Gordon Dunshire
Research & Projects Manager
Napier University Learning Information
Sighthill Court, Edinburgh EH11 4BN
Tel.: 0131 455 3427
Fax: 0131 455 3428
Email: g.dunsire@napier.ac.uk
Access and interoperability
issues in networked cataloguing
(Power Point)
This session will present a number of
issues affect the efficiency and
effectiveness of access to networked
electronic information resources, and the
interoperability of networked metadata
and catalogue records associated with
non-networked or non-electronic
resources. Issues to be discussed
include: aspects of creation, management
and maintenance of the content of
networked electronic information objects
(EIOs) which affect access; issues in the
social, political and legal environment;
technical barriers to access and
interoperability; and problems caused by
bibliographic cataloguing and metadata
creation. There is considerable
cross-influence between the various
issues, but the session will focus on the
bibliographic area. Specific topics in
cataloguing websites, electronic texts,
and other EIOs will be discussed,
including adaptation of the MARC
standard, the role of Dublin Core,
non-standard legacy data, and index
mapping and record display problems.
Various projects to identify and resolve
specific issues will be described,
including up-to-the-minute information
from the new Scottish Parliament's
'Digital Scotland' framework; these
include CAIRNS (Co-operative Academic
Information Retrieval Network for
Scotland), SCONE (Scottish Collections
Network Extension), SLAINTE (Scottish
Libraries Across the Internet), the two
CATRIONA (Cataloguing and Retrieval of
Information over Networks Applications)
projects, SAGIA (Scottish Library and
Information Council Advisory Group on
Interoperability and Access), and PAIRTS
(Public Access to Information, Research
and Teaching in Scotland). Further
information can be found at URL: http://www.slainte.org.uk/Pairts/pairts.htm
Relevant links:
Cataloguing electronic resources for
maximum interoperability;
Cataloguing issues affecting
interoperability in the CAIRNS project;
CAIRNS in Scotland: a false-drop in the
ocean of stuff?
Sanda Erdelez
Assistant Professor
The Graduate School of Library and
Information Science
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Email: serdelez@gslis.utexas.edu
content on the Internet
When deciding about providing
content on the Internet, especially the
Web, information organizations need to be
familiar with three critical groups of
- Who is the intended
user population,
- What are the unique
features of the content that is
provided and,
- How to ensure the
quality of the content. These
issues will provide the framework
for the session on
"Providing Content".
The specific topics to be covered
Deciding about the
content that needs to be provided on
the Internet :
- Understanding
users' information needs
- Access
capabilities of the intended
user population.
The types of content
that can be presented on the
- Examples
of conversions: from
historical materials and
subject specific contents to
kinds of information that
have no analogues in the
physical world
- In
house developed content vs.
content developed by others
- Transferring
online public access catalogs
(OPACs) on the Internet for
wider public use (examples of
cooperative library networks
and association with academic
Ensuring the quality
of the content:
The evaluation
model for selection and creation
of content on the Internet with
focus on: stablishing authority,
accuracy, objectivity, currency,
and coverage.
links for this outline
information behaviour
information course
(username: user password: BIT)
Robert M. Hayes
Professor Emeritus
University of California, Los Angeles
The economics of digital libraries: an
paper will review the results presented
during two conferences held in Dubrovnik
in May 1999: the COLIS 3 Conference and
the Electronic Journalism Conference. It
will update those results with data
primarily related to developments from
and about the Internet during the year
since those presentations. As before, the
paper presents an exploratory,
speculative, and largely descriptive
analysis of the economics of digital
libraries. It first provides a definition
of the concept of digital libraries. It
reviews the sources for them and briefly
discusses their economic properties. It
then provides an analysis of the
microeconomics of various forms of
publications (including books,
periodicals, databases, multi-media, and
software). For each, capital costs and
distribution costs are estimated for
alternative means for distribution, with
special emphasis on the Internet and
World Wide Web. It concludes with a
review of the sources of income to
support those costs and with discussion
of issues related to pricing.
brief outline, the following are the
topics that will be covered:
- Definition
of "Digital Libraries"
- Sources
of Digital Libraries
- Economic
Properties of Digital Libraries
- Cheaply
- Value
Increases with Accumulation.
- Self-Generating.
- Costs
Independent of Scale of
- The
Capital Cost in Creating Digital
- Digital
Libraries of Books.
- Digital
Libraries of Popular Journals.
- Digital
Libraries of Scholarly Journals.
- Digital
Libraries of Retrospective Books
& Journals.
- Digital
Libraries of Databases.
- Digital
Libraries of Software.
- Digital
Libraries of Multi-Media.
- The
Operating Costs in Distributing
Digital Libraries
- Distributors
& Retail Outlets.
- Digital
Libraries in Academic, Research,
& Public Libraries.
- The
Internet And The World Wide Web.
- The
Income from Digital Libraries to
the Producers
- Books
And Popular Journals.
- Scholarly
- Other
Forms of Publication.
