuse-dwarfism. See also psychosocial dwarfism.

    RH: releasing hormone, also known as releasing factor. One of the newly discovered peptide hormones secreted by cells in the hypothalamus of the brain. They release other hormones, especially from the nearby pituitary gland. See also hypothalamus; pituitary.

    Rokitansky syndrome: see Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuester syndrome.

    romantic (noun, romance): having a wondrous or storybook quality, visionary and idealized. Romantic love belongs to the proceptive phase of a relationship, especially at its onset. Historically, in the songs of the troubadours of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, romantic love stopped short of the acceptive phase of sexual intercourse and marriage, but today there is no strict dividing line.


    sacrifice: an offering to propitiate, obtain forgiveness, make amend, or gain favor.

    sacrificial/expiatory paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates sinful lust into the lovemap on the condition that it requires reparation or atonement by way of penance and sacrifice, since it irrevocably defiles saintly love.

    sadism: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on [and dependent upon] being the authority who variously imposes abuse, torture, punishment, discipline, humiliation, obedience, and servitude (named after the Marquis de Sade, 1740-1814, French author and sadist). The reciprocal paraphilic condition is masochism.

    sadistic(adjective): the condition of being responsive or dependent on punishing or humiliating one's partner in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate orgasm. A person, especially a woman, may impersonate a sadist to oblige masochistic partners for commercial gain.

    sadomasochism (S/M): sadism and masochism viewed as reciprocals or counterparts of one another, and possibly alternating in the same person.

    sadomasochistic sacrifice: a paraphilic ritual in which sexuoerotic fulfillment requires sadistic dominance in reciprocal interaction with masochistic victimization, and/or vice versa, with or without mutual consent.

    S and M (S/M): see sadism; masochism; sadomasochism.

    satellite: in genetics, a small mass attached to the end of the short arm of some chromosomes.

    satyr: in Greek mythology, a woodland deity, usually depicted as having the hind end of a hairy, hoofed goat and the head end of a horned man, an attendant of Bacchus, fond of merriment and lechery.

    satyriasis: the compulsive condition in a male of recurrent sexual intercourse with different female partners, promiscuously and without falling in love, but not as a paid gigolo, hustler, or call boy. in psychiatry, a term loosely applied to a male believed to have an insatiable sexual appetite. Synonym, Don Juanism. Antonym, nymphomania. See also satyr; sexual addiction; sexual compulsion.

    scat: vernacular term for coprophilia [from Greek, skatos, dung] and sexuoerotic activities and ideation which may involve enemas, defecation and the use of feces, as in observing, smelling, smearing and consumption. This may be part of a sadomasochistic repertory or a fetishistic paraphilia as is coprophilia. See also coprolagnia

    scatology (adjective, scatological): literally the study of excrement; metaphorically, the study of verbal or graphic material legally defined as filthy or obscene and pertaining to sexual rather than excremental activity. A scatophilic telephone caller talks sexually in a manner that he expects will be offensive or shocking to a female listener who does not know him. He is dependent on this maneuver to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    scoptolagnia: sexuoerotic gratification produced by watching people engaged in sexual activity [from Greek, sopein, to view + lagneia, lust]. See also mixoscopia; scoptophilia.

    scopophilia: see scoptophilia.

    scoptophilia (or scopophilia; adjective, scotophilic): a paraphilia of the solicitational/ allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on watching others engaging in sexual activity, including sexual intercourse [from Greek, skopein, to view + -philia]. the condition in which a person is dependent on looking at sexual organs and watching their coital performance in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate and achieve orgasm. It is not surreptitious, as in voyeurism. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is sometimes also referred to as scoptophilia; or by its own name, autagonistophilia. Synonyms, mixophilia; mixoscopia; scopophilia. See also scoptolagnia; troilism.

    schema (plural, schemas or schemata): a plan, outline, or arrangement, which may be mental as well as physical [from Greek, schenza, form, shape].

    schizophrenia: a major mental illness or psychosis characterized primarily, though not exclusively, by disordered thinking, ideation, and logic [from Greek, schizein, to divide + phren, mind]. Etymologically it means divided mentation. Colloquially it is erroneously used to mean split personality or dual personality. See also fugue; multiple personality.

