Kvalifikacijski postupak za upis diplomskog studija judaistike održat će se
u petak 28. rujna 2018. g.
u 13 sati
u prostoriji C-012 na Filozofskom fakultetu.
Predavanje Isus Krist: Mesija?
Stipendije za poslijediplomski studij u Kopenhagenu
Rok za prijavu: 06.06.2018.
Kontakt institucija: | Copenhagen Business School |
Razina studija: | poslijediplomski studij |
Područje studija: | društvene znanosti |
Copenhagen Business School (CBS) je javna poslovna škola smještena u glavnom gradu Danske.
CBS raspisuje natječaj za dodjelu stipendija na doktorskom studiju, na odjelu Upravljanje poslovnim operacijama (Department Operations Management). Prijaviti se mogu kandidati sa završenim diplomskim studijem i dobrim znanjem engleskoga jezika.
Stipendija uključuje:
- troškove školarine
- uredski prostor
- potpora za putne troškove
- plaća (trenutno mjesečno od 3.160-3.860 eura)
- mirovinska davanja (do ukupno 17,1% od 85% osnovne plaće)
Rok prijave: 6. lipanj 2018.
Prijava ovdje.
Više informacija ovdje.
Stipendije za Gran Sasso Science Institute u Italiji
Rok za prijavu: 20.06.2018.
Kontakt institucija: | Gran Sasso Science Institute |
Razina studija: | poslijediplomski studij |
Područje studija: | prirodne znanosti, tehničke znanosti, društvene znanosti |
Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) iz grada L’Aquila, u Italiji, dodjeljuje stipendije za poslijediplomske studije iz određenih područja fizike, matematike, društvenih i biotehničkih znanosti, kompjutorskih znanosti te urbanizma i znanosti o regijama.
Stipendija iznosi 16.159,91 EUR (bruto) godišnje.
Smještaj je stipendistima besplatan (u sklopu prostora u nadležnosti GSSI) i mogu se koristiti uslugama kantine
Rok za prijavu: 20. lipnja 2018. do 18.00
Kako se prijaviti pogledajte ovdje.
Više informacija potražite ovdje.
Natječaj za dodjelu stipendija Vlade Japana
Natječaj za dodjelu stipendija Vlade Japana
Rok za prijavu: 08.06.2018.
Kontakt institucija: | Ministarstvo obrazovanja, kulture, sporta, znanosti i tehnologije Japana |
Razina studija: | preddiplomski studij, diplomski studij, poslijediplomski studij, program profesionalnog usavršavanja, stručni studij |
Područje studija: | nije definirano |
Mjesto studija: | Japan |
Ministarstvo obrazovanja, kulture, sporta, znanosti i tehnologije Japana (MEXT) raspisalo je natječaj za dodjelu stipendija stranim studentima za studij u Japanu.
Informativno predavanje: 25. svibanj (petak) u 15:00 sati, dvorana Matice hrvatske (Matica hrvatska, Matice hrvatske 2, Zagreb)
Pismeno testiranje – 28. lipnja (četvrtak) od 9:00 sati mjesto: Veleposlanstvo Japana, Boškovićeva 2, Zagreb
Intervjui s komisijom – 29. lipnja (petak), mjesto: Veleposlanstvo Japana, Boškovićeva 2, Zagreb
Kandidati prijave predaju Veleposlanstvu Japana, osobno ili poštom, do petka 8. lipnja 2018.
Više informacija nalazi se ovdje.
Predavanje Kako je nastalo židovstvo
U četvrtak će, 3. svibnja 2018. g., u velikoj dvorani palače Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti na Trgu Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11 Matthias Henze, profesor Hebrejske Biblije i ranog židovstva sa Sveučilišta Rice u Houstonu, održati predavanje na engleskom jeziku
Kako je nastalo židovstvo
s početkom u 11 sat.
Otkazano predavanje iz Jidiša 2 u ponedjeljak 23. travnja 2018.
Poštovane kolege,
U ponedjeljak, 23. travnja 2018. g. neće biti predavanja iz Jidiša 2.
Ocjene u ISVU-u
ISVU-rokovi će se na razini fakulteta zaključati 15. svibnja 2018. g.
Mole se studenti da pregledaju stanje u indeksu i u ISVU-u te da po potrebi dođu upisati ocjenu u admninistraciju Odsjeka.
