Rusija: državne stipendije za akademsku godinu 2019./2020.

Rok za prijavu: stalno otvoren natječaj

Razina studija: preddiplomski studij, diplomski studij, poslijediplomski studij, kraći studijski program
Područje studija: nije definirano


Na web stranici RUSSIA.STUDY  počele su prijave za upis na studij u Rusiji, u akademskoj godini 2019./2020.

Postoji širok spektar mogućnosti za studiranje, uključujući i stipendije.
U ponudi su preddiplomski, diplomski i poslijediplomski studiji, mogućnosti za odrađivanje kratkoročnih praksi, tečajevi ruskog jezika.


  • 230 000 međunarodnih studenata studira u Rusiji.
  • Više od 100 000 međunarodnih studenata posjeti Rusiju godišnje.
  • Rusija je šesta zemlja po broju stranih studenata, a prva je po broju izumitelja, lansiranja u svemir i pobjeda na međunarodnim natjecanjima studenata programera.


  • 27 ruskih sveučilišta nalazi se na listi prestižnih svjetskih sveučilišta (World University Rankings/2018.).
  • 18 ruskih sveučilišta uključeno je na popis vrhunskih globalnih sveučilišta, koji je pripremila britanska agencija Times Higher Education (THE) u 2017.


Vlada Rusije svake godine pripremi kvotu od 15.000 besplatnih školarina, namijenjenih međunarodnim studentima.



Obrazovanje u Rusiji početak je tvoje uspješne budućnosti!

10000 Zagreb, Grada Mainza 13, 01 888-70-06

10. Tjedan izraelskog filma

Veleposlanstvo Države Izrael Vas poziva na 10. Tjedan izraelskog filma, Kaptol Boutique Cinema, Zagreb

Ulaz je slobodan na sve projekcije, uključujući i večer otvorenja, te ovisi o broju slobodnih sjedala. Ukoliko želite rezervirati svoje sjedalo, molimo nazovite 01-6169-511

Program 10. Tjedna izraelskog filma.

Tjedan Izraela, od 11. do 18. studenog 2018.

Tjedan Izraela je kulturna manifestacija koju Židovska općina Zagreb organizira već dvadesetu godinu zaredom s ciljem približavanja izraelske i židovske tradicije i kulture hrvatskoj publici. Prezentirali smo različite programe: glazbene, kazališne, filmske, književne, gastronomske, kongresne, izložbene i druge, omogućivši domaćoj publici upoznavanje s najrazličitijim aspektima židovske tradicije i ponekim od najeminentnijih svjetskih umjetnika. Projekt je predstavio najbolje židovske izvođače i izvedbe iz Hrvatske te renomirane goste iz različitih zemalja (Srbija, Slovačka, Italija, Izrael, Poljska, Francuska, Slovenija, Njemačka).


Stipendije za Izrael

Država Izrael nudi 2 stipendije za studij u Izraelu za hrvatske državljane. Rok za prijave je 11. prosinac 2018
The Government of Israel is pleased to offer 2 scholarships for Croatian citizens. The final date for the submission of application forms is December 11, 2018
1 short term scholarship will be granted for a Summer Hebrew Language Course (Ulpan). This is a 3-4 week program at the Ulpan of the University of Haifa

1 long term scholarship will be granted for a period of maximum 8 months (one academic year).  Students may apply to the following programs: Post Doctorate program, Research program, Ph.D. Students, MA students, International and Special programs


Tel: 01/6169-519 or 01/6169-504

Veleposlanstvo Države Izrael
Chromos zgrada 
Ul. grada Vukovara 271
10 000 Zagreb

Link na stranicu izraelskog veleposlanstva u RH

Besplatna radionica o ispitu TOEFL


Profesorica: Ana Uglešić

Subota, 24. 11. 2018., od 10:00 do 12:15 sati.

Profesorica Ana Uglešić održat će besplatnu radionicu o ispitu TOEFL. Na radionici ćete se upoznati se sa strukturom TOEFL-a i saznati više o pojedinim cjelinama samog ispita.

Također ćete dobiti upute i savjete kako se najbolje pripremiti za TOEFL! Usput možete posjetiti i naš centar za testiranje u kojemu se između ostalih odvija samo testiranje TOEFL.

Sudjelovanje na radionici je slobodno uz obaveznu prethodnu predbilježbu na:

Rok za prijavu je 22. studenog 2018.

Broj mjesta na predavanju je ograničen stoga požurite s prijavama!

Radionica će se održati u prostorijama Instituta za razvoj obrazovanja (1.kat), Trg Nikole Zrinskog 9, 10000 Zagreb.


Fully Funded Daad Scholarship 2018-2019 for International Students in Germany

This scholarship programme offers you the opportunity to continue your academic education in Germany with a postgraduate course of study.