    scrotum (adjective, scrotal): the bag or sac that hangs below the penis and houses the testicles or balls. See orchidectomy.

    secret vice: masturbation. Synonyms, self-abuse; self-pollution; solitary vice; autoeroticism. Antonym, social vice.

    secular law: law under the control of the judiciary, not the Church. See also canon law.

    self-isolation: phobic withdrawal from social interaction.

    serendipitous: discovered or recognized by chance, often in the course of another undertaking, and not as a result of organized planning.

    sensate focus: a term introduced by Masters and Johnson to refer to the procedure in sex therapy whereby each partner in turn explores the sensory responsivity of the other, especially through the sense of touch, as in fondling, and stopping short of penovaginal intercourse.

    serial killing: See erotophonophilia.

    serotonin: an indolamine that is active as a neurotransmitter substance in the brain essential to brain functioning. On sexual pathways it acts as an inhibitor. See also dopamine; indolamine; catecholamine; biogenic amine.

    sex (noun.): one's personal and reproductive status as male or female, or uncertain, as declared on the basis of the external genitalia. Also, a vernacular synonym for genital interaction, as in the expression, to have sex.

    sex addiction or sex compulsion: See sexual addiction.

    sex adjunctive: characteristic of male/female differences that are tertiary or subsidiary to sex-derivative, secondary differences, and are only peripherally related to sex-hormonal differences with respect to the division of labor between the sexes.

    sex adventitious: characteristic of male/female differences that are quaternary or subsidiary to sex-adjunctive, tertiary differences, and are more or less fortuitously a product of cultural history with respect to the division of power between the sexes.

    Sexaholics Anonymous: analogously to Alcoholics Anonymous, a network of self-help therapy groups for people with a particular sexual compulsion or addiction.

    sex chromatin: a spot that shows up when stained on the nucleus of cells taken from mammalian females, but not males, and is attributed to the inactivated second X chromosome; it is also called the Barr body (named after Murray L. Barr, 1908-).

    sex derivative: characteristic of male/female differences that are secondary or subsidiary to sex-irreducible, primary differences, and are for the most part under the influence of sex hormones.

    sex irreducible: characteristic of male/female differences that are primary and nontransferable between male and female, namely, male impregnation and female ovulation, menstruation, gestation, and lactation.

    Sexaholics Anonymous: analogous to Alcoholics Anonymous, a network of self-help therapy groups for people with a particular sexual compulsion or addiction.

    sexing-stealing-lying syndrome: a syndrome in which a forbidden or illicit sexual activity coexists with kleptomanic stealing, as in shoplifting, which is not per se erotic, and with confabulatory deception or pseudologia fantastica (fantastic or fictitious logic).

    sexology: the body of knowledge that comprises the science of sex, or, more precisely, the science of the differentiation and dimorphism of sex and of the erotic/sexual pairbonding of partners. Its primary data are behavioropsychological and somatic, and its primary organs are the genitalia, the skin, and the brain. The scientific subdivisions of sexology are genetic, morphologic, hormonal, neurohormonal, neuroanatomical, neurochemical, pharmacological, behavioral, sociocultural, conceptive-contraceptive, gestational-parturitional, and parental sexology. The life-span subdivisions of sexology are embryonal-fetal, infantile, child, pubertal, adolescent, adult, and gerontal [geriatric] sexology. See also sexosophy.

    sexophobia (adjective, sexophobic): dread or fear of the sex organs and of whatever pertains to them [from sex + Greek, phobos, fear or fright].

    sexosophy: the body of knowledge that compromises the philosophy, principles, and knowledge that people have about their own personally experienced eroticism and sexuality and that of other people, singly and collectively. It includes values, personal and shared, and it encompasses culturally transmitted value systems. Its subdivisions are historical, regional, ethnic, religious, and developmental or life span. See also sexology.

    sex roles: specifically, patterns of behavior and thought that are related to the sex organs and procreation; generally, behavior and thought that is traditionally or stereotypically classified or coded as typical of, or especially suited to, either one sex or the other. Some sex roles are related to procreation, and some are not. See also gender-identity/role; G-I/R.

