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Albania Adrian Papajani Analysis of history textbooks development in year 2000 - 2002 in Albania
HISTORY CURRICULA In Albania history curricula is unique and obliged for all levels and categories of schools. It is compiled according to chronological order. Organisation of historical knowledge is of a linear - concentric character. For the first time history in school begin to be studied as a separate subject in 4th grade of primary school (age 9 years old). It is National History (Ancient-Now a days). The same is restudied again in 8th grade (age 14 years old) and 12th grade (age 18 years old). In other grades World History is studied being integrated with National History. In grades 5-7 are studied all periods of World History (Ancient period - 1990s). The same knowledge is restudied again in grades 9-11 of secondary school (age 15-17 years old). HISTORY TEXTBOOKS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Grade 4 th National History Textbook Titled :” Let’s Know History Of Our People” (age 9 years old) First publication in 2000. Republished in 2001 and 2002 Content 1. 56 lessons (including 8 review lessons) 2. 133 pages, format 78x109/ 16 3. 93 pictures and photos from which 40 of them are black and white 4. 1 simple black and white map of Albanian State in Middle Age 5. 1 coloured map: Hidden Treaty of London of April 26, 1915 for division of Albania among Italy, Greece, Serbia, and Montenegro. 6. The text is organized in 11 chapters. 7. Each lesson is not more than one page long. 8. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks” which contents multiple choice exercises 9. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “Remember” where the most important facts and events are mentioned again. 10. The great part of lessons, in the end, has simple written documents or any reading. 11. Language used in the text is not always understandable for pupils. There are a lot of terms used by authors from all historical periods described in the text for instance Kingdom, state, people’s Republic, elections, reform, agrarian reform, socialist industrialization, state property in industry etc. Historical Periods 12. Ancient Period; 7 lessons 13. Middle Age Period (4th C -18th C); 12 lessons 14. XIX th Century; 4 lessons 15. XX th Century (1900 -1939); 17 lessons 16. WWII (1939-1944); 6 lessons 17. Albania During Socialist System (1945 - 1990); 7 lessons 18. Albanians Beyond Official Boundaries (1945 - 1990); 3 lessons
Grade 5 : History Textbook Titled : History 5 First publication in 1994. Republished in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000,2001 and 2002 Content 19. 54 lessons 20. 142 pages; 23cm 21. 36 drawings black and white. 22. The text is organized in 14 chapters. Each lesson is not more than 2-2,5 pages long. 23. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks. 24. The great part of lessons, in the end, have written documents and vocabulary. 25. The only change between first publishing of the textbook and that of 2002 is that in the last variant (2002) lessons are a bit shorter, but nothing other has change. 26. Lessons are overcharged with concepts and data. In same cases there are 6-7 concepts and 8 historical data in one theme (for instance :Germany during XII-XV Centuries, page 111, republished in 2001). 27. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by some reproductive questions only. 28. Language of the text is not appropriate for pupils. There are many terms used by authors in the text which are not explained in the vocabulary for instance Roman province etc. 29. The book is considered difficult from pupils and their parents. Historical Periods Ancient Period 29 lessons 30. Introduction in History; 2 lessons 31. Prehistory; 2 lessons 32. Ancient East; 3 lessons 33. Ancient Peoples of Balkans; 1 lesson 34. Ancient Greece; 6 lessons 35. Ancient Macedonia; 2 lessons 36. Ancient Rome; 6 lessons 37. Illyria; 7 lessons
Middle Age Period 25 lessons 38. Early Middle Age; 6 lessons (1 lesson is Albanians under Byzantine Empire ) 39. Society in Middle Age; 4 lessons 40. Europe during XI-XV C.; 5 lessons 41. Great Empires of East; 2 lessons 42. Arbëria (Medieval Albania)during XI-XV C.; 6 lessons 43. Culture during XIV-XVI C.; 2 lessons ( 1 lesson is: Albanian Humanists) National History occupy 15 lessons or about 27,77 % of all Ancient - 15th Century World History.
