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"Humanities computing"

Npr: HUCO 500 Survey of Humanities Computing

Sample Course Syllabus - 2004 (pdf)
This course will provide students with an overview of the discipline 
of Humanities Computing and its varied applications across 
the program's participating Departments. 
Topics covered will change according to movements and trends within 
the discipline   but the course should enable students to 
situate their own research interests within the 
broader framework of Humanities Computing and to make informed 
choices about how they structure the rest of their program. 
Existing research methodologies and projects 
will be showcased and critiqued. 
Topics could include but are by no means limited to: 
digitization of text, sound, and image; 
hypertext design and delivery; 
statistical methods and analysis; 
knowledge representation and markup languages; 
electronic publishing and dissemination; 
and computers and culture. 
Upon completion of the course students will be able 
to situate their own research interests within the larger 
context of humanities computing, evaluate existing methodologies 
and projects, consider the ability of computer systems to 
represent knowledge, and analyze the impact of technology on 
research in the humanities. HUCO-500 is designed to be accompanied 
by HUCO-520, a more technically oriented course.

DZ: pročitajte i procijenite Članak o "Digital humanities" na Wikipediji.