    sexual (noun, sexuality): pertaining to sex or, more particularly, the stimulation, responsiveness, and functions of the sex organs either alone or with one or more partners. See also erotic.

    sexual addiction: compulsively frequent reiteration of highly ritualized usage of the sex organs, under conditions of extreme specificity. The addiction is not to sex, generically, but to a particular animate or inanimate sexuoerotic stimulus, or type of stimulus, that is incorporated into the ritual activity. The activity itself may or may not qualify as paraphilic. The analogue of sexual addiction to a given stimulus is drinking addiction to alcohol, from which the concept derives. See also Sexaholics Anonymous.

    sexual drive: the personal and subjective desire or feeling of readiness to have an erotosexual experience. It cannot be measured directly. See also libido.

    sexuality (adjective, sexual): the personal experience and manifest expression of one's status as male or female, especially as it relates to the genital organs, pair-bondedness, and reproduction. See also eroticism.

    sexually dimorphic nucleus: in the preoptic area (SDN:POA) or region of the hypothalamus, a group of cells so named (by Roger Gorski) because it is smaller in females than males.

    sexual rehearsal play: motions and positions observable in human and other primate infantile and juvenile play, such as pelvic thrusting and presenting, and coital positioning, that are components of, and prerequisites to healthy sexuoerotic maturity in human and other primates. Synonyms, sexuoerotic or erotosexual rehearsal play; juvenile sexual rehearsal play (JSRP).

    sexuoerotic: the sexual and the erotic experienced as a unity, with more emphasis on sexual behavior than erotic imagery. See also erotic; erotosexual; sexual.

    sexuoerotic body image fixation: A disorder of the solicitational and allurative stratagem. The personal and private recognition of the locations and functions of the sexuoerotic organs or regions of one's body upon which is superimposed in a highly idiosyncratic and nonconfirmable way a retrospective projection of how they are in the process of undergoing change, or should be changed. A sexuoerotic body image fixation may be benign as, for example, to have sexually significant body parts ornamentally tattooed or pierced; or it may be not benign, as for example to become a eunuch by genital self-amputation, of which the fortuitous outcome may be to bleed to death.

    shaman (adjective, shamanistic): a priestly healer and mediating agent of the spirit world.

    sickle-cell disease: a genetically transmitted form of anemia, characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells and abnormal hemogoblin.

    sinus: a hollow cavity, sac, pouch, or opening, such as urogenital sinus.

    sissy boy: a vernacular term applied to a boy whose developmental differentiation of gender-identity/role (G-I/R) is in variable degree discordant with the evidence of his genital morphology. See also tomboy.

    Sisyphus: in Greek mythology, a crafty, greedy King of Corinth who was condemned in the underworld to roll uphill a huge stone which constantly rolled back downhill instead of going over the top.

    slave: sadomasochistic vernacular term for the masochistic partner whose role is one of total subservience and obedience. Synonym bottom; Antonyms, master; dominatrix; top.

    sleeping princess (or prince) syndrome: see somnophilia.

    social distancing: absence of sociable approach or response to other people that is phobic rather than depressive, catatonic, or autistic aloneness.

    social vice: promiscuous-sex, chiefly with prostitutes or hustlers. Antonym, secret vice.

    solicitation: invitation; incitement.

    sodomy: a legally defined term variously applied to zoophilia, and to mouth-genital or anal-genital contact between human beings, especially males [from the Biblical city of Sodom]. It is not a paraphilia Synonym, buggery.

    solicitational/allurative paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates lust into the lovemap on the condition that an invitatory act belonging to the preliminary or proceptive phase be substituted for the copulatory act of the central or acceptive phase, thus ensuring that saintly love be not defiled by sinful lust.

    solipsism: a principle or doctrine that the self knows only its own experiences[from Latin, solus, alone + ipse, self]; (adjective, solipsistic): the concept that the self is the only verifiable knowledge, or that knowing exists in private. Thus a color-seeing person never knows what it is like to see the world as a color-blind person sees it.

    somatic: pertaining to the cells and structures of the body, and their function.

    somesthetic (noun, somesthetics): in sex therapy, treatment, treatment that involves the skin senses as in touch, pressure (massage), hot/cold, wet/day, and sensuous body-contact grooming.