Grade 6: History Textbook Titled : History 6 First publication in 1995. Republished in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000. In use 2001, 2002. Content 44. 53 lessons 45. 112 pages; format 70 x 100/16 46. No maps, photos, drawings etc. Written text only 47. The book is organized in 14 chapters. Each lesson is 1,5 - 2 pages long. 48. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”. 49. The great part of lessons, in the end, have written documents and vocabulary. 50. The change between first publishing of the textbook (1995) and that of 2000 is that in the last variant (2000) lessons are a bit shorter, but the content is the same. 51. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by some reproductive questions only. 52. Language of the text has to be improved. There are many terms used by authors in the text which are not explained in the vocabulary for instance some taxes which Albanian population had to pay Turkish employees etc. National History occupy 17 lessons or about 32,07 % of all 16th Century -1918 World history. Grade 7 th : History Textbook Titled : History 7 First publication in 1997. Republished in 1998, 2000. In use 2001, 2002. Content 53. 52 lessons 54. 136 pages; format 70 x 100/16 55. 4 bad quality black and white drawings only, and written text. 56. The book is organized in 18 chapters. Each lesson is 1,5 - 2,5 pages long. 57. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”, 58. In some cases in the end, there are written documents and vocabulary. 59. The change between first publishing of the textbook (1997) and that of 2000 is that in the last variant (2000) lessons are a bit shorter, but the content is the same. 60. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by some reproductive questions only. 61. Language of the text has to be simpler. National History occupy 10 lessons or about 19,23 % of all 1918 - 1992 World history.
Grade : History Textbook Titled : History of Albanian
People First publication in 1999. Republished in 2000 In use 2001 and 2002 Content 62. 57 lessons 63. 240 pages; format 70 x 100/16 64. 124 photos black and white in a very bad quality 65. 8 maps and drawings black and white in a very bad quality 66. The text is organized in 18 chapters. Each lesson is 3-4 pages long. 67. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”. 68. The great part of lessons, in the end, has written documents and vocabulary. 69. Pedagogical apparatus is poor. It is made up by some reproductive questions and in some lessons those are mixed with multiple-choice questions. 70. Language of the text has to be more simple. Historical Periods 71. Ancient Period; 6 lessons 72. Albania in Middle Age (4th - 15th Century); 7 lessons 73. Albania from 16th to 18th Century); 5 lessons 74. 19th Century; 6 lessons 75. 1900-1939; 16 lessons 76. 1939-1944; 7 lessons 77. 1945-1990; 10 lessons
HISTORY TEXTBOOKS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Grade 9 : History Textbook Titled : History 1 First publication in 1995. Republished in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000. In use 2001 and 2002 Content 78. 57 lessons 79. 157 pages; format 70 x 100/16 80. No maps, photos, drawings etc. Written text only 81. The text is organized in 14 chapters. Each lesson is 2-2,5 pages long. 82. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”. 83. The great part of lessons, in the end, has written documents and vocabulary. 84. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by some reproductive questions only. 85. Language of the text is not appropriate for pupils. There are terms used by authors in the text which are not explained in the vocabulary for instance commune city (centuries XI-XII in Europe)etc. Historical Periods Ancient Period 31 lessons
86. Prehistory; 2 lessons 87. Ancient East; 4 lessons 88. Ancient Peoples of Balkans; 1 lesson 89. Ancient Greece; 9 lessons 90. Ancient Rome; 8 lessons 91. Illyria; 7 lessons
Middle Age Period 25 lessons 92. Early Middle Age; 6 lessons ( 1 lesson is: Albanians under Byzantine Empire ) 93. Society in Middle Age (XI- XIII C.); 5 lessons 94. Late Middle Age ( XI-XV C.); 5 lessons 95. Great Empires of East; 2 lessons 96. Arbëria (Medieval Albania)during XI-XV C.; 6 lessons 97. Humanity and European Renaissance; 2 lessons National History occupy 14 lessons or about 24,56 % of all Ancient - 15th Century World History.