- Summary
Erda Lapp
Gebäude UB 6/17-18
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum, Germany
Tel.: ++234 700-2350/2551
Fax: ++234 7094-736
Email: erda.lapp@ruhr-uni.bochum.de
From collection building to
resource management: the end of the old
As Internet changed scientific
information and communication, research,
teaching and learning, the new
information technology world demands new
models and changing of the library's
tasks. Collection management is becoming
resource management and providing printed
and electronic information attended by
information services is becoming
increasingly complex. Thus, resource
management and cooperative use of
collections is becoming a realistic
option in a networked world. Integrated
information, integrated systems,
retrospective digitization and
preservation issues as well as network
building and managing and lobbyying are
changing known structures and call for
new answers to general and specific
problems. The paper will also discuss
effect on the new paradigm on the
organization of the library, with some
examples from the Bochum University
Marta Mestrovic Deyrup
Building an online Slavic and
East European collection: mining the Web,
character set issues and Web OPAC
display, the cataloguing of multimedia
formats (Power
Tefko Saracevic
Ph.D., Professor II
School of Communication, Information and
Library Studies
Rutgers University
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08903 U.S.A.
Tel.: (732)932-8017 Fax: (732)932-2644
Email: tefko@scils.rutgers.edu
Evaluation and metrics related
to digital libraries and resources
(Power Point 97)
While there are great many digital
libraries being developed and used
worldwide, and there are many research
projects on digital libraries, there was
little effort devoted to their
evaluation, or to the metrics describing
their essential characteristics. Yet
evaluation is a most important component
in assessment of their performance, and
in making possible improvements and
metrics are important to provide for
general descriptions on basis of which
some comparison could be done. The
reasons for the lack of evaluation are
discussed. A system approach is taken in
presenting the key elements involved in
evaluation of performance. A set of
criteria representing objectives are
presented; determination of criteria (or
what is to be evaluated) is necessary as
a starting point of any evaluation.
Following are measures reflecting
criteria; possible measures for various
criteria are discussed. Next are
measuring instruments that are used to
reflect the measures; instruments,
particularly as used in surveys are
presented. And finally are methodologies
used to collect and analyze data based on
the previous; a number of pragmatic
methodologies are summarized. Social,
institutional, and individual levels of
evaluation are presented, as requiring
very different approaches. Evaluation and
metrics of digital resources and
libraries is compared to evaluation of
traditional libraries.
Relevant links
for this outline
Marchionini, G.;
Plaisant, C.; & Komlodi, A. (in press)
The people in digital
libraries: Multifaceted approaches to
assessing needs and impact.
Chapter in Bishop, A. Buttenfield, B.
& VanHouse, N. (Eds.) Digital library
use: Social practice in design and
evaluation. MIT Press. (http://ils.unc.edu/~march/revision.pdf)
Tefko Saracevic,
Ph.D.;Lisa Covi, Ph.D.
Challenges for Digital Library
Evaluation (Power Point 97) (asis_2000_text3.doc)
Tefko Saracevic
Information jungle on the
web (Power Point 97)
Informaciona zbrka
na webu (Power Point 97) (Croatian
Jadranka Stojanovski
Ruder Bokovic Institute
Bijenicka c. 54, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel.: ++385 1 4560 929
Fax: ++385 1 4561 095
Email: jadranka@nippur.irb.hr
Effects of electronic
pre-print archives on scholarly physics
electronic journal publishing
A set of automated electronic archives of
research information that have been
operational in many fields of physics and
some related disciplines has been
developed. On the other hand the most
important field of scholarly publishing
at the present - electronic journal
publishing - is strongly affected by
these archives in the field of physics
and a new vision of scientific publishing
is emerging. Spread electronic
communication, supported by such well
organised electronic archives, has
created new ways to distribute the
results of scientific research and is
forcing scientist and publishers to
reassess the old procedures and consider
new possibilities. Some initiatives as
The Open
Archives initiative (OAi) promotes a
complete transformation of scholarly
communication model. The development of
this new concept of scientific publishing
is slow down by the fact that researchers
still are under constant pressure to
publish traditionally for getting direct
financial remuneration in the form of
royalties, rather then write primarily to
communicate information for the
advancement of knowledge.
Robert M. Hayes
Professor Emeritus
University of California, Los Angeles
- The library planning model
LPM is an Excel spreadsheet-based
computer program that provides means for
estimating staff, materials, facilities,
and associated costs needed to handle
workloads for typical services and
internal operations in an academic
library. LPM provides means to:
- Input
data measuring the workload for a
given context of analysis
- Derive
workloads from underlying
contextual information
- Generate
estimates of staff and associated
- Determine
distributions of staff among
various operations and services
- Determine
needs for facilities to serve
users, store materials, and
accommodate staff
- Modify
any of the factors by which LPM
determines staff, facilities, or
which will be covered:
Menu - Manage the current LPM
Menu - Perform simple edits on
Menu - Change the appearance of
the screen
ENTRY Menu - Enter data into LPM
Menu - View results from LPM
Menu - Modify LPM
Menu - Look at larger contexts
Menu - Apply LPM simultaneously
to a number of cases
Menu - Get help concerning LPM
- Potential
- Alternative
Patterns of Use or Processing
- Changes
in Workload Factors
- Administrative
- The
Matrix Structure of LPM
- The
Measurement of Workloads
- Workload
Factors in Estimating Staff and
- Indirect
- General
Management & Central
- Facilities
- Queuing
- Library
- Library
Administrative Structure
- Allocation
- Institutional
- Sources
of Information
- Information
- Cooperative
Arrangements among Libraries
- Bibliographic
- National
Information Policies
- Assumptions
in LPM
- Spreadsheet
Structure in LPM
- Calculations
in LPM
- Parameters
in LPM