    somatotropin: growth hormone; it is secreted by the pituitary gland.

    somnophilia: the sleeping princess syndrome, a paraphilia of the marauding/predatory type in which erotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on intruding on and awakening a sleeping stranger with erotic caresses, including oral sex, not involving force or violence [from Latin, somnus, sleep + -philia). There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of being the recipient, which occurs more readily in fantasy than in actuality. See also sleeping princess (or prince) syndrome; (adjective, somnophilic): the condition in which a person is dependent on intruding upon and fondling a partner who is a stranger asleep, or fantasizing doing so, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

    spermatorrhea: the term for ejaculation while asleep and having an erotosexual dream, medically used in the era when this normal occurrence was falsely classified as pathology. Synonym, wet dream.

    statistical norm: the standard of what is normal as defined by what the middle 50 percent of a community represent in what they are, and in what they say and/or do.

    statistics (adjective, statistical): systematic collection, classification, and mathematical compilation of evidence or information with respect to its amount, range, frequency, or prevalence.

    statutory rape: sexual intercourse with someone who, by legal statute, is defined as unqualified to give consent, usually because of being underage; the law applies even if the accused partner, a boy, is the younger of the pair, and was actually seduced by the girl.

    STD: sexually transmitted disease, including but not limited to contagious genital infections.

    steroid hormones: a class of hormone biochemically constructed of the same components of which fats (lipids) are made They include the hormones of the testis, ovary, and adrenal cortex. See also peptide hormones.

    steroids (singular, steroid): the general or generic name for physiological compounds comprising, among others, sex hormones and adrenocortical hormones, and other body chemistries.

    stigmata: (singular stigma): signs, marks, or features that indicate special fitness or suitability. Synonym, stigmas.

    stigmatic/eligibilic paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates lust into the lovemap on the condition that the partner be, like a pagan infidel, unqualified or ineligible to be a saint defiled.

    stigmatophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on a partner who has been tattooed, scarified, or pierced for the wearing of gold jewelry (bars or rings), especially in the genital region [from Greek, stigma, mark + -philia]. The same term applies to the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the self is similarly decorated .

    stimulus-response theory: in psychology, the theory that human responsivity is determined by contingencies of reward and punishment in the external environment.

    Stockholm syndrome: the name for the bond of attraction that sometimes develops between abuser and abused, molester and molested, captor and captive, and in particular between terrorist and hostage. The term stems from the recent case of a woman held hostage at a bank in Stockholm, Sweden, who became so pairbondedly attached to one of the robbers that she broke her engagement to her prehostage lover and remained faithful to her captor during his prison term.

    stratagem: a strategy or plan that is circuitous and deceptive on the basis of an artifice or ruse.

    subcutaneous: below the skin.

    subrogation: occupying the place of another; substitution.

    succubus (plural, succubi): an evil spirit or demon that assumed the form of a female and is supposed to lie under sleeping people, chiefly men, and to have sexual intercourse with them. See also incubus.

    supramasculinize: to masculinize in excess. Synonym supermasculinize. Antonym, inframasculinize.

    symbiosis (adjective, symbiotic): the dependence on one another's existence of two dissimilar organisms that live in close proximity and interaction.

    sympathetic nervous system: pertaining to that part of the autonomic nervous system which usually prepares the organism to deal more effectively with a situation of strife or emergency, as in fight or flight, the functions of which contrast with or reciprocate those of the parasympathetic system Paradoxically, the sympathetic system is also responsible for the physiological phenomenon of orgasm and/or ejaculation, but not sexual arousal. See also autonomic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system.

    symphorophilia: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on stage-managing the possibility of a disaster, such as a conflagration or traffic accident, and watching for it to happen [from Greek, Symphora, disaster + -philia] The same term is applied to the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the person arranges to be at risk as a potential victim of arranged disaster.

    synapse: in the nervous system, the place where the fibers of neurons meet [from Greek, synapsis, a conjunction or connection].

    syndrome: an unhealthy condition or disease typified by a characteristic set of signs and symptoms [from Greek, syn-, with + dramein, to run]; also, a regular and orderly concurrence of characteristics or practices.


