Predavanje o arhitekturi sinagoga u Hrvatskoj

Sve zainteresirane za  povijest, povijest umjetnosti, religijsku kulturu…
pozivamo na zanimljivo predavanje o


u srijedu, 15. ožujka 2017. g. u 17 sati
u Maloj dvorani Pučkog otvorenog učilišta Zagreb,
Ul. Grada Vukovara 68.

Gost tribine: dr. sc. Zlatko Karač, izvanredni profesor, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Prof. Karač najistaknutiji je stručnjak za povijest arhitekture sinagoga u Hrvatskoj. Ovom prigodom prikazat će mnoge zanimljive pojedinosti sinagogalnih zgrada. Arhitektonskim i urbanističkim prikazom nekih od njih otkrit će nam i velik dio povijesti hrvatskih Židova, pa time i hrvatskih gradova.


Leiden Summer School – Semitic Programme

Semitic programme

This programme consists of four courses: Hebrew: Texts from Ancient Israelite Literature (Gianto), Ugaritic Language and Literature (Gianto), The Linguistic History of Arabic (van Putten & Al-Jallad), The Old Syriac Inscriptions (Gzella).

Više informacija na:

Raspored predavanja kolegija Židovski misticizam

13. ožujka 2017. g., od 9,00 do 12,00 sati u konferencijskoj dvorani
14. ožujka 2017. g., od 11,00 do 14,00 sati u računalnoj dvorani
20. ožujka 2017. g., od 9,00 do 12,00 sati u konferencijskoj dvorani
21. ožujka 2017. g., od 11,00 do 14,00 sati u računalnoj dvorani
27. ožujka 2017. g., od 9,00 do 12,00 sati u konferencijskoj dvorani
28. ožujka 2017. g., od 11,00 do 14,00 sati u računalnoj dvorani

Predavanje: Izvanjski pogled na Pjesništvo Jehude Amihaja

Dragi članovi i prijatelji Hrvatsko-izraelskog društva!

Srdačno Vas pozivamo u Kulturni centar „Šalom“, Radićeva 26,
u srijedu 22. veljače 2017. u 19:00 sati na predavanje

koje će održati književnik, pjesnik, esejist, prevoditelj i znanstvenik, akademik

Književna večer bit će posvećena jednom od najvećih izraelskih i svjetskih pjesnika koji je biblijski izričaj približio suvremenom hebrejskom jeziku.

Radujemo se Vašem dolasku! Šalom!
Milan Bešlić

Study abroad programs in Israel – Summer and Winter 2017: Coexistence in the Middle East

PRIJAVE U TIJEKU ZA SVE ZAINTERESIRANE: "Coexistence in the Middle East" is a study abroad summer and winter program in…

Posted by Izrael u Hrvatskoj on 15. veljače 2017

Study abroad programs in Israel – Summer and Winter 2017: Coexistence in the Middle East

Ciklus predavanja i radionica u Arheološkom muzeju uz izložbu Post scriptum

Ciklus predavanja i radionica uz izložbu Post scriptum


srijeda, 1. veljače – KLINASTO PISMO – Marko Lukić, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu
srijeda, 8. veljače – HIJEROGLIFI – Igor Uranić, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu
utorak, 14. veljače – KINESKA KALIGRAFIJA – Iva Valentić, Konfucijev institut
četvrtak, 16. veljače – HEBREJSKO PISMO – dr. sc. Naida Michal Brandl i Igor Kusin, Katedra za judaistiku FF
srijeda, 22. veljače – ARAPSKA KALIGRAFIJA – Nahil Ramzy, umjetnica arapske kaligrafije
petak, 24. veljače – GRČKI ALFABET I LATINICA – dr. sc. Petra Šoštarić, Katedra za grčki jezik i književnost, FF


srijeda, 1. ožujka – GLAGOLJICA – dr. sc. Mateo Žagar, Katedra za staroslavenski jezik i hrvatsko glagoljaštvo
srijeda, 8. ožujka – ĆIRILICA – dr. sc. Mateo Žagar
srijeda, 15.ožujka – MORSEOVO PISMO – Željko Staklarević, Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, i BRAJICA – Željka Sušić, Tiflološki muzej

Sva predavanja počinju u 18 sati.

