

Libraries and information
systems everywhere are increasingly and
greatly affected in all of their
functions by the rapid evolution of the
digital age. While the growing Global
Information Infrastructure (GII), and the
Internet in particular, greatly enhances
access to a variety of information
resources, it also provides for many new
and complex challenges and problems for
libraries and information systems. Not
only their processes and services but
even their very mission and role is
changing. For librarians and information
professionals the digital age also brings
a need for a constant update of their
professional knowledge and competencies.
The general issue is ensuring an
effective and efficient flow of
information from the generators to users
of information in the digital
environment. This is a complex
communication chain with libraries and
information systems playing an important,
even critical role. This role brings also
a number of new requirements. Due to the
complexity of these requirements it is no
longer possible for information
specialists to act without being
continuously abreast of new methods and
techniques and without being informed
regularly about new trends and
The aim of the course is to address the
changing and challenging environment for
libraries and information systems and
services in the digital age, with an
emphasis on examining contemporary
problems, advances and solutions. The
course is oriented toward professionals
and researchers in librarianship,
information science, and informatics, as
well as from other disciplines interested
in this topic.
The course will bring together well-known
experts from around the world for
lectures, discussions, and
demonstrations. Among others, the topics
covered will include concepts, methods,
techniques, and research advances related
to a variety of aspects of digital
libraries; selection, organization and
representation of digital resources;
information networks; networked
cooperation; services; access, users, and
use; and the role and use of the
The participants are encouraged to bring
their own problems, situations, and
solution to involve in discussions.