    taboo also tabu, and in Polynesia, tapu, (sacred and forbidden): prohibited [forbidden] by tradition or social usage or other authority. A taboo generates fear, shame, and guilt in those who disobey it, thus enabling those in authority to wield power over those under them. An activity, idea, or cognition which is taboo may not even be discussed.

    tactile: pertaining to the sense of touch.

    talisman: a token or charm that has special power or magic. Something, such as an amulet or charm, that produces extraordinary effects, as in averting evil or danger [from Greek, telesma, initiation, incantation].

    teleology: in philosophy, the doctrine that nature or natural processes are shaped by a purpose and directed toward an end or goal by a driving force or power. Antonym mechanism.

    telephonicophilia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on deception and ruse in luring or threatening a telephone respondent, known or unknown, into listening to, and making personally explicit conversation in the sexuoerotic vernacular [from telephone + -philia]. Typically, the caller is not dangerous, only a nuisance. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of inviting and possibly charging for such telephone calls. Synonym telephone scatophilia [from Greek, skato, dung].

    telephone scatophilia: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon deception and ruse in luring or threatening a telephone respondent, known or unknown, into listening to, and making personally explicit conversation in the sexuoerotic vernacular [from telephone + Greek, skatos, dung, + -philia]. Typically, the caller is not dangerous, only a nuisance. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of inviting and possibly charging for such telephone calls. Synonym, telephonicophilia; see scatology.

    template: a pattern or mold that regulates the shape or appearance of a construction or idea. See also lovemap.

    temporal lobe: in the brain, the part of each cerebral hemisphere that is named for its location internal to the temple.

    temporal lobe trauma: injury to the temporal lobe of the brain, of either external or internal origin, with which there is associated an increased risk of temporal lobe epileptic seizures (psychomotor epilepsy, complex partial seizure) and, rarely, associated paraphilic attacks. See also psychomotor epilepsy.

    territorial marking: in some animals, the marking of the boundary of the home territory with an odorous substance or pheromone secreted from a specialized, testosterone-responsive {but females also emit pheromones!} marking gland, typically near the chin or rump, or secreted in the urine. See also pheromone.

    testicular-feminizing syndrome: see androgen-insensitivity syndrome.

    testis: in the male, one of the two egg-shaped bodies, the sex glands, left and right, in the scrotum, where sperms are made (in the tubules) and from which the male sex hormone, testosterone, is secreted (from the Leydig cells). Synonym, testicle.

    testosterone: the biologically most potent of the naturally occurring androgens, measurable in blood plasma and urine. It is produced chiefly by the testis from its precursor hormone, progesterone. In females testosterone is the precursor of estrogen in the ovaries. See also progesterone.

    thalidomide: a sedative and hypnotic drug first marketed in the 1950s before it was known to cause pregnant women to give birth to babies with either missing limbs (amelia) or phocomelia (seal-flipper deformity of arms and/or legs). See phocomelia.

    threshold: the point, stage, or degree of intensity at which an effect begins to be produced. The lower the threshold, the sooner and more easily does the effect begin.

    tomboy: a vernacular term applied to a girl whose developmental differentiation of gender-identity/role (G-I/R) as stereotypically defined is in variable degree discordant with the evidence of her genital morphology. See also sissy boy.

    tonsillitis: inflammation of the tonsils.

    Torquemada, Tomas de: 1420-1498; Spanish Dominican monk, first Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition.

    top: sadomasochistic vernacular term for the dominant, controlling, sadistic partner. Antonym, bottom.

    toucheur: one who has the syndrome of toucheurism.

    toucheurism: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on surreptitiously touching a stranger on an erotic part of the body, particularly the breasts, buttocks, or genital area [from French, toucher, to touch]. There is no technical name for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely being sexuoerotically dependent on being touched by a stranger. See also frotteurism.

    toxin: a poison. It may be produced by a virus, bacteria, plant or animal. During pregnancy, a toxin may pass through the placenta from the mother to the fetus.

    transexual (adjective, transexual, also transsexual): a person manifesting the phenomenon of transexualism.

