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Naziv kolegija: Nineteenth-Century American Short Fiction







Undergraduate Elective

Nineteenth-Century American Short Fiction

Prof. Charles L. Crow

Thursday 11:45-12:30, D-5

Friday 2:45-4:15, A-123


Course requirements: regular attendance, and readings completed before class discussions.  Two short essays of approximately 1000-1250 words each.  Final examination.

 Note 1:  I welcome enthusiastic class discussion, including constructive disagreement, and conversations continued after class, in my office, and by e-mail.

 Note 2:  There may be some modification of this syllabus after the pace of the class is established.

 Note 3:  Most of these stories are available on the internet.  In some cases it may be necessary to provide a copy for duplication.


Week 1.  8-9 March


Introductions.  Overview of periods, issues in 19th century American literature and culture.  A few American paintings shown to illustrate trends and themes.  Two brief folk tales from non-white cultures represent voices to be heard later in the semester.


Charles Brockden Brown, "Somnambulism"

Washington Irving, “Rip van Winkle”


Week 2: 15-16 March


                The “Dark Romantics” and their quarrel with Emerson.

                E. A. Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado,” “Hop Frog.

                Nathanael Hawthorne, "Alice Doan's Appeal." “Young Goodman Brown.”


Week 3:  22-23 March


                   From Romanticism to Realism

                   Herman Melville, “The Bell Tower,” "Bartleby the Scrivener"

                   Rebecca Harding Davis, “Life in the Iron Mills”


Week 4: 29-30 March


                   Harriet Prescott Spofford, “Circumstance”

S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain) “A True Story,” selection from “Old Times on the Mississippi." "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg"

Week 5: 5-6 April


                   Two anti-war stories by realist masters.

                   Mark Twain, "The War Prayer"

                   W. D. Howells, “Editha”

                   Note: April 6 is Good Friday


Week 6: 12-13 April


                   The "American Girl" and women's regional realism

                   Henry James, “A Bundle of Letters”

M. E. Wilkins Freeman. “The Revolt of Mother,’ “A Church Mouse”


Week 7:  19-20 April


                   Regional realism, continued

                    Sarah Orne Jewett, “A White Heron,” “The Foreigner,”  "The Circus at Denby."

Joel Chandler Harris, “The Wonderful Tar Baby,” "How Mr. Rabbit was too Sharp for Mr. Fox."


Week 8:  26-27 April


                   Race and the South

Charles Chesnutt, “The Passing of Grandison” “The Sheriff’s Children,” “The Dumb Witness”

                   Paul Laurence Dunbar, “The Lynching of Jube Benson”


Week 9:  3-4 May


                   Race and the South, continued

                   Alice Dunbar Nelson, “Sister Josepha”

                   Grace King, “The Little Convent Girl”

                   George Washington Cable, "Jean-Ah Poquelin"


Week 10:  10-11 May


Kate Chopin's Louisiana: 

"Désirée’s Baby,"  "The Story of an Hour," "The Storm," "A Pair of Silk Stockings," "A Respectable Woman," "A Gentleman of Bayou Teche."


Week 11:  17-18 May


                   Naturalism and beyond.

                   Frank Norris, "A Deal in Wheat"

                   Stephen Crane, “The Monster”

                   Jack London, “To Build a Fire,” “South of the Slot”


Week 12:  24-25 May


                   Willa Cather's Nebraska:

                   “Old Mrs. Harris,” “Neighbor Rosicky”


Week 13: 31 May-1 June


                   A feminist classic and a new voice.

                   Charlotte Perkin's Gilman, "The Yellow Wall-Paper"

                   John M. Oskison, "The Problem of Old Harjo”


Week 14: 7-8 June


                   Thursday is Corpus Christi

                   Theodore Dreiser, “Typhoon”