a school corpus of Greek and Latin texts aligned with Croatian translations, to be used in classrooms (grammar schools and universities, some 25.000 potential users); see the rationale in this document (Google Drive, including links to examples); some musings on Greek to Latin translation (done by Croatians) here: levenshtein-translation
use this corpus, together with treebanks, to produce a modern Greek - Croatian and Latin - Croatian school dictionary, with contributions by students
use these experiences and materials to build a large bilingual anthology of Croatian Latin writers, both as an online publication and as a book
adapt treebanking to make possible a language-neutral, world-wide competitions in Greek and Latin language proficiency (students produce treebanks of Greek and Latin sentences, with grammatical terminology in their own first language, but terminology is compatible across languages)
a set of instructions for doing research with CroALa, see samples here: croala-schola.
a BaseX database of Mercurius Croaticus, searchable with XQuery, to serve as a bibliography of manuscripts and printed Croatian Latin texts (cf. basex-adv)
A useful database of Croatian scholarly journals (mainly in Croatian): http://hrcak.srce.hr/
The Digital Archive of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (with contributions by the Department of Classical Philology): http://darhiv.ffzg.hr
Beginning of the Institutio bene beateque vivendi by Marko Marulić http://mudrac.ffzg.hr/~njovanov/vm/samples/institut.xml, five witnesses: Venice 1506, Basle 1513 (NSK Zgb RIIF-8o-420), Köln 1530 (NSK Zagreb RIIF-8o-1947.), Antwerp 1577 (NSK Zagreb RIIF-8o-1923.), Split 1986.
A paper by Paul Frankl, student of philosophy, from 1889, in Latin, reviewed by his fellow student (of philology) Josip Basler, from the archive of student papers, Department of Classical Philology (photographed and scanned by Ana Katarina Šmigoc).
An analytical bibliography of Croatian Latin writers on the Web: hrvatski-latinisti-internet (as of March 27, 2008: 35 authors, 64 titles in various formats).
100m.sh is a Linux shell script writing any amount of lines with numbered <milestone/> elements (and its @facs attributes!) into a file. Syntax: ./100m.sh 3 etc.
praznim.sh is a Linux shell script which deletes all lines from a given document. Syntax: ./praznim.sh foo.txt etc.
shellozov.sh is a Bash script which takes a list of (inflected) words in a file (using LWP::Simple Perl module), sends the words one by one to the LemLat lemmatizer, greps and stores the lemmata in another file, then removes the duplicates and orders the rest alphabetically. Literature: Sean M. Burke, Perl & LWP (2002; there is an internet edition as well).
verba.pl is a Perl script which reads a list of Latin words, one by one, sends them to the v4.pl script for querying the Perseus under Philologic parser, and returns (or not!) the lemma from the dictionary.
v4.pl is a Perl script called from verba.pl; it queries the Perseus under Philologic Latin parser and returns the lemma.
usp-bez.sh is a bash script which compares two lists of words; it reads a list in file1, compares the words with the list in file2, and writes the words not in file2 to file3. Syntax: ./usp-bez.sh foo.txt foo1.txt result.txt
usp.sh is a bash script which compares two lists of words: it reads a list in file1, compares the words with words in file2, and writes the words both in file1 and file2 to file3. Syntax: ./usp.sh foo.txt foo1.txt result.txt
Of course, the above is simpler with the comm utility…