    transexualism: the condition of crossing over to live full-time in the role of the other sex, with hormonal and surgical sex reassignment [from Latin, trans, across + sexual]. The term signifies a method of treatment and rehabilitation rather than a diagnostic entity. There are different biographical antecedents to sex reassignment, one of which may be paraphilic transvestism (transvestophilia). Transexualism itself is not a paraphilia. Behaviorally, the act of living and passing in the role of the opposite sex, before or after having attained hormonal, surgical, and legal sex reassignment; psychically, the condition of people who have the conviction that they belong to the opposite sex and are driven by a compulsion to have the body, appearance, and social status of the opposite sex. See also gynemimesis; gynemimetophilia; transvestism; transvestophilia.

    transpositions, gender-identity/role: in G-I/R, the interchange of masculine and feminine expectancies and stereotypes mentally and in behavior and appearance.

    transsexual: transexual.

    transvest: to cross dress.

    transvestism: cross-dressing, either as an act or a syndrome (transvestophilia) of episodic and partial gender transposition. The syndrome of transvestism is also a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon wearing clothing, especially underwear, of the other sex [from Latin, trans, across + vestis, garment]. The syndrome is believed to occur predominantly in men, and seldom, if ever, in women . There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition, namely being sexuoerotically dependent on a cross-dressed partner. (adjective, transvestic, transvestitic): behaviorally, the act of dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex; psychically, the condition of feeling compelled to cross-dress, often in relation to sexual arousal and attainment of orgasm. See also gynemimesis; gynemimetophila; transexualism; transvestophilia.

    transvestite: a person episodically affected with a compulsion to dress as a member of the other sex. In men, the compulsion is commonly essential to the maintenance of erection and achievement of orgasm. It usually is life-long. Rarely, a transvestite may change into a transexual.

    transvestophilia: a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and [dependent upon ]{contingent on} wearing clothing, especially underwear, of the other sex [from Latin, trans, across + vestis, garment + -philia]. See also transvestism.

    trauma: a wound or injury, whether physical or psychic.

    troilism: a paraphilia of the mercantile/venal type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon observing one's partner on hire or loan to a third person while engaging in sexual activities, including intercourse, with that person [from French, trois, three]. A threesome or group-sex party does not, per se, constitute a paraphilia. There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of being observed by a third party while on hire or loan. (adjective, troilistic): the condition in which a person is dependent on being the third member of a sexual partnership, or on fantasizing being so, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. Typically, a husband arranges that his wife has another male partner, so that he can fantasy her in the role of a whore, without which he cannot become aroused. See also autagonistophilia.

    troopbondage: the tendency to form bonded groupings as in families of related individuals, or in tribes or social groupings, which increases the likelihood of individual survival; one of the five universal exigencies of being human.

    TSR: an acronym from the words Testosterone Sterilized (female) Rat. A TSR manifests the persistent estrus syndrome. Lacking ovulatory cycles, she is sterile. The condition is induced experimentally by injections of testosterone prior to the age of eleven days. The first five days of life are the most sensitive or critical ones. Smaller doses are then effective. The effect is life-long.

    Turner's syndrome: a condition marked by a chromosomal anomaly in phenotypic females with the chief pathognomonic symptoms of absence of ovaries (gonadal agenesis or dysgenesis) and short stature. The basic genetic defect is a missing sex chromosome, so that the total count is 45,X. There are several variants of this syndrome For example, the second X may, though present, be partially deleted. In one variant of the so-called mosaics, some cells of the body are 45,X and some 46,XX. Treatment includes giving female sex hormone at the age of puberty to induce adult appearance and menses. Girls with Turner's syndrome are almost invariably sterile. ; a condition marked by a chromosomal anomaly in phenotypic females with the chief pathognomonic symptoms of absence of ovaries (gonadal agenesis or dysgenesis) and short stature. The basic genetic defect is a missing sex chromosome, so that the total count is 45,X. There are several variants of this syndrome. For example, in some cases, the second X may, though present, be partially deleted. In others, the so-called mosaics, some cells of the body are 45,X and some 46,XX. Treatment includes administration of female sex hormone at the age of puberty to induce adult appearance and menstruation. Girls with Turner's syndrome are almost invariably sterile.


