Stipendija za tečaj hebrejskog jezika


I ove godine Sveučilište u Haifi nudi stipendiju za tečaj hebrejskog jezika koji će se zbog situacije s koronavirusom održavati preko interneta, odnosno putem Zoom predavanja. Prilažem njihovu objavu, u kojoj možete pronaći dodatne informacije, kao i mail za kontakt i službenu stranicu, te Vas molim da obavijest o ovome proslijedite svojim studentima. Molim Vas da imate na umu da je zadnji datum za prijave 15. lipnja 2020.

July Intensive Hebrew Online Courses- Program Description אולפן קיץ

July 20th- August 20th, 2020

This July we will be offering our Intensive Hebrew Summer Ulpan. The courses Hebrew Summer Ulpan brings students from around the world to the University of Haifa to study Hebrew in one of the most effective language learning programs in Israel. The Ulpan is designed for those who wish to immerse themselves in an intensive language acquisition experience that is personally enriching as well as academically demanding.


Classes will be taught remotely through the ZOOM online classroom system and will be held between the hours of 6pm-9:30pm Israel time (11:00am-2:30pm EDT, 8:00am-11:30am PDT)

Total beginners need to fill out the prior-knowledge questionnaire form. If you are not a total beginner, you must fill out the placement exam to the best of your abilities without the use of aid and then stop once you cannot answer any questions.
The Ulpan is open to all students above the age of 18 who are high school graduates as well as to adult learners.

Terms and Conditions: 

  • Terms and conditions of the scholarship may change from year to year according to the annual budget.
  • The scholarship can be granted only once
  • The Summer Language Course Includes: Full tuition fees
  • The final date for the submission of application forms is normally no later than June 15.
  • Final decision regarding the granting of a scholarship will be made around June 30 of each year.


Marketing Director: Ms. Michal Gottlieb

