Drago Roksandić (ed.).
Uvod u komparativnu historiju (Introduction to Comparative History). Golden Marketing - Tehnička knjiga. Zagreb, 2004, pp 304. Croatian.
Zahvale, 7-8
Drago Roksandić.
Komparativna historija: izazovi i mogućnosti, 9-34
I z a b r a n i r a d o v i
Marc Bloch
Za komparativnu historiju europskih društava, 37-64
("Pour une histoire comparée des sociétés européennes." Mélanges historiques, t. 1. Paris, 1963,
Adam Przeworski & Henry Teune
Logika poredbenog društvenog istraživanja, 65-78
(Introduction from The Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry. Krieger Publishing Company.
Malabar, Florida, 1970, 3-13)
Charles Ragin
Osobitost poredbene društvene znanosti, 79-98
(The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. University of
California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1989, 1-18)
Charles Ragin
Poredbene metode usmjerene na slučaj, 99-118
(The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. University of
California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1989, 34-52)
Theda Scocpol & Margaret Somers
Uporabe komparativne historije u makrosocijalnom ispitivanju (str. 119-146)
(Theda Scocpol. Social Revolutions in the Modern World. Cambridge University Press, 1994, 72-
Heinz-Gerhard Haupt & Jürgen Kocka
("Historischer Vergleich: Methoden, Aufgaben, Probleme. Eine Einleitung." in Heinz-Gerhard
Haupt, Jürgen Kocka (Hg.). Geschichte und Vergleich. Ansätze und Ergebnisse international
vergleichender Geschichtsschreibung. Frankfurt & New York: Campus Verlag, 1996, 9-45)
Jürgen Osterhammel
Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
Sporo probijanje komparativne historije, 207-218
("La lente emergence d’une histoire comparée." in Jean Boutier & Dominique Julia (dirigé par).
Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l’Histoire. Éditions Autrements. Paris, 1995, 196-207)
Samuel N. Eisenstadt
Mnogostruke modernosti, 219-244
(Multiple Modernities. Daedalus. Winter 2000, 1-29)
Jürgen Kocka
Asimetrična historijska poredba: Slučaj njemačkog «Sonderwega», 245-258
(Asymmetrical Historical Comparison: The Case of German Sonderweg. in History and Theory.
Studies in the Philosophy of History. Volume 38. Number 1. February 1999, 40-50)
O autorima izabranih radova, 259-262
Bibliografija, 263-292
Imensko kazalo, 293-297
Pojmovno kazalo, 298-302
Bilješka o pripređivaču, 303
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