    ultraertia: in erotic/sexual usage ultraertia is an excess of either intensity or multiplicity of responsiveness or arousal at the proceptive phase. It may or may not continue into the acceptive phase. It is experienced subjectively as strength, urgency, or incessancy of desire or drive. Manifested as girl-watching, it is an obligatory component of the macho stereotype. Antonym, inertia.

    understudy: one who rehearses and is prepared to act another's part.

    undinism: Undine, a water nymph, from Latin, unda, wave. See also ondinisme; urolagnia.(adjective, undinist): urophilia; derived from undine (German) or ondine (French), a fabled female water spirit; See also urophilia; golden showers; water sports.

    unitypic: as applied to sexual dimorphism of the genitalia, brain, or behavior, differentiation of homologous female and male forms from the same original beginnings or anlagen, as in the case of the clitoris and penis, each of which differentiates from the primitive genital tubercle. Antonym, ambitypic.

    univariate: accounted for or explained as having been determined, produced, or caused by only one variable.

    urethra: the canal through which urine is discharged, extending from the neck of the urinary bladder to the external opening or meatus.

    urethralism: the condition or activity of achieving sexuoerotic arousal through stimulation of the urinary urethra by means of insertions of rubber cathethers, rods, objects, fluids, ballbearings, and even long flexible cathether-like electrodes ("sparklers"). This activity may be part of a paraphilic rubber catheter fetish, a sadomasochistic repertory, sexuoerotic experimentation and variety, or activity the result of anatomic ignorance as urethral intercourse has been described wherein a case of infertility was due to the insertion of the husband's penis into the wifes urethra rather than the vagina. See also catheterophilia; electrocutophilia.

    urethroplasty: plastic surgery to construct an artificial urinary canal or urethra in a penis so as to correct a birth defect or an injury.

    urinary fistula: an abnormally located opening of the urinary passageway, as when the two edges of a surgical repair fail to join along their full length.

    urethral stricture: contraction or closure of the urethra, as when scar tissue contracts following urethral surgery.

    urogenital: pertaining to both the urinary and genital structures; genitourinary.

    urogenital sinus: in embryology, an elongated sac or funnel that precedes the differentiation of the external genitalia. In some types of hermaphroditism its differentiation fails to reach completion so that it constitutes a birth defect of the external genital orifice(s).

    urolagnia: see urophilia [from Greek, ouron, urine + lagenia, lust]. See also ondinisme; reniflurism; undinism; water sports; golden showers.

    urophilia: a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and [dependent upon] {contingent on} being urinated upon and/or swallowing urine [from Greek, ouron, urine + -philia] There is no technical term for the reciprocal condition of urinating on or in the mouth of the partner. Synonym urolagnia. (adjective, urophilic): the condition of being responsive to or dependent on the smell or taste of urine, or the sight and someone urinating, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. See also coprophilia; reniflurism; undinism; water sports; golden showers.

    uterus: the womb; at its lower end is the vagina, and at its upper end, the left and right fallopian tubes and ovaries.


    vagina: in female mammals, the canal that opens into the vulva and, internally, connects with the cervix or mouth of the womb. It encloses the penis in sexual intercourse. See also vulva.

    vaginal dryness: insufficient lubrication of the vagina, or its premature loss of lubrication, during the proceptive or acceptive phase of an erotosexual episode.

    vaginismus: recurrent premature contraction of the musculature of the vagina before or at the acceptive phase of an erotosexual episode, so that it is too tight and too dry to receive the penis. A hypophilic condition or syndrome variable in etiology, of premature contraction or spasm of the vaginal musculature in the course of sexuoerotic activity, preventing penile penetration or rendering it intolerably painful.

    vaginoplasty: in plastic surgery, the operative procedures for construction or reconstruction of a vagina, in cases of birth defect, of male-to-female transexualism, and of accidental or surgical trauma to the vagina.

    vascular: supplied with or pertaining to vessels or ducts that convey fluids, especially blood.

    venal: bargained for; marketed, possibly corruptly.

    ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus: bilaterally, in the ventral (frontal) part of the middle (tuberal) region of the hypothalamus, a group of nerve cells associated with several vital functions such as food intake and sexual behavior.

    vestibule: that portion of the vulva which is bounded anteriorly by the clitoral glans and prepuce (clitoral hood), posteriorly by the perineum, and laterally by the exterior margins of the labia minora, and containing the opening anteriorly of the urethral meatus and posteriorly of the introitus of the vagina.