Potrebna najava na
Sudjelovanje je besplatno

CfP “Building, Bending, and Breaking Boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean World” (Budapest, 1-3 June, 2017)


Fifth CEMS International Graduate Conference

Budapest, 1-3 June, 2017
Popper Room

The Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (CEMS) at Central European University and its junior members are proud to announce the forthcoming Fifth International Graduate Conference on Building, Bending, and Breaking Boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean World. This three-day conference invites graduate students of Late Antique, Islamic, Jewish, Byzantine, Medieval, Ottoman studies, and related disciplines, to present their research on the manifold and complex processes of constructing, negotiating, transgressing, and subverting social, political, cultural, or confessional boundaries in the eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to the Early Modern period.

Conference Description

What is a border? What are the sites and strategies of boundary-construction and who are its agents? Boundaries shape and forge categories by enforcement and reinforcement of power ingrained within a built environment, conceptual or physical. Thus, they do not necessarily indicate territorial margins, but can also embrace theoretical, temporal, and metaphorical borders. They can be natural or artificial, sharp or blurry; they can be understood in positive and/or negative terms as means of protection or as instruments of exclusion; and they can mark conceptual territories, such as “the human,” “the holy,” “the family,” or “the natural world.” Triggered by new waves of immigration, the meaningfulness of state borders and the necessity of their control have been subject to debate, alongside questions concerning the boundaries surrounding identities, cultures or religions. Moving beyond the border of nation-states and the “clash of civilizations” paradigm, the main objective of this conference is to explore the historically contingent, fluid, and dynamic nature of borders by shedding light on the intricate mechanisms through which boundaries were erected, maintained, crossed, and transgressed throughout the eastern Mediterranean world.

Possible paper topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • Border ontologies and epistemologies
  • Negotiating, contesting, and appropriating spaces – sites of cultural, religious, social, political, economic, artistic encounters, transformations, and exchange
  • The dynamics of borders and identities – the role of different sensory mechanisms in (re)articulating communal boundaries and identities, multiple identities and cultural mobility
  • Practices of representation – multisensory engagement with various aspects of daily life, the anthropology of smells and sounds, sumptuary restrictions on food
  • Bordering the body – the politicization of bodily images and the genderization of conflicts
  • Geopolitics, power practices, sovereignty
  • Politics of translation as means of enforcement, representation, and/or appropriation

Please submit by January 31, 2017 a short paper proposal (no more than 250 words, together with a brief biography and contact information) to the following address:

Keynote Speakers

Verena Krebs (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
David Thomas (University of Birmingham)
Greg Woolf (Institute of Classical Studies, London)

Accommodation and Travel Grants

All participants will be offered accommodation for the full duration of the conference (3 nights) at the CEU Residence Center. In order to encourage the participation of individuals with limited institutional support a small number of partial travel grants will be available to cover travel expenses. Those who wish to be considered for the grant should include an additional justification alongside their paper proposals. Please note that there is no conference fee. For further information, do not hesitate to contact the organizers at .


Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
ACRO, Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office

Organizing Committee

Matea Laginja (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies)
Emese Muntán (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Stduies)
Iuliana Soficaru (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies)

For further information, do not hesitate to contact the organizers at or at our Facebook page.

Židovi i arhitektura – obavezna gostujuća predavanja

Pozivaju se studenti koji su upisali ovaj kolegij da obavezno prisustvuju na posljednja dva predavanja koja će za specifične teme održati gostujuće nastavnice i to:

16. siječnja
Dr. sc. Arijana Koprčina:
“Judaica u oblikovanju metala ‒ srebrni i metalni predmeti za sinagogu i dom”

23. siječnja
Dr. sc. Snješka Knežević:
“Umjetnost židovskih groblja”

Pohađanje oba ova predavanja će se evidentirati i uz aktivno sudjelovanje u diskusiji studenti će biti oslobođeni formalnog dijela ispita za ovaj kolegij (detaljnije upute na predavanju).

Predavanja počinju u 9,30 h.

Doc. dr. sc. Zlatko Karač.