====== CroALa - a collection of words through a set of lists ======
A talk at the [[http://neolatin.lbg.ac.at/news/neven-jovanovic-croatiae-auctores-latini|Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies]] (LBI), Innsbruck, Austria, 11 Sept 2012.
===== Introduction: Croatian and Tyrolean neo-Latin =====
===== A digital collection of neo-Latin texts =====
* [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala|www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala]]: CroALa's home page
* [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala/croala.whizbang.form.html|CroALa's search form]] (to be explained)
==== CroALa in the typology of digital Latin collections ====
* Libraries: [[http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/index.html?c=nd&l=en|BSB Digital]], [[http://gallica.bnf.fr/|Gallica]]
* Searchable, "dirty" OCR: [[http://books.google.com|Google Books]]
* A neo-Latinist's bookshelf: [[http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenahtdocs/camena.html|CAMENA]]
* A philologist's work desk: [[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collections|Perseus Digital Library]]
Projects similar to CroALa --- expose the fulltext side:
* [[http://mqdq.cab.unipd.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/index.jsp|Musisque Deoque / Poeti d' Italia in lingua latina]]
* [[http://latin.packhum.org/|Classical Latin Texts of the Packard Humanities Institute]]
==== Searching for Alps (and alps) in CroALa ====
* [[z:croala-alpes|Alps in CroALa]]
* A bibliographic search: [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala/cgi-bin/search3t?dbname=croala&word=alp%5B%5Eh%5D.*&keywords=poesis|Alps in poetry]]
* [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala/cgi-bin/search3t?dbname=croala&word=alp%5B%5Eh%5D.*&keywords=poesis&OUTPUT=AF|Alps in poetry, by author]]
===== CroALa and lists: a flock of blind chickens =====
* [[z:croala-themata|Thematic searches in CroALa]]
* [[z:croala-list-index|Experiment: transforming an index into a list of CroALa searches]]
* [[z:croala-lists|Searching CroALa with lists]]
* [[z:croala-graecitas-tabula|Index Graecitatis in CroALa]]
* [[z:croala-longa-rara|Verba longiora Latinitatis posterioris in CroALa]]
* [[z:croala-loca|Loca terrarum in CroALa]]
===== Conclusion =====
what can a digital collection of neo-Latin texts offer somebody who is interested in neo-Latin contribution to politics, religion, mentalities?
First of all, it offers you the challenge: try to formulate what you're researching in strings of characters that can be sent to a computer. This is a significant challenge, but one that can lead --- //experto credite// --- to a clearer vision, sometimes even to reinterpretation of your research.
Second, the existing collection of Croatian Latin texts provides a place to test the conclusions reached elsewhere: are they applicable to Croatian Latin?
Third, we can share the system and knowledge so you can build your own collection (it can be a "collection" of a single author, even of a single text). Why is it important? Because if there were more collections built according to the same specifications, comparisons and tests would be much easier. And the results richer.