    VlP: vasoactive intestinal polypeptide: a peptide hormone first isolated from the small intestine and subsequently found to have many physiological roles, one of which pertains to arousal of the sex organs, including erection of the penis.

    voyeurism: a paraphilia of the solicitational/allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, [and dependent upon] {and contingent on} the risk of being discovered while covertly or illicitly watching a stranger disrobing or engaging in sexual activity [from French, voir, to look at] The reciprocal paraphilic condition is exhibitionism. See also peodeiktophilia; (noun, voyeur): the condition of being responsive to, or dependent on, the risk of being apprehended while illicitly peering at an individual (usually female) or a couple undressing or engaged in sexual activity, in order to obtain one's erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. A voyeur is also known as a peeping Tom, the name of the fictional character, who after warnings not to do so at the pain of death, spied on the naked Lady Godiva as she rode trough the town clad only in her long hair in sympathetic protest of the unreasonable taxes levied by her husband on the impovershed citizens. The risk of detection, while illicitly observing or overhearing nudity or sexual activity, specifically contibutes to the arousal of the paraphilic voyeur. See also voyeurism.

    The actual event may be replayed in a masturbation or coital fantasy. See also peeping Tom.

    vulva (adjective, vulvar): the external female genitalia. See also vagina; vestibule.


    water sports: a vernacular term for urophilia. See also reniflurism, undinism, golden shower.

    wet dream: a dream with erotosexual content that ends in sexual orgasm. It occurs with greatest frequency in pubertal and adolescent boys. In some instances, the content of the dream is lost or fails to exist, and the ejaculate is the sole sign of the occurrence. When recalled, the topical content of the erotic dream reveals the content of one's idiosyncratic lovemap. See also lovemap; spermatorrhea.

    Wolffian duct structures: the embryonic structures that develop into the internal reproductive anatomy of the male, attached to the testicles; named for Kaspar F. Wolff, German embryologist (1733-1794). See also Müllerian duct structures; mullerian ducts.

    womb: in female mammals, the organ in which the young live and grow before birth. Synonym, uterus.


    xanith (pronounced han-eeth): in Arabic, the term usually translated as male homosexual, but applied only to men who partially impersonate women in clothing, manner, and life-style, and in their sexuoerotic role with other men. See also acault; berdache; hijra.

    X-linked recessive: in genetics, a defect that is carried on the X chromosome, and that can express itself only if both X chromosomes in an individual carry the defect (in females) or if the X chromosome carrying the defect is paired with a Y chromosome (in males). These defects are much more commonly expressed in males than in females.

    XO syndrome: see Turner's syndrome.

    XXY syndrome: see Klinefelter's syndrome.

    XYY syndrome: a condition identified by a supernumerary Y-chromosomal anomaly in morphologic males who are typically over 6 feet (183 cm) in height, and are likely to have one or more of a varied assortment of congenital physical anomalies, including sterility in some cases. The basic genetic defect is an extra sex chromosome with a total count of 47,XYY, although other variants also occur, e.g. 48XXYY; 48,XYYY. In behavioral development, there is an increased risk of impulsiveness, including antisocial and lawbreaking impulsiveness.


    ycleptance: the tendency to name and describe one's environment, and to seek explanation and predictability for events; one of the five universal exigencies of being human.

    youth: the period of development between puberty and maturity; adolescence.


    zenith: the summit; the highest peak.

    zoophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and {contingent on} [dependent upon] engaging in cross-species sexual activities, that is, with an animal [from Greek, zoon, animal + -philia]. There is no technical term for the cross-species reciprocal paraphilic condition in which an animal mates with a member of the human or other species, although the phenomenon does exist; (adjective, zoophilic): the condition of being responsive to, or depending on, sexual activity with an animal in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate orgasm: also known as bestiality. Sexual contact (oral or genital). with an animal may occur sporadically in the course of human development without leading to long-term zoophilia. Synonym, bestiality. See also formicophilia.

    Please send your suggestions for Sexuoerotic Glossary/Dictionary additions, deletions, corrections, and revisions to pranzaro@roanoke.edu

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