YES stipendije za diplomski studij u Kini
Rok za prijavu: 20.04.2018.
Kontakt institucija: | Government of China |
Razina studija: | diplomski studij |
Područje studija: | tehničke znanosti, biomedicina i zdravstvo, biotehničke znanosti, društvene znanosti |
Mjesto studija: | Kina |
The Chinese Government established the “Scholarship for Youth of Excellence Scheme of China- Master Program (YES CHINA)” with the aim of providing financial support to the outstanding youth coming to China to pursue a Master’s degree. For the academic year 2018/2019, the Ministry of Education, P. R. China will entrust 7 leading Chinese universities such as Peking University with 8 Master’s degree programs, namely The Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program in Chinese Law, International Program on Master of Public Health (IMPH), Master of International Economic Cooperation, Master of China Studies, The LL.M Program in International Economic Law,MBA Program, AIIB Master of International Finance, Master of One-Belt-Road Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering. The programs duration will be one year or two years (1+1), and will be open to applicants from 65 developing countries.
Enrollment Quota, Program Duration and Medium of Instruction
- one-year full-time Master’s degree program20-25 students per class
- Academic year from September, 2018
- Courses all taught in English
Scholarship Coverage
- One-year Program
- Exempted fees: tuition and internship fees.
- on-campus accommodation.
- Living Allowance.
- One-off settlement subsidy after registration.
- Comprehensive medical insurance.
- A one-way air ticket to China upon registration and a one-way air ticket back from China to the student’s home country after completion of the study.
- Two-year Program (1+1 studies)
Scholarship for the first academic year is the same as One-year Program. In the second academic year, students will do their thesis back in their home countries and the dissertation defense in China, while the scholarship will only cover one round-trip ticket for dissertation defense.
Application Receiving Agency and Deadline
The applicants should submit their applications during the application period to the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Croatia. The applicants are expected to send all the scanned application documents before April 20th, 2018.
Qualifications for an eligible applicant include:
- Healthy both physically and mentally; not over 45 years old (born after September 1, 1973).
- A bachelor or higher degree, at least 3 years’ work experience, some educational or professional experience in a field relative to that of the program applied.
- Working in a government agency, company or research institute, and being a Section Director or Chief of Office, a senior manager, or excellent in scientific researches.
- Good English language proficiency, able to follow English-taught courses well. Minimum requirements for reference: IELTS (Academic) total score 6.0, or TOEFL Internet score 80.
- Having a strong development potential in his/her career, and willing to promote the mutual cooperation and exchanges between China and his/her home country.
- Students who are now studying in China or already winners of Chinese Government Scholarship are not allowed to apply.
Note: More details about each program can be found in the university’s recruitment prospectus.
Application Procedure
Step 1: Online Application
Please log in “Chinese Government Scholarship Information System” (http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or http://www.campuschina.org) to submit online application and supporting documents.
Step 2: Documents Submission
Submit the application documents (legible scanned ones) listed below to the application receiving agency.
Application Documents
Please scan the following materials IN ORDER into one document and ensure clarity.
- Application form (mentioned above) with a 2-inch photo and the applicant’s signature.
- Personal statement of research (A minimum of 500 words in English).
- Copies of bachelor’s degree certificate(s) and academic transcript(s).
- Two recommendation letters from the applicant’s employers and/or professors. Telephone numbers and email addresses of the referees must be included in the letters.
- Certificate of Employment (AttachmentⅠ). Please submit to “Other supporting documents” in the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System.
- English proficiency certificates.
- Physical Examination Record for Foreigner(Attachment Ⅱ)
- Copy of the passport page of personal information (Ordinary Passport for Private Affairs only)
Note: Scanned copies of the documents will be sufficient during the application period. Originals or verified copies will be required upon enrollment at the universities. All documents should be in Chinese or English and are not retrievable.
Admission Notification
1. Application documents will be reviewed by Admission Committee, and outstanding applicants will be selected.
2. Each applicant will be supported by the scholarship for one program only.
3. The universities or the Chinese Embassy will send the Admission Letter and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the scholarship winners.
4. If a successful applicant fails to register for the programs before the deadline, the entitlement to the scholarship will be cancelled.
For Attachment: Ⅰ. Certificate of Employment, andⅡ. Physical Examination Record for Foreigner, please contact the Chinese embassy in Zagreb.