i2 Tempus
Education and Culture

TEMPUS - CD_JEP-16086-2001 is a 36 months long project funded by European Commission, (Directorate General for Education) under 2001 Joint European Networking Projects Scheme. Project TEMPUS covers curriculum development of the courses delivered in the field of economic science and information science.

A group of courses within information science curricula that are related to information organization and knowledge organization are responsibility of the Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy (University of Zagreb). This particular work field of the entire TEMPUS project, under the title i2, is identified to have specific goals, objectives and problems.

Within TEMPUS project academic and research staff in the Department of Information Sciences plans to develop more sustainable and flexible curriculum that will change the profile of the future information professionals and ensure steady and permanent development of skills and expertise in knowledge organization and collection management. Open access to information and distributed and heterogeneous information resources on the Internet and intranets have created a greater need in information and knowledge organization expertise that will solve the problem of resource presentation and discovery in the content management system, or in particular learning management system, information gateways, portals and hubs. Semantic web development emphasises again the need for knowledge organization tools and controlled vocabularies. Knowledge management is another area in which expertise in information organization can be successfuly deployed. Mangement and presentation of museum collections is yet another big area that asks for more expertise in both, information rganization tools and information technology.

These are the issues that i2 shares and recognizes to have common ground between Depatment of Information Science at the University of Zagreb and our European partner City University London, South Bank University and Amsterdasmse Hogenschools voor de Kinsten. In cooperation with these three universities i2 will attempt to develop a curriculum in the field of information and knowledge organziation that will enable the following:

1) The possibility to design and structure the courses in a way that they will become more attractive and more compatible with other programmes of study in the Department. This will mean: better structured courses separting profession specific from fundamental issues of information and knowledge organization. These courses would be then sutiable for the courses of Librarianship, Archival Studies, Museum Studies, but also to the students of informatics

2) Different organization of courses with explicit modularity to enable faster adaptation to different programmes of study: part time, distant learning courses, special purpose courses (e.g. knowledge organization in commerce industry, thesaurus in museum collection management etc.)

3) Logical and standardized organization of the course delivery and course materials that will enable automation of course administration and easy implementation of learning management systems and digitisation of learning material

4) Establishing procedures and criteria in course design, management and delivery that will enable easy induction of new staff and better quality control and teaching quality assessment

The course development and restructuring in i2 will be guided by the 8 group activities defined for the entire TEMPUS project plan and according to the planned exchange of expertise with European Universities. The actual work in the department is organized and wil be managed in the period of 36 months through the following workplan:

i2 Work Packages

Description Deliverables
WP1 Project management D1, D2, D14
WP2 Requirements and Specifications for Course Development D3
WP3 Content Development D4
WP4 Reorganization of Course Delivery D5
WP5 Course Material Development D6, D7
WP6 Marking, Evaluation and Exam Procedure D8
WP7 Course Assignements Procedures D9
WP8 Supervision, Tutorials, Communication with Students, Feedback D10
WP9 Evaluation TEMPUS/i2 D11, D12
WP10 Dissemination D13


i2 Deliverables

Description WP Responsibility
D1 Workplan WP1 Aida Slavic
D2 Handbook WP1 Aida Slavic
Mihaela Banek
D3 Requirements and specifications for course development WP2

Mihaela Banek
Zarka Vujic

D4 Content expansion and improvement plan WP3

Jadranka Lasic-Lazic
Zarka Vujic

D5 Plan for course delivery change WP4 Hrvoje Stancic
D6 Specification for course material organization and formatting WP5

Goran Zlodi
Hrvoje Stancic

D7 Digitization and course material template preparation WP5

Goran Zlodi
Hrvoje Stancic

D8 Specifications and guidelines for marking, evaluation and exam procedures WP6 Hrvoje Stancic
D9 Specification and guidelines for assignements and coursework procedures WP7 Mihaela Banek
D10 Supervision, tutorials and feedback evaluation guidelines WP8 Zarka Vujic
D11 Evaluation Plan WP9

Aida Slavic
Mihaela Banek

D12 Evaluation Report WP9 Aida Slavic
D13 Dissemination Plan WP10 Aida Slavic
Zarka Vujic
D14 Final Report WP1 Aida Slavic


i2 Milestones

Description Month
M1 Project Management Established, Workplan agreed 4
M2 Definition of Targeted Developments Curriculum Areas 3
M3 Definition of areas for the input of European Partners and establishing the plan of visits 6
M4 Definition of Content expansion 12
M5 Course material structuring plan 18
M6 Implementation of a new course delivery 24
M7 Implementation of a new assignment and marking procedure 30
M8 Project final report delivered 36
Aspects of Organization and Information Systems: Curriculum Development
[main project site]
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