Who can apply?

  • Excellently-qualified graduates who have completed a first degree (Bachelor, Diplom or comparable academic degree) at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.
  • For applicants from artistic disciplines and the field of architecture, the DAAD offers subject-specific scholarship programmes.

What can be funded?

  • Participation in a postgraduate programme after a first undergraduate course of study for the purpose of technical or scientific specialisation
  • Specifically, the following is supported:
    a postgraduate or Master’s degree programme completed at a state or state-recognised university in Germany
    the first or second year of study at a state or state-recognised German university as part of a postgraduate or Master’s degree programme completed in the home country or in another foreign country; recognition of the academic achievements rendered in Germany must be guaranteed. The standard period of study of the postgraduate or Master’s degree programme should not be exceeded as a result of the study year in Germany.

Duration of the funding

For a postgraduate or Master’s degree completed in Germany:

  • between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme
  • The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen study programme (up to a maximum of 24 months). To receive further funding after the first year of study for 2-year courses, proof of academic achievements thus far should indicate that the study programme can be successfully completed within the standard period of study.
  • Applicants who are already in Germany in the first academic year of a 2-year postgraduate or Master’s programme at the time of their application may apply for a scholarship for the second year of study. In this case, it is not possible to extend the scholarship.

For a study period in Germany as part of a postgraduate or Master’s degree completed in a foreign country:

  • usually one academic year; an extension is not possible.
  • The scholarship usually begins on 1st October, or earlier if the student takes a language course prior to the study programme.


  • Scholarship payments of 750 euros a month
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • One-off study allowance

Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:

  • Contribution towards tuition fees that may be charged by the university (max. € 500.- per semester)
  • Monthly rent subsidy
  • Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family


Language skills

  • When you apply for your chosen study programme, you are usually required to prove that you have an adequate knowledge of the language of instruction. You can find out exactly what language skills are required in the university’s study and admissions regulations.
  • Good German language skills – especially for students taking arts subjects – are usually a requirement for studying in Germany. Exceptions are possible if scholarship holders are participating in programme which is taught in English.


Application Procedure:


The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send 2 copy/copies of the “Application summary” (PDF file), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the online application procedure has been completed, and other appendices by post to the application address.

Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.
The access to the DAAD portal generally opens about 6 weeks before the application deadline at the latest.

Application documents

Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD’s Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!

1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:

  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
  • Statement about academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany (letter of motivation; 1 – 3 pages)
  • Letter of admission to a study programme; this can be subsequently submitted before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if it is not available at the time of application.

For a postgraduate or Master’s degree to be completed in Germany:

For a study period in Germany as part of a postgraduate or Master’s degree completed in the home country:

  • Proof that the academic achievements rendered in Germany will be recognised in the home country

Also for all applicants:

  • University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the time of application.
  • Other documents you think might be of relevance to your application (e.g. certificates of employment, proof of placements)
  • Evidence of the applicant’s level of proficiency in German at the time of application. The certificate should preferably be issued by a Goethe-Institut or a DAAD-Lecturer, otherwise by a teacher of German. Applicants for an English-instructed degree programme are requested to submit an English language proficiency certificate.

2. To be submitted by post:

  • The “Application summary”, which is generated in the portal in PDF format and which can be printed out after the online application procedure is completed; please send 2 copy/copies to the application address
  • One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications (hand-signed, no digital or scanned signature); please enclose one copy of the reference in a sealed envelope with each copy of your application. Please regard the instructions given on the tab “Submitting an application“.

Application deadline

15 October

Application location

DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe Institute
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra, NSW 2025
Tel.: +61 (41) /3592-504

Please note

  • Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see Item 1) and by post (see Item 2). The postmark date serves as proof that the application has been dispatched on time.
  • The DAAD portal closes at 24.00 hrs. Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
  • Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications are complete.
  • The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act insofar as this data is needed to process the application.


Dodjela državnih stipendija za ak. g. 2018./2019.

Prijave na natječaj za dodjeljivanje državnih stipendija podnose se do 6. studenoga 2018. godine (uključujući i 6. studenoga). Elektroničke prijave zatvaraju se u utorak, 6. studenoga 2018. u 12.00 sati.
Tekst natječaja dostupan je na ovoj poveznici. Molimo vas da ga objavite na oglasnim pločama i/ili mrežnim stranicama vaših odsjeka.
Srdačan pozdrav,
doc. dr. sc. Tanja Bukovčan
Prodekanica za nastavu i studente

Izborni Kolegij: Uvod u judaizam

Izborni Kolegij: “Uvod u judaizam (170299)” ODRŽAVA SE U ZIMSKOM SEMESTRU.

Nastavnik: dr. sc. Kotel Dadon, doc.

Vrijeme: utorak 15:30-17:00 u dvorani D5

ECTS bodova: 3.

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