Grade 10: History Textbook Titled: History 2 First publication in 1995. Republished in 1998, 1999, 2000. 2001, in use 2002. Content 98. 91 lessons 99. 193 pages; format 70 x 100/16 100. No maps, photos, drawings etc. Written text only 101. The book is organized in 21 chapters. Each lesson is 1,5 - 3 pages long. 102. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”. “ Reading” and “Vocabulary” 103. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by some reproductive questions only. 104. Language of the text has to be simplified. There are many terms used by authors in the text which are not explained in the vocabulary for instance “Fordism, Tailorism” etc. National History occupy 20 lessons or about 21,5 % of all 16th Century -1918 World history.
Grade 11: History Textbook Titled: History 3 First publication in 1997. Republished in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. In use| 2002. Content 105. 63 lessons 106. 252 pages; format 70 x 100/16 107. 13 and 12 bad quality black and white drawings and so called maps only, and written text. 108. The book is organized in 22 chapters. Each lesson is 2,5 - 4 pages long. 109. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”, 110. In some cases in the end, there are written documents and vocabulary. 111. The change between first publishing of the textbook (1997) and that of 2000 is that in the last variant (2000) lessons are a bit shorter, but the content is the same. 112. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by some reproductive questions only. 113. Language of the text is overcharged for pupils. It has to be simplified There are many terms used by authors in the text which are not explained in the vocabulary for instance Versailles System etc. National History occupy 13 lessons or about 20,63 % of all 1918 - 1992 World history.
Grade 12: History Textbook Titled: History of Albanian
People First publication in 1999. Republished in 2000, 2001. In use 2002. Content 114. 93 lessons 115. 347 pages; format 70 x 100/16 116. 148 photos and 11 bad quality black and white drawings and so called maps only, and written text. 117. The book is organized in 22 chapters. Each lesson is 3 - 4 pages long. 118. In the end of each lesson is the rubric “ Questions and Tasks”, 119. In some cases in the end, there are written documents and vocabulary. 120. Pedagogical apparatus is very poor and inadequate. It is made up by reproductive questions while in some lessons are mixed with multiple choice ones. 121. Language of the text is overcharged with names and data. From this summarized presentation of history textbooks for primary and secondary schools in Albania we can arrive in some conclusions: 1. It must be said that in present form history textbooks have a lot of deficiencies 2. There is only one history textbook for each grade. 3. Don’t exist alternative history textbooks. 4. Only one historical viewpoint is described in history textbooks. 5. Nothing is written about minority. 6. All the history textbooks for primary and secondary schools are almost the same with their first published variant (starting from 1994), where some of the most important changes like depolitisation, deideologisation, a new structure and a new balance in favour of studying more about Europeans democratic countries etc. were realized. 7. Ratio between National History and World History is in disfavour of the last. In primary school (grades 4-8) from 272 lessons in history 155 or 57 % are National History. In secondary school (grades 8-12) from 304 lesson in history 144 or 47,37 % are National History. 8. Social, economical, cultural and religious aspects of history still occupy a very small space in history textbooks. From 272 history lessons in primary school (grades 4-8 ) only 50 lessons or about 18,4 % are of this thematic. This percentage is smaller in history textbooks of secondary schools (about16,6 %). There are some reasons of a such situation: 9. Actually there are scarce scientific results about these aspects in our National History. 10. Mentality of a considered number of authors about how important are those aspects of history to be taught in school. 11. Almost all history textbooks authors are academics or lectors in University. Improvement of this situation in history textbooks depends mainly by improvement of history syllabuses 12. A continuous pressure of history teachers on the authors, participation of new well-trained history textbooks writers, which have to have clearer visions about the important role of economical, social, cultural and religious history in school. 13. All history textbooks are narrative ones. 14. Are dominated by written material only. 15. A very small number of drawings, maps, graphics etc are presented in the book. 16. Only very few of them are coloured ones (except the book of 4th grade). 17. A bad quality of paper & printing. It is very important and immediate that history textbooks writers to be trained in specialized institutions (example Georg Eckert Institute) because some of them want to change but they don’t know what and how to change. Dr. Adrian Papajani |