====== XQueries for aligned texts ====== **See more**: [[n:add-morph-align|add morphological information to aligned text]]. **Objective**: turn an [[http://repos1.alpheios.net/exist/rest/db/app/align-entersentence.xhtml|Alpheios aligned sentence]] into a [[http://docs.moodle.org/24/en/Matching_question_type|Moodle matching question]] XML. ===== Example ===== An example of the exercise imported in Moodle (showing a Latin sentence to be aligned with Croatian): {{:n:moodlematching.png? |Moodle matching window}} ===== Alpheios XML format for aligned texts ===== Here is how an aligned sentence (L1 = Latin, L2 = Croatian) looks like after exporting the XML from Alpheios Text Alignment tool. bonam spem de te concipio; non discurris veliko ufanje cèrpim. Ti se neskitaš, The simplest case is a single L1 word which has a single L2 equivalent: bonam (...) veliko **Challenges** are: * L1 words which have //no// L2 equivalents: de * L1 words which have //several// L2 equivalents: inquietaris. * several L1 words which have //the same// L2 equivalent: non discurris (...) neskitaš, ===== Moodle matching question XML format ===== Moodle XML for matching questions looks like this: Veni igitur 3 Povežite svaku latinsku riječ sljedeće rečenice s njezinim prijevodom.

Veni igitur et age de pace.

Stoga dođi i pregovaraj o miru.

1.0000000 0.3333333 0 true Your answer is correct.

Your answer is partially correct.

Your answer is incorrect.







===== XQueries so far ===== We transform the XML from Alpheios ''aligned-text'' into Moodle ''quiz'' XML using several XQueries. First, for the simplest case, the one-to-one correspondence. One trick is to have nested ''for'' loops in the query. The other trick is to match L1 and L2 words by their ''nrefs'' and ''n'' attribute values (''*:w[@n = $v/*:w/*:refs/@nrefs]''). (: transform Alpheios aligned text into Moodle quiz XML :) (: simplest case - one-to-one correspondence :) let $lt := "![CDATA[" (: less than :) let $gt := "]]" (: greater than :) for $v in //*:sentence/*:wds[@lnum="L1"] return Textus correlati <{$lt}

Povežite svaku latinsku riječ sljedeće rečenice s njezinim prijevodom.

ex iis quae mihi scribis

iz ovog što mi pišeš

1.0000000 0.3333333 0 true <{$lt}

Odgovor je točan.


Odgovor je djelomično točan.


Odgovor nije točan.

{for $a in //*:wds[@lnum='L2']/*:w[@n = $v/*:w/*:refs/@nrefs] return <{$lt}

{data($v/*:w[@n = $a/@n]/*:text)}

===== Challenge 1: L1 words with no L2 equivalents ===== The problem: de Solution: define a variable (''$refs''); test if there is no ''refs/@nrefs'' combination present in a given ''w'' element (''if... then... else if...''); if the combination does not exist, replace it by zero (0). The XQuery (caveat --- the produced format is not exactly Moodle XML): (: test if there are no nrefs in L1 :) for $nref in //*:wds[@lnum='L1']/*:w return { data($nref/*:text) } { let $refs := if (string($nref/*:refs/@nrefs)) then {data(//*:wds[@lnum='L2']/*:w[@n = string($nref/*:refs/@nrefs)]/*:text)} else if (empty($nref/*:refs/@nrefs)) then 0 else () return $refs } Result (note the 0's): bonam veliko spem ufanje de 0 te 0 concipio; cèrpim. non neskitaš, discurris neskitaš, ===== Challenge 2: L1 words which have several L2 equivalents ===== The problem: inquietaris. Solution: let $v := //*:sentence/*:wds[@lnum="L2"] for $a in //*:wds[@lnum='L1']/*:w[@n = $v/*:w/*:refs/@nrefs] return {data($a/*:text)} { let $multi := (: test if any L1 word points to more L2 ones :) if (contains(string($a/*:refs/@nrefs), ' ')) then concat(data($v/*:w[@n = substring-before($a/*:refs/@nrefs, ' ')]/*:text),' ',data($v/*:w[@n = substring-after($a/*:refs/@nrefs,' ')]/*:text)) else if (string($a/*:refs/@nrefs)) then data($v/*:w[@n = string($a/*:refs/@nrefs)]) else () return $multi } The code produces this: inquietaris. te uznemiruje ===== Challenge 3: several L1 words with the same L2 equivalent ===== The problem: non discurris (...) neskitaš, The XQuery: let $v := //*:sentence/*:wds[@lnum="L1"] for $a in //*:wds[@lnum='L2']/*:w[@n = $v/*:w/*:refs/@nrefs] return { let $multi := (: test if any L2 word points to more L1 ones :) if (contains(string($a/*:refs/@nrefs), ' ')) then concat(data($v/*:w[@n = substring-before($a/*:refs/@nrefs, ' ')]/*:text),' ',data($v/*:w[@n = substring-after($a/*:refs/@nrefs,' ')]/*:text)) else if (string($a/*:refs/@nrefs)) then data($v/*:w[@n = $a/*:refs/@nrefs]) else () return $multi } {data($a/*:text)} We test for the space ('' '') contained in the ''@nrefs'' attribute value. If there is at least one, we take the string apart (currently works for only two nrefs), then get the L2 words and put them together (concat them). Result: locorum mutationibus skitanje. ====== Putting it all together... ====== TBA ====== Generate permutations with XQuery ====== Goal: we want to generate all permutations of a short sentence (cf. [[n:greek-latin-game?#baskets|Learning games for classical languages]]), afterwards creating with selected permutations a Moodle matching questions quiz -- to make the students decide whether a given word order is possible, impossible, or inbetween. ===== Example ===== {{ :n:segesta.png? |Segesta - matching possible word orders}} ===== XQuery ===== We want to generate permutations for the sequence //Cum in Africam venissem//: Cum in Africam venissem We'll use the permutation generator described by Pekka Kilpeläinen in 2011.((Kilpeläinen, P. (2012), Using XQuery for problem solving. Softw: Pract. Exper., 42: 1433–1465. doi: [[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/spe.1140/full|10.1002/spe.1140]].)) The XQuery is here (we use it on first four words of a larger sentence): (: permutation generator function by Pekka Kilpeläinen, 2011 :) declare function local:perm1($items as item()*) as element(perm)+ { if (count($items) le 1) then {$items} else for $i in 1 to count($items), $perm in local:perm1(remove($items, $i)) return {insert-before($perm/node(), 1, $items[$i])} }; (: permute first four Latin words :) let $it := subsequence(//*:wds[1]/*:w, 1, 4) return local:perm1($it) This is the result: Cum in Africam venissem Cum in venissem Africam Cum Africam in venissem Cum Africam venissem in Cum venissem in Africam Cum venissem Africam in in Cum Africam venissem in Cum venissem Africam in Africam Cum venissem in Africam venissem Cum in venissem Cum Africam in venissem Africam Cum Africam Cum in venissem Africam Cum venissem in Africam in Cum venissem Africam in venissem Cum Africam venissem Cum in Africam venissem in Cum venissem Cum in Africam venissem Cum Africam in venissem in Cum Africam venissem in Africam Cum venissem Africam Cum in venissem